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Promoting Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities through Vocational Skills Training in Fiji.(TVET) An overview of experiences and approaches.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities through Vocational Skills Training in Fiji.(TVET) An overview of experiences and approaches."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities through Vocational Skills Training in Fiji.(TVET) An overview of experiences and approaches

2 VOCATIONAL INCLUSION Promoting positive attitudes is crucial to the success of vocational inclusion of persons with disabilities 1.Vocational education and training is a main key for people with disabilities to become self-reliant 2.It widens the opportunities for them to find a job which fits with their talents and preferences 3.It provides them with skills to make progress in their life 4.For disabled people, vocational training should be promoted to be part of a complete rehabilitation program that preferably takes place within their own community.

3 FIJI VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL TRAINING FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILTIES FVTTCPD is under the Ownership and Management of the Fiji National Council for Disable Persons (FNCDP The centre was first established in 1979 by the Fiji Rehabilitation Council to provide vocational training for students with special needs. The program was initiated by Mr Frank Hilton with the assistance of International Labour Organisation, the Japanese Government and the continuous support of the Australian Government.(AUSAID) The centre was registered with the Ministry of Education in 1999 to offer fee free, competency-based, integrated, modularised TVET in the areas of: Catering, Sewing, Joinery, Book binding, Printing, Agriculture and Computing and also to operate a sheltered workshop

4 FIJI VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL TRAINING FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILTIES Motto: “Ability shines VISION: To provide Vocational Technical Training for persons with disabilities which enables them to develop and strengthen their competency skills to enable full participation in the workforce or livelihood opportunities. MISSION: To enhance the live hoods of PWDs through TVET to strengthen their productive capacities, improving their employability and facilitating income- generation activities.

5 FVTTCPD is implementing the following: Competency Based (CBT) curriculum and assessment Work readiness and employability skills program Literacy and numeracy support for trainees within each learning program. This is to ensure that the learning program meets the needs of the trainees RESOURCE CENTRE

6 Vocational training program: Bookbinding To let the trainees learn book maintenance and book repair skills and learn the skills of (books hard cover work) for commercial customers such as USP Library.

7 Vocational training program: CARPENTRY & JOINERY Woodwork: To assist the trainees in acquiring knowledge and skills in building constructions and furniture making, workshop safety, usage of hand tools and machines.

8 Vocational training program: Agriculture/Horticulture Competency Based (CBT) curriculum and assessment To let the trainees learn the basic agriculture/horticulture, farming and gardening skills,like: tool handing, soil preparation, watering and use of manure etc.

9 Sheltered Workshop In this section, trainees with severe disabilities are trained with independent living skills, motor skills

10 Community Outreach Program Youths With Disabilities Training In Labasa

11 Community Outreach Program Work with District Committee (DISCOM)to identify needs and training to be carried out DISCOM - TAVEUNI DISCOM - SIGATOKA DISCOM - TAVUA DISCOM - BA DISCOM - RAKIRAKI

12 Commercial Training Sanitary Pad Production of sanitary pad : workplace set up

13 Commercial Training Sanitary Pad Production of sanitary pad : workplace set up

14 Commercial Training FNU- Course: Clothing and Textile Basic of Fashion Design : workplace set up

15 Commercial Training Clothing and Textile Basic of Fashion Design : workplace set up

16 Commercial Training COMPUTER IT NETWORKING Basic of computer course : workplace set up


18 “ Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort ” Paul J. Meyer “ The result of planning should be effective, efficient and economical ….that is suitable for the intended purpose, capable of producing the desired results and involving the least investment of resources ” Clark Crouch

19 Attitudes towards disability It is very crucial to promote positive attitudes for people with disabilities to be success in life By understanding why some people have negative attitudes and learning how to positively influence them, positive change can start to occur. Rather than asking ‘Why should I include?’ you should ask, How can I include?’

20 People with disabilities are often excluded in work, because of ignorance and prejudice of society. Majority of people with disabilities does not have access to higher education or jobs because of the physical barriers that they experience in life which often linked to negative or poor attitude related to disability. These attitudes are often based on lack of experince,education and understanding Attitudes are reflected in how a person acts, responds and behave around someone with a disability. Human dignity belongs to all and is to be shared by all equally

21 “Ability Shines” Persons with disabilities have equal rights to work and gain a living. (UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)

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