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Week 9-Trees Evergreen/Deciduous. Leyland Cypress X Cupressocyparis leylandii Height: 100’ Spread: 12-17’ Scale leaves Sun Used as a border or screen.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 9-Trees Evergreen/Deciduous. Leyland Cypress X Cupressocyparis leylandii Height: 100’ Spread: 12-17’ Scale leaves Sun Used as a border or screen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 9-Trees Evergreen/Deciduous

2 Leyland Cypress X Cupressocyparis leylandii Height: 100’ Spread: 12-17’ Scale leaves Sun Used as a border or screen Grows into a narrow pyramid Shallow roots Dead Zone


4 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora Height: 40-60’ Spread: 25-30’ Shiny, stiff leaves with brown undersides Flower: White, 10 inches wide Sun-Part Shade

5 Flowering Crabapple Malus sp. Height: 15-25’ Spread: 10-20’ White to rose colored flowers in April Serrated leaves Crabapples in mid summer Sun

6 Eastern White Pine Pinus strobus Height: 80-100’ Spread: 30-40’ 5 needles per facisle and white line underneath Fruit: Cone Sun

7 London Plane Tree Platnus x acerifolia Height: 70-100’ Spread: 65-80’ 3-5 lobes dark green leaves; yellow brown in fall Peeling bark Sun-Part shade

8 Japanese Flowering Cherry Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ Height: 15-25’ Spread: 15-20’ Small serrated hairs on margin White-pink single and double flowers in April and May Sun-Part shade

9 Bradford Pear Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’ Height: 20-40’ Spread: 20-30’ Ovate, wavy leaves ¼” Bitter pear Sun Weak crotches ‘Cleveland’ new variety

10 Water Oak Quercus nigra Height: 50-70’ Spread: 30-40’ Rounded at bottom like a water droplet or ducks foot Fruit: Acorn Sun-Part shade

11 Pin Oak Quercus palustris Height: 60-80’ Spread: 40-50’ Leaves have u- shaped lobes Fruit: Acorn Good for large open areas Sun-part shade

12 Willow Oak Quercus phellos Height: 60-80’ Spread: 30-40’ Linear leaves Fruit: Acorn Good shade tree Sun

13 Southern Red Oak Quercus falcata Height: 70-80’ Spread: 40-50’ 5-7 lobes with dark green above and grayish green to brown below Fruit: Acorn Sun

14 Zelkova Zelkova serrata Height: 50-80’ Spread: 20-30’ Serrated, elliptical leaf Small drupe fruit Sun

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