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Bringing it All Together Focus on Curriculum Development & Instructional Delivery Focus on Instructional Practices Focus on Instructional Alignment Where.

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2 Bringing it All Together Focus on Curriculum Development & Instructional Delivery Focus on Instructional Practices Focus on Instructional Alignment Where did we begin? Instructional Services Division

3 Our Purpose To detail the substantive curriculum and instruction work of the district over the past 3-years Clarify next steps in our work as leaders in the Chapel Hill- Carrboro City School District Evidence the steps towards the Long Range Plan, Goals 1 & 2 *All the instructional and curricular expectations of our district reflect Tier I of RtI/MTSS, which is core classroom instruction.

4 Where did we begin? GREENHOUSE PROJECT A large community event which identified the critical needs of the district and established the guiding principles which helped to shape the language and goals for the Long Range Plan. A large community event which identified the critical needs of the district and established the guiding principles which helped to shape the language and goals for the Long Range Plan. Three major three themes emerged from the Greenhouse Project: Three major three themes emerged from the Greenhouse Project: 1.Eliminate the achievement gap 2.Embed professional development 3.Foster belief in Growth Mindset COMMON LANGUAGE The District Leadership Team (DLT) identified a need for common language around curriculum, instruction and assessment. The District Leadership Team (DLT) identified a need for common language around curriculum, instruction and assessment.

5 Where did we begin? To address the Greenhouse Project themes and meet the goals of the Long Range Plan, the Instructional Services Division (ISD) identified three areas of focus to guide our work: 1.Focus on Instructional Practices, Alignment and Delivery 2.Focus on Curriculum Development and Planning 3.Focus on Ongoing Professional Learning

6 Focus on Instructional Practices ACADEMIC RIGOR Partnered with the Institute for Learning (IFL) to assist and support the need for quality instructional practices, academic rigor and the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. Partnered with the Institute for Learning (IFL) to assist and support the need for quality instructional practices, academic rigor and the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING Committed to professional learning activities from the IFL including the Content Focused Coaching model for the position of coach in the district and IFL units in ELA and math. Committed to professional learning activities from the IFL including the Content Focused Coaching model for the position of coach in the district and IFL units in ELA and math.

7 Focus on Instructional Alignment COMMON INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES Built on IFL partnership to establish common practices and protocols. Built on IFL partnership to establish common practices and protocols. Provided the Principles of Learning as the foundation for teaching and learning. Provided the Principles of Learning as the foundation for teaching and learning. Implemented district-wide Learning Walks to assess instructional practices Implemented district-wide Learning Walks to assess instructional practices Purchased math and ELA units as exemplars for critical thinking integration Purchased math and ELA units as exemplars for critical thinking integration PROFESSIONAL LEARNING Provided k-12 principals with IFL led training on PLCs using Depth of Interaction tool, ELA modules, and Content Focused Coaching model. Provided k-12 principals with IFL led training on PLCs using Depth of Interaction tool, ELA modules, and Content Focused Coaching model.

8 Focus on Curriculum Development & Instructional Delivery UNDERSTANDING BY DESIGN (UbD) Curriculum Management Team (CMT) and DLT identified UbD as framework for curriculum and course development. Curriculum Management Team (CMT) and DLT identified UbD as framework for curriculum and course development. Instructional teams for Mandarin and Spanish Dual Language began the development of curriculum front matter as well as instructional units. Instructional teams for Mandarin and Spanish Dual Language began the development of curriculum front matter as well as instructional units. LEARNING-FOCUSED SOLUTIONS (LFS) Identified LFS as the tool to ensure instructional excellence and close achievement gaps, and adopted the Learning-Focused lesson planning process as Stage 3 of UbD unit planning. Identified LFS as the tool to ensure instructional excellence and close achievement gaps, and adopted the Learning-Focused lesson planning process as Stage 3 of UbD unit planning. PROFESSIONAL LEARNING School teams engaged in online training for UbD, training on the 5 high yield strategies of LFS. School teams engaged in online training for UbD, training on the 5 high yield strategies of LFS. Spanish DL leaders were trained in current research and theory underlying biliteracy. Spanish DL leaders were trained in current research and theory underlying biliteracy.


10 FOCUS ON CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING ### units have been created by Instructional Planning Teams (IPTs) using the UbD framework. ### units have been created by Instructional Planning Teams (IPTs) using the UbD framework. Units are housed on the Learning Connections website. The site also houses UbD resources, including videos, articles, and images available for use in schools. Units are housed on the Learning Connections website. The site also houses UbD resources, including videos, articles, and images available for use in schools.


