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Mr. Maloney. 1. How does a language begin? 2. How does a language develop? 3. What are some examples of new words?

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Maloney. 1. How does a language begin? 2. How does a language develop? 3. What are some examples of new words?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Maloney

2 1. How does a language begin? 2. How does a language develop? 3. What are some examples of new words?

3  The Indo-European Languages:  Celtic  Germanic  Latin  Indo-Iranian  Balto-Slavic

4  English is part of the Indo-European family of languages.  These languages are related because they started from the same source and share the same basic structure.

5  English is not the original language of England.  English did not begin until the fifth century A.D.  The Celts drove out the earliest inhabitants of England and brought with them key parts of civilization…cattle, metal tools, the wheel, and…

6  The Celts brought with them language!  Shamrock  Galore  Plaid  Slogan  Whiskey  penguin

7  In 43 A.D. forty thousand Roman soldiers invaded Britain.  Why would the Romans conquer England?

8  The Romans brought in Latin and Christianity to England?  Why is this significant to language?  The Romans stayed in Britain for 400 hundred years.  Why would they leave?  Who comes next?

9  The Celts, Picts, and Scots fought for control of the land.  The Celts hired a tribe called the Jutes to help them win the land control.  The Jutes and Celts won, however….

10  The Jutes refused to leave the land!  The brought with them their Germanic language.  Two other key Germanic tribes arrived  The Angles  The Saxons

11  The Germanic tribes overran England and forced the Celts to leave.  The word Angles gradually changed into the word English.  The Celts were called “Weales” (Welsh) which means foreigner.

12  Germanic words make up 1/5 of our vocabulary but we use them more often than any other words.  Examples:  Hand, thumb, leg, ankle, hip  Man, wife, child  Sun, moon, stars  Love, hate, friendship  Sleep, wake, hungry, food, meat, milk, floor, roof  What do these words have in common?

13  OE=Old English in the dictionary  700 A.D. to 1150 A.D.  Significance of Beowulf?  “Com on wanre niht”= Came on the dark night

14  Prefix: placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning.  Suffix: placed at the end of the word to change its meaning.  Root: base of a word

15  Around 1066 a group of Vikings from Normandy called Normans invaded England.  The Normans led by William the Conqueror defeated the English forces and the French language became the official language of England?  WAIT….WHAT?  How do you believe the English language survived?

16  After the conquest, the English people were forced to become servants or peasants.  The French language was reserved for the wealthy…government, law, and business.  The lower classes kept the English language alive and strong, it even became easier to use and understand because it was spoken.  How could the language be easier to use?

17  In 1204, the Normans lost their land in France and adopted England as their permanent home.  To strengthen numbers they began to “mingle” with the English people more often and created an English/French language.  Examples: court, servant, feast, privilege, