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GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment) 8,000 total particles from 8 locations Random windage: low to high Known winds and currents Where.

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Presentation on theme: "GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment) 8,000 total particles from 8 locations Random windage: low to high Known winds and currents Where."— Presentation transcript:

1 GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment) 8,000 total particles from 8 locations Random windage: low to high Known winds and currents Where debris may be NOW These do NOT represent fields/patches of debris Area contains 95% of all simulated particles Area with highest concentration of simulated debris with low windage Model components

2 GNOME Results: Higher windage particles approached west coast of North America in fall/winter 2011/2012 High and medium windage particles continued to come ashore in AK, WA, OR, NorCal into spring/early summer 2012 Summer pattern moves particles south and offshore Lower windage particles in area north of HI Future Outlook: Anticipate that in late fall/winter, seasonal variations in winds and currents will bring additional debris on- shore in West Coast and AK Intermittent and scattered GNOME (General NOAA Operational Modeling Environment)

3 Sightings and Satellite Detection Credit: HURL ~ 1,400 reports 15 confirmed items

4 Invasive Species Product of August 2012 workshop Japan Tsunami Marine Debris Taxonomic Expert Team (J- TAT) for analysis of photos and recommended action (if any) Document posted at

5 Hawaii Contingency planning: – HI Federal interagency plan is complete – Federal, State and local agencies working together to compile existing plans into overarching contingency plan – NWHI contingency plan will be included as appendix to the Monuments EMR plan Increase in high windage debris items near main Hawaiian Islands since mid-September – 18 Sept: 4' x 4' blue plastic storage bin (seafood transport) – 19 Sept: 30' x 50' floating dock – 29 Sept: 20' skiff – 5 Oct: 10' x 20' yellow mooring buoy California JTMD Concept of Operations document in Sacramento for final approval (Cal EMA) No confirmed debris items Contingency Planning

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