12 Navigating the Learning Connections Website

13 Step 2-Click on 6 th Grade Resources Step 2-Click on 6 th Grade Resources Navigating the Learning Connections Website

14 Step 3-Select the unit from the Year-at-a- Glance it's filled with links to required units are highlighted in yellow. Step 3-Select the unit from the Year-at-a- Glance it's filled with links to required units are highlighted in yellow. Navigating the Learning Connections Website


16 FOCUS ON CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING Implemented the Learning-Focused Lesson (LFL) planning template addresses the individual needs of their students via the acceleration and preview plans. Implemented the Learning-Focused Lesson (LFL) planning template addresses the individual needs of their students via the acceleration and preview plans. The LFL includes a focus on vocabulary, whole-class learning activities including high-yield strategies, grade-level assignments and rigorous assessments. The LFL includes a focus on vocabulary, whole-class learning activities including high-yield strategies, grade-level assignments and rigorous assessments.

17 FOCUS ON CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING The Acceleration and Preview Plans focus on measures taken before lessons to prepare students for learning, measures taken during lessons to support and challenge students throughout each lesson, and measures take after lessons to support students that require remediation as well as the use of effective review for all students when, regardless of best efforts, students still have gaps in learning. The Acceleration and Preview Plans focus on measures taken before lessons to prepare students for learning, measures taken during lessons to support and challenge students throughout each lesson, and measures take after lessons to support students that require remediation as well as the use of effective review for all students when, regardless of best efforts, students still have gaps in learning.

18 FOCUS ON INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES, ALIGNMENT & DELIVERY ALIGNMENT & DELIVERY We continue to use the Principles of Learning (POLs) as our language of instructional excellence as they are are all grounded in the belief of a growth mindset, effort creates ability, academic rigor, planning and equity. We continue to use the Principles of Learning (POLs) as our language of instructional excellence as they are are all grounded in the belief of a growth mindset, effort creates ability, academic rigor, planning and equity. The observation tools provided by the IFL serve as indicators and support what the Five High-Yield Strategies look like in action in the classroom. The Learning-Focused beliefs, practices and strategies embody the POLs Academic Rigor in a Thinking Curriculum, Organizing for Effort, Clear Expectations, Fair and Credible Evaluations, Socializing Intelligence, as well as equitable learning experiences for all learners. The observation tools provided by the IFL serve as indicators and support what the Five High-Yield Strategies look like in action in the classroom. The Learning-Focused beliefs, practices and strategies embody the POLs Academic Rigor in a Thinking Curriculum, Organizing for Effort, Clear Expectations, Fair and Credible Evaluations, Socializing Intelligence, as well as equitable learning experiences for all learners. The visual document UbD POLs LF provides another way to see how our major work connects and works together. The visual document UbD POLs LF provides another way to see how our major work connects and works together.

19 FOCUS ON ONGOING PROFESSIONAL LEARNING Principals have created three-year implementation plans to monitor their school’s progress on fully implementing the strategies and focus areas identified by ISD. Principals have created three-year implementation plans to monitor their school’s progress on fully implementing the strategies and focus areas identified by ISD. Implementation plans include principals’ plan for delivering ongoing professional learning to their school that meets the individual needs of the staff and students while also aligning with the overarching focus of ISD. Implementation plans include principals’ plan for delivering ongoing professional learning to their school that meets the individual needs of the staff and students while also aligning with the overarching focus of ISD.


21 FOCUS ON INSTRUCTIONAL EXCELLENCE Curriculum Development, Planning, Instructional Practices, Alignment & Delivery Curriculum leaders (i.e. ISD Coordinators - ELA, Math, Science, STEM, World Lang, Arts, etc.) will continue to lead Instructional Planning Teams (IPTs) in the development of common curriculum across content/subject areas using the UbD framework as well as support use of planning using the LF Lesson Planning template. Stage 3 will reflect the LF lesson planning template. Timely updates will be provided to principals through level meetings and/or curriculum meetings. Curriculum leaders (i.e. ISD Coordinators - ELA, Math, Science, STEM, World Lang, Arts, etc.) will continue to lead Instructional Planning Teams (IPTs) in the development of common curriculum across content/subject areas using the UbD framework as well as support use of planning using the LF Lesson Planning template. Stage 3 will reflect the LF lesson planning template. Timely updates will be provided to principals through level meetings and/or curriculum meetings. Karen Beeman will guide administration in the development of an action plan for the Dual Language program as well as provide biliteracy training for all Dual Language instructional staff in 15/16. This will address Stage 3 for dual language UbD units. Karen Beeman will guide administration in the development of an action plan for the Dual Language program as well as provide biliteracy training for all Dual Language instructional staff in 15/16. This will address Stage 3 for dual language UbD units.

22 FOCUS ON PROFESSIONAL LEARNING LFL 101 -Aligned to Project ADVANCE Core Competency Areas ☐ Data Literacy ☐ Instruction ☐ Content ☐ Diverse Populations LFL 102 Course Catalog (Draft) -Aligned to the Long Range Plan Goals Long Range Plan Goals ☐ LRP Goal 1 ☐ LRP Goal 2 ☐ LRP Goal 3 ☐ LRP Goal 4 -Created using the Understanding by Design (UbD) Framework ☐ Stage 1 -Desired Results ☐ Stage 2 -Evidence ☐ Stage 3 -Learning Plan


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