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National Nanofabrication Centre Centre for Nano Science and Engineering IISc, Bangalore, India Cleanroom Admin Committee Meeting Prabhakara Rao July 14.

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Presentation on theme: "National Nanofabrication Centre Centre for Nano Science and Engineering IISc, Bangalore, India Cleanroom Admin Committee Meeting Prabhakara Rao July 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Nanofabrication Centre Centre for Nano Science and Engineering IISc, Bangalore, India Cleanroom Admin Committee Meeting Prabhakara Rao July 14 th, 2016

2  April month charges o 175 Users - Total charges at a high of 33.5L o 26 NON-MITO users (Paid Users) - Total charges of 3.1L o 149 MITO084 users - Total charges of 30.4 L o 121 users from CeNSE - Total charges of 33.6 L CeNSE users charged 84% of total value Reports

3 DataMay- 15 June- 15 July- 15 Aug- 15 Sep- 15 Oct- 15 Nov-15Dec-15Jan-16Feb-16Mar-16 Total Users 110120103113122151179146169186177 MITO084 users 9195808793122159128149155151 Non- MITO Users 1925232629 2018203026 Total users from CeNSE 6360526164768590110117121 Total charges for MITO084 15.5 L 22.25 L 22.4 7 L 22.18 L 25.7 L 27.3 L 33.7 L22.6 L34.1 L36.7 L37.5 L Total charges for Paid users 1.86 L 2.5 L2.95 L 3.54 L4 L3L1.5 L1.9 L1.3 L2.9 L2.8 L

4 Reports DataApril- 16 Total Users 175 MITO084 users149 Non- MITO Users 26 Total users from CeNSE 121 Total charges for MITO084 30.4 L Total charges for Paid users 3.1 L

5 Minutes of the Last Meeting-31 st May,2016 Sl. NoAction ItemsAction By 1 1.Minutes of the Meeting are being uploaded in the twiki every month from now onwards it is decided to circulate to everyone via e-mail also. 2.Tool wait time has been discussed, based on that committee recommended to procure 2- E-beam lithography systems, 1- E-beam evaporation system with load lock. 3.Wish list needs to be updated - general items and tools needs to be separated. 4.Booked slots and cancelled slots are analyzed it was decided to seek explanation from each user who has cancelled 40% and above of the booked slots. 5.It was suggested to have rolling weekly FOM booking for the E beam litho systems and decided to try that. 6.Tools estimated lifetime, upgrades and replacement has to be enquired from the tool vendor. 7.Separate meeting has to be arranged with the Litho group with correct data of booking and cancellation. 8. The slots which are not being used by the booked users but being used by the some other users. Actual users are not being charged, has to be verified. All Managers

6 Dear Sir, I sincerely apologise for the slot cancellation in Raith Pioneer system. However, the cancellation of the slots were due to non availability of desired sample quality. We try our best to get quality samples, but often ended up with samples which could not be put for lithography. Looking for your kind cooperation Biswanath Chakraborty Sir, I had booked the slots with certain processes in mind, but could not meet the timeline. That is why I had to cancel the slots. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I will take care in future. Aneesh Dear Sir, Sorry I didn't notice "April" month. I have changed my design in April months but it was not coming proper so I have deleted whole week slot for doing simulation for that design again Prem Prakash Sir In April 2016, I had planned to fabricate devices by using Raith Pioneer but my deposition system went down in first week of the month. So, I had to cancel my slots. Since, the tool was repaired in second week, therefore I booked the Pioneer slots in third week. But, again I had to cancel myslots due to very low deposition rate in my deposition system. I apologize to NNFC committee for so many cancellation and assure that it will not be repeated in future. Manohar Lal Typical explanation given by the users for Raith systems slot cancellation

7 Typical explanation given by the users for DRIE slot cancellation Dear Sir/Madam, We tried to fabricate the first layer through lithography and then we goto the DRIE for the first layer. Similarly is the case for the second layer. I can only use the DRIE if I am successful in the first layer in lithography. The cancellations of DRIE slots are mainly due to the problems I faced in the lithography before going to the DRIE. Yours Sincerely, Gangadhar Dear NNFC, The DRIE slots for Si etch were cancelled due to Photolithography processstep failure for SiO2 (mask) etching. Regards, Jayaprakash Dear Sir\Ma'am, One slot was cancelled because of an urgent work. And 2-3 slots was cancelled because I did not find the carrier wafer (CW) in good condition. Later, Lavendra Mandyam,facility technologist DRIE asked me to use a personal CW. I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. With regards, Vinit Kumar

8 Typical explanation given by the users for RIE-Cl Slot cancellation Dear sir, I cancelled RIE-Cl slot because another slot was in parallel in lithography, so while booking RIE-Cl I forgot that of other slot. Thanking You, Regards: Garima Sharma Dear admin committee, I have cancelled couple of slots when I was not an independent user and the Facility Technologist was not there, as some where in holidays. Also most of the times, either in the pre process some process go wrong so I had to cancel the slots. Thanks Manabendra

9 Typical explanation given by the users for RIE-F Slot Cancellation Dear sir/ ma'am, I went through the user report for April and I understand that I have cancelled a few slots on the RIE machine. The reasons are due to the contamination concerns and some misunderstanding as stated below. The sample used for RIE-F is a silicon wafer with a coating of MgF2 and Chromium. Since metals are not allowed on the RIE- F machine, I had to do those runs on the RIE-Cl machine. On the RIE-Cl machine, 2/7 slots have been cancelled. Since Iower-estimated the time required for the whole process, I had to cancel these slots as I could fit in more samples in a single slot. The RIE etching time ranges from 20 seconds to 3 minutes for my samples will make sure that such mistakes will not be repeated in future. I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Regards Abhishek K A 1.The Fabrication process flow requires a plasma clean before PECVD Si3N4and SiO2 deposition. Since the contamination policy was implemented during April, I couldn't use the RIE-F slot (on the SiN and SiO2 deposited sample) which was planned before hand.2. The process flow requires optical lithography prior to RIE-F. i, there was problem with the developer, so did not post process(dry etch) it. ii, Due to some misalignment, I did not post process(dry etch)the wafer. Vadivu Dear All, I had planned some processes and booked the slots in advance. However, I could not complete the processes prior to etching in time. That is why, I had to cancel the slots. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I will take care in future. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Aneesh

10 Typical explanation given by the users for PECVD Slot cancellation Dear Sir, I apologize for the late reply. I was doing an optimization run for some substrates which later was supposed to be characterized with Raman. I had booked a series of slots according to my reservation on Raman equipment as it requires to be done as soon as possible after fabrication. Unfortunately the Raman slots were cancelled due to equipment installation and there was a miscommunication of the duration for the same. This led me to book slots in the following weeks of April as well as few slots in may. I had discussed my issues of cancellation of slots with Prof. Navakanta Bhat and Dr. Vijay Mishra. I hope the committee finds this explanation acceptable. Regards Deepak Hi, I don't remember, how many slots I have booked or cancelled in April 2016. It might be the case, when I have planned for PH3 plasma expose (Doping for MoS2). And I have raised a process request for the same. According to my plans, I was supposed to get MoS2 samples from some research groups at CeNSE or outside but things didn't work. Sorry for the inconveniences caused. I will plan things a better way from next time Thanks Sandeep Dear NNfC admin, I have booked five slots for PECVD in the month of April 2016 out of which I have cancelled two. I thought of doing trail runs on dummy samples because Silicon nitride film 200 nm on ITO was not good. Adithi was also aware of this issue. I booked a slot and later on, I cancelled as I couldn't accumulate samples and parallelly I was working on the cumulative process. Thank you Santhosh Kumar

11 Typical explanation given by the users for Sputter 1 Slot cancellation Dear Sir/Maam, This is with reference to your mail regarding Sputter 1 slots and cancellations. I needed to sputter ITO-150nm on 3 glass wafers. The facility technologist-Suresh told about the issues (more reflected power)in the tool due to which the deposition will not be proper. He told that they are dealing with machine and it may take one week time. So, I cancelled those slots and re-booked them again. Next time, he only cancelled my slot because the depositions were not happening properly and again I did booking and cancellation in accord to tool correction. Regards Shubhi Dear committee, I checked my FOM records and found that in the month of April there were >> cancellations, some of these slots are modified due to process failures (previous step didn't worked) and some are modified by tool owner due to some maintenance issue. During the process failures (Previous step issues) informed staff, cancelled well ahead and re booked for the next available time. To the best of my knowledge I didn't wasted any of the tool time. Thanks & best regards, vamsi Dear Admin, The following reason are, (1) Most of the slot was cancelled by on request only from the various user as they were needed the system very urgently at that moment. (2) It is also a reason that sometime any of preparation step does not work. And the entire sample preparation got failed. So preparation plan got destroyed. As the total preparation time of my sample is around 36 hours, so I was bound to cancel the remaining slot which is not going to use after failing the some preparation step. ---Sandip Mondal

12 Typical explanation given by the users for Ebeam evaporator Slot cancellation Hi, I had 2 slots on Techport e-beam in the month of April, I couldn't use one of them since the sample was not ready ( i don't remember the exact reasons since its beyond 2 months) so out of 2, I have cancelled one and used the other one. Regards, Preeti Dear Committee, I am a dependent user on e beam tool. I had booked the slots and modified them as per the convince of tool owner. I don't think I had misused or wasted any of the tool time. I do respect the tool and tool owner time judiciously. I just clarified the same with tool owner. Thanks & best regards, Vamsi Sorry for the inconvenience, but there is a valid reason for slot cancellation which are: 1.First time my process before E-beam Evaporator didn't completed. 2. Second time my samples (full wafer) got broken. In future I will try such cancellation doesn't happen. Thank You Vaibhav Rana

13 Typical explanation given by the users for Wet Bench Slot cancellation I cancelled the slots because of these reasons: 1) My samples were not ready on time. 2) My lithography process didn't turn out well (overdeveloped) and therefore I didn't need to use the wet benches for post-processing. 3) I had scheduling conflicts due to other work in my lab. Pls let me know if you need further clarifications. Thanks, Karthik

14 Penalty Points For May & June-2016 S.NoDateName Designatio n Prof. Departm ent Penalt y Points Cumula tive Points Remarks Suspension Status 1 9/5/20 16 Nithin BhandariStudentProf.KN BhatCeNSE1545 clean room access is suspended for a week from 9th May to 15th May 2016. 2 10/5/2 016 Nishanth Mehanatha nStudent Prof.Sushoban AvasthiCeNSE30 Using solvent bench L3 without booking,Not wearing Face shield 3 13/5/2 016 Preeti DespandeStudent Prof.Ambarish GhoshCeNSE15 No proper information regarding pre and post process 4 20/5/2 016 Rudra MukerjeeStudent Prof.Sushoban AvasthiCeNSE15 RCA cleaning in Level 0 wet bench today (13-05- 2016)between 1 to 2 pm. He did not turn off DI water and main power". 5 20/5/2 016 Manish SachdevaStudentProf.Saptashri BasuCeNSE15 violation of protocols at wet bench.

15 6 20/5/ 2016 Harish Sasi kumarStudent Prof Manoj varmaCeNSE15 violation of protocols at wet bench. 7 24/5/ 2016 Subhade epStudentProf A K SoodPhysics30 Brought substrates processed outside, you have not taken permission to bring inside cleanroom and these are not allowed as per contamination policy also. Cleanroom access has been suspended for a week from 24 th 30 th. 8 24/5/ 2016 Sandeep KumarStudent Prof Digbijoy NathCeNSE15 Violation of Protocols S.NoDateName Designati on Prof. Departm ent Penalty Points Cumulati ve Points Remarks Suspension Status

16 S.N o DateName Designati on Prof. Departm ent Penalty Points Cumulati ve Points Remarks Suspension Status 61 31/5/ 2016 Anisha KalraStudent Prof Digbijoy NathCeNSE15 Violation of Protocols 62 31/5/ 2016 Hareesh Chandra sekarGraduate Prof. Srinivasan Raghavan CeNSE 15 Violation of Protocols 63 31/5/ 2016 Lakshmi ganapat hyPost doc Prof Navakanta BhatCeNSE15 Violation of Protocols 64 17/06 /2016 Rudra Mukerje eStudent Prof.Sushob an AvasthiCeNSE3045 without slot booking did sample cleaning and spin coating in litho bay and did not cleaned the spin coater and not filled the logbook also. Cleanroom access has been suspended for a week from 17 th june 2016 upto 23 rd

17 Furnaces and wet benches Savitha P


19 Updates  Safety test moved to a new pattern as of July 1 st 2016  Reading material available on NNfC twiki  Test on Friday b/w 3.00 and 3.30pm  Test divided into two parts  Common protocol/contamination test  Different safety test papers  Biometric access on Monday/ Tuesday  Orientation inside the fab on Wednesday at 2.00pm (user demand)  UGIM visit report submitted  First Nano Atmospheric furnaces down for semi-annual maintenance  From 11 th o 15 th July, 2016

20 Dry Etch & Thin films & Process Integration July 14 th,2016 Sunanda Babu


22 PECVDDRIE Anelva Sputter

23 PECVD tool unavailability-  The tool was unavailable due to purified N2 gas issue on for 2 hrs. on 26 th May 2016  The tool was unavailable due to earthing check for the whole cleanroom for 1 hr. on 20 th & 26 th May 2016

24 DRIE Tool Unavailability- The tool was unavailable on 26 th May 2016 as there was earthing check for all the tools in NNfC. DRIE Tool Downtime- The tool did not turn back ON as there was NODE 3 communication port failure. The new part was ordered. It was received on 3 rd June 2016 and the tool was up and running by 9 th June 2016.

