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Confirmation let’s shake things up! Teri Chalker

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Presentation on theme: "Confirmation let’s shake things up! Teri Chalker"— Presentation transcript:

1 Confirmation let’s shake things up! Teri Chalker 913-544-0287

2 Who I am? Why I do what I do? What about you?

3 Kevin McClain- Prosper United Methodist Church- TX

4 Mission of Ministry Shift What is your Mission? “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, ‘plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

5 Change is the only constant 7 th to 8 th grade 2 half time sessions to one session To change you need: Research/data support Personal stories Someone in your corner PRAYER and TRUST

6 What is Confirmation? The word confirm means, “to make (something) stronger or more certain : to cause (someone) to believe (something) more strongly.” Not just about what is learned, but how it’s learned. As much about changing the heart as it is about changing the head. A place where students can discover who Jesus is to them and what faith looks like in their lives.

7 The Basics: Sundays: Sept. 25 th -Feb. 26 th - 12 class sessions, 4 experience weeks 8th-12th grades Fees & Scholarships Small groups have 3 mentors plus a junior mentor Socials- small and large group Mission

8 Format  10:30-11:20—Large Group time-Worship, apostles creed, litany, Lords prayer, Message, announcements Speakers found at:  11:30-12:15—Small Group time/Dismiss

9 Why use Mentors?  Mark DeVries in his book Sustainable Youth Ministry shares that, “4 to 6 is the amount of teenagers that an adult can know intimately in a spiritual mentor type role.”  3 Lay leaders per small group  Some every year and some parents  Trained & encouraged  Follow up with students after confirmation

10 It’s about relationships! “40 percent to 50 percent of all youth group graduates fail to stick with their faith or connect with a faith community after high school.” Barna

11 Let’s Hear From a Mentor!

12 Requirements  Acolyte or usher 3 services  Can not miss more than 4  Attendance at kick-off, retreat and ceremony is mandatory  One outside activity  Must be baptized  Mission

13 Curriculum – How and Why  Where does it come from?  Video, interactive, fun, experience weeks  Mentor, Student and Parent Guide  Compass points  Student AND parent homework

14 Thoughts …  Parents know their children better than we do.  Parents have more “teachable moments” with their children.  The course of daily life is the primary classroom for faith exploration, testing and practice.

15 Rick Lawrence – “Nothing has more power to influence a teenager’s life – for good or ill – than home and family. Every youth ministry hour spent equipping parents to nurture faith in their teenagers is like giving money to public television: Your gift is almost always doubled by a matching grant. Parents will always out influence even a great youth leader”

16 Parent Student Kick Off  Mandatory  Receive Student and Parent guides  Students receive Bibles  Introduce worship  What is Confirmation?  Introduce Mission Component  Parents hear same information, fill out forms, meet mentors, sign up to help.  Meet small groups and mentors.

17 Weekly Schedule Student Parent kick off God and the Old Testament Who is Jesus? Who is the Holy Spirit? Sin and Salvation Exp. Week: Attend church together The Bible What is a Christian? Prayer and Spiritual Disciplines The Gifts of Christmas What is United Methodist? Exp. Week: visit another UM Church What does it mean to serve? Exp. Week: Q and A Sharing Faith with others Exp. Week: Prayer walk/Game show

18 Friday night 5:30-10:30 at church. Mandatory Practice for Ceremony Share a meal together Stations of the Cross One on Ones Parent letter T-shirts Retreat Worship, room atmosphere different Who speaks? Invitation to Ministry Invitation to small group Video of our time together Communion with Mentors Parents invited to attend

19 The Ceremony  On a Sunday afternoon  Mixture of tradition and contemporary  Students read scripture  Recite Apostles Creed  Mentors announce names and help confirm  Pictures a personal touch  Punch and cookies  Gifts

20 “I used to be afraid of failing at something that really mattered to me, but now I'm more afraid of succeeding at things that don't matter.” - Bob Goff, Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World

21 Q&A and Sharing of Ideas

22 Jesus will equip you for what lies ahead, “I’m sure about this: the one who started a good work in you will stay with you to complete the job by the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

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