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A Christmas Carol Coursework. How and why does Scrooge’s character change throughout the book “A Christmas Carol”?

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Presentation on theme: "A Christmas Carol Coursework. How and why does Scrooge’s character change throughout the book “A Christmas Carol”?"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Christmas Carol Coursework

2 How and why does Scrooge’s character change throughout the book “A Christmas Carol”?

3 Analyzing the question Scrooge’s character How does it change? Why does it change?

4 Scrooge’s character at the start What is it like at the start? What does he: think, believe, do? How does he spend his time? What does he like to do most?

5 How does it change?

6 What happens to make it change?

7 Being visited by four ghosts has an impact on Scrooge. Why? What do they show him? What he was and why he was like that. Who he cared about then. Good people he knew. What he missed out on. The lost chance of a family What he’s missing out on. A family through his nephew and friendship with Bob. Making a difference in someone’s life What will happen if he doesn’t change. People will die. He will die and no one will care Essentially how love is important in life. Social responsibility.

8 Scrooge’s character at the end What is it like at the end? What does he: think, believe, do? How does he spend his time? What does he like to do most?

9 Opening paragraph Will explore how Scrooge changes Talk about the transformation of Scrooge. During the course of the book he is given a chance to see the consequences of his actions and there is a change as a result.

10 Second paragraph + Describe what Scrooge is like at the start of the book. (Include quotes as evidence) Mention his attitude to: Christmas – quote Fred – quote The poor – quote Say how comfortable he is with himself and how arrogant he is. Explore the language Dickens uses to get this across – does he use nice words or harsh ones? Does he use metaphors or repetition?

11 Adding context – middle paras Mention why Dickens was writing this story. What Victorian England was like.

12 Next paragraph Explore how Scrooge starts to change Look at the conversation with the first ghost after the Fezziwig party and his comments about Fan and his father as well as his reaction to Belle’s family. His conversation about the poor with the second ghost. The symbolism of “Ignorance and Want” and their impact. The impact of the third ghost and the vision of his own grave.

13 The final transformation Talk about Scrooge the morning after He is a man reborn, reinvigorated with life and a new reason to live. Show evidence of this. (eg How he treats the boy, then Fred and then Bob) When you mention his actions quote from the text.

14 Conclusions Mention how Scrooge undergoes a dramatic character reconstruction at the hands of three ghosts introduced by his old friend Jacob Marley. He is afforded a second chance through this warning and because he is a clever man with a skill for self preservation he sees the sense in it and is transformed. In short he changes his stance on life but is not an unrecognisable man. His strengths resurface to save him.

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