25 E-beam evaporator Down Time  The tool was not turning on, that is we were unable to do a ‘control power on’. When contacted the vendor they asked us to check Safety LS relay, Magnetic switch, MCBs and the SMPS ( 12 V and 24 V).  The issue was fixed by : 1) Disconnecting and reconnecting the Safety LS relay. 2) Restarting the CP3 MCB.

26 Lithography Bay Equipment's: Laser writer, MicroTech Laser writer, Heidelberg EVG Mask aligner MJB4 mask aligner EVG Bonder E‐Line system Pioneer E‐beam system Gopal

27 Raith Equipments Utilization Chart – May-2016


29 Maintenance Issues:  Right now all Litho tools are up



32 Maintenance Issues:  All Litho tools are up  Raith E-line tool down chronology and actions taken  Issue: Filament /gun shutting down when EHT switched on.  May 30 : Filament changed and kept for bake out.  May 31: Test run, failed.  June 1: column opened, cleaned and kept for bake out  June 2: Test run, failed. Filament changed and kept for bake out.  June 3: Test run, failed.(online session with Raith Grmany)  June 6: Aperture alignment, test run, failed  June 7: Gun alignment, test run,Gun is not shutting down, but no electron beam( i.e no current)  June 8: Online session with Raith Germany. They agreed to visit from 13 – 18 th June  June 13: German Engineer changed the filament kept for bake out, tested next day, same problem.  June 16-17: AMC done for Pioneer

33 June 14: test run,failed. Opened column chamber valve & changed 0-ring. June 15: Changed Extractor pin inside the column. June 16: “Column parts” inside the column removed & found contaminated, Raith engineer suggested the parts have to be replaced June 16: placed order for suggested parts parts. June 18: “Column parts” arrived in Bengaluru airport. Raith engineer was supposed to fly back on 18 th June, but requested him to stay till new parts are replaced June 20th-28 th :The parts were stuck in customs office Bengaluru. June 23: Changed column liner tube. Checked & no better result. June 28: Column parts arrived at CeNSE. Opened column and Replaced with new parts. Raith engineer replaced the parts and returned on 28 th June June 29: Test run, Gun not shutting down but current is low. July 4: Again filament changed. Kept for bake out. July5: Testing going on. Gun current is improved, still is low for stable operation.. July 8 th : Test successful. June 11 th : Opened to users

34 Email sent to users: 15 th June: Regarding too many cancellations Dear users: After going through FOM records (April 2016) it is observed that you have booked many slots for E-beam systems and later you have cancelled more than 40% of your booked slots. NNFC admin. committee wants to know the reasons for these many cancellations. Please send your explanations for the respective cancellation of slots. Rgds, Gopal, Some typical replies from users: 1. Respected Sir, First of all my sincere apology for cancelling so many e- line slots. I booked the slots in weekend for using them in next week.. For some reasons my samples on which I was supposed to do lithography were not ready on time. So, I had to cancel those slots. Thanks.. Richa Mishra 2. Dear Sir, Since we have to book the slot a week priory and i am working on graphene heterostructure. It has high change of getting folded during spin coat or sometime even graphene fly off during cleaning process. All this process are done few hours before the E-Line slot. Hence even if anything goes wrong, i can't use my slot. Regards Chandan Kumar

35 3. Dear Sir, I sincerely apologise for the slot cancellation in Raith Pioneer system. However, the cancellation of the slots were due to non availability of desired sample quality. We try our best to get quality samples, but often ended up with samples which could not be put for lithography. Looking for your kind cooperation Biswanath Chakraborty 4. Sir, I had booked the slots with certain processes in mind, but could not meet the timeline. That is why I had to cancel the slots. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I will take care in future. Aneesh 5. Dear Sir, Sorry I didn't notice "April" month. I have changed my design in April months but it was not coming proper so I have deleted whole week slot for doing simulation for that design again Prem Prakash

36 3. Dear Sir, I sincerely apologise for the slot cancellation in Raith Pioneer system. However, the cancellation of the slots were due to non availability of desired sample quality. We try our best to get quality samples, but often ended up with samples which could not be put for lithography. Looking for your kind cooperation Biswanath Chakraborty 4. Sir, I had booked the slots with certain processes in mind, but could not meet the timeline. That is why I had to cancel the slots. I am sorry for the inconvenience. I will take care in future. Aneesh 5. Dear Sir, Sorry I didn't notice "April" month. I have changed my design in April months but it was not coming proper so I have deleted whole week slot for doing simulation for that design again Prem Prakash

37 Thank you

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