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Peace Peace is being able to enjoy basic human rights without fear. Justice Getting what you deserve. Most people agree that everyone deserves basic things.

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Presentation on theme: "Peace Peace is being able to enjoy basic human rights without fear. Justice Getting what you deserve. Most people agree that everyone deserves basic things."— Presentation transcript:


2 Peace Peace is being able to enjoy basic human rights without fear. Justice Getting what you deserve. Most people agree that everyone deserves basic things like life, freedom, and safety from harm Sanctity of Life Christians believe that things like ‘life’ are gifts from God.

3 IRENA SENDLER Roman Catholic, Polish Social Worker who saved 2,500 Jewish children during World War 2 Carried the children out hidden in bags, sacks and boxes Trained her dog to bark when he saw a German officer so as to drown out the noise of the hidden children Wrote down the names of the children and burried them in a jar. Was arrested and beaten by the Gestapo but refused to tell them where she had placed the Jewish children UNITED NATION PEACEKEEPING TROOPS They try to keep the peace by protecting civillians during a conflict, making sure food and medical supplies get to the people who need them and overseeing elections to make sure that they are fair NATO A MILITARY organisation that tries to keep the peace by forming pacts with other countries so that if one is attacked, it is viewed as an attack on all NATO members. The idea behind this is that it should stop people attacking each other as they would not want to have to fight all of the NATO countries at once. THE RED CROSS Is a non-religious charity that helps victims of war by ensuring food and medical aid gets to those in need, finding civilians who have lost their homes somewhere to stay and ensuring prisoners of war are treated decently. It also campaigns for the removal of landmines which can maim and kill people.

4 WHAT IS IT? A war that is fought for God, those who are fighting believe that God is on their side. The Christian Crusades from the Middle Ages are an example of a ‘holy war’, the Pope believed that God would want Christians to reclaim the Holy Land (Jerusalem etc) from the Muslims who had been living there. Many Christian soldiers brutally murdered Muslim men, women and children in the name of God. AUTHORITY In the Bible it says BELIEF This suggests CONTEXT Therefore ‘Do not kill’It is wrong to take away life Some Christians would not agree with the idea of a holy war because they would not think that God wanted them to kill others for Him, as this would be breaking the rules that He himself gave them. ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ It is good to do things that bring about peace Some Christians would agree with a holy war if it were to protect them in practicing their faith as this would seen to be protecting peace; peace is considered to be the freedom to exercise basic human rights and the right to belong to a religion is one of these. A Christian might go to war to defend their religious beliefs, their country or to protect a weaker group or country from attack. A Christian’s motives will always be about bringing peace in the long run.

5 WHAT IS IT? A theory that attempts to justify and limit war. Mainly accredited to St Thomas Aquinas, a Christian philosopher. People remain undecided on whether all the criteria need to be met for a war to be considered ‘Just’, it may be appropriate in certain cases to allow some to be missed out. AUTHORITY In the Bible it says BELIEF This suggests CONTEXT Therefore ‘Do not kill’It is wrong to take away life Some Christians would not agree with the Just War theory because it only tries to restrict killing, it does not seek to stop it altogether ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ It is good to do things that bring about peace Some Christians would agree with the Just War theory because it only allows violence as a last resort and if it is to bring about peace

6 WHAT IS IT? The idea that all violence is wrong. As war involves violence, this therefore means that war is wrong too. BERT BROCKLESBY A Christian who believed that we should live our lives as Jesus would have done. He said that he could not imagine Jesus fighting and killing in a war and so believed it was wrong to do so. He also strongly believed in the Commandment ‘Do not kill’. Some pacifists during World War 1 were willing to serve in the army but not as soldiers, these men were often used as ambulance drivers, stretcher bearers and nurses QUAKERS A group of Christians that believe strongly in the idea that every person has the inner light of God inside them (‘The body is a temple of the holy spirit’). They are pacifists as they believe that to hurt another person, would be to hurt God. YESNO If everyone followed pacifism, there would be no violence or killing Values and respects all human life Somethings are worth fighting for and violence can sometimes be the only way to protect peace in the long run If all the Allied forced had refused to fight against Hitler, he would have won the war and the consequences would have been disasterous AUTHORITY In the Bible it says BELIEF This suggests CONTEXT Therefore ‘Do not kill’It is wrong to take away life Some Christians would support pacifism because it means that people are not putting themselves in the position of having to kill another person. ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ It is good to do things that bring about peace Some Christians would not support pacifism as they believe that sometimes violence is necessary to stop evil.

7 Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) ProliferationNuclear WeaponsChemical WeaponsBiological Weapons A weapon that can kill many people in one go. Many also severely damage the environment To spread and become more numerous, eg more countries getting more weapons Work by nuclear reaction, the radioactive fallout often kills more people than the original explosion Gases that cause choking, burning, paralysis and death Weapons that spread bacteria and viruses. American Soldier from 1945 David Cameron Hiroshima survivor AUTHORITY In the Bible it says BELIEF This suggests CONTEXT Therefore ‘Do not kill’It is wrong to take away life Christians would not approve of using nuclear weapons as they can kill thousands of people in one go. ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ That it is good to do things that bring about peace Christians might support having nuclear weapons as they put countries off attacking each other which maintains peace. Christians would only consider using them as a last resort to stop a greater loss of life and harm to the environment. AGAINST – they harm and kill innocent civillians AGAINST – they can destroy and contaminate the environment for decades FOR – having them will put other coutnries off attacking us, if we get rid of ours we will be an easy target for attack FOR – they can be used to end a war quickly and prevent loss of life in the future

8 TERRORIST Someone who uses or threaten to use violence to bring about change through causing fear. FREEDOM FIGHTER Someone who stands up against evil to protect the rights of either themselves or others YESNO A freedom fighter is only using violence to put right something that it already wrong Both ‘groups’ are using violence to get what they want FREEDOM FIGHTER Had tried peaceful methods but they did not work Was standing up against an evil system that was taking away people’s human rights TERRORIST Used violence to get what he wanted Responsible for the injury and death of hundreds of innocent people When fighting against a bigger evil enemy, it can be the only way to bring change It is never alright to hurt and kill the innocent AUTHORITY In the Bible it says BELIEF This suggests CONTEXT Therefore ‘Do not kill’It is wrong to take away life Terrorism is wrong because it often involves killing innocent people to cause fear ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ That it is good to do things that bring about peace Terrorism could perhaps be justified as a last resort to stop evil from happening and to bring peace in the long run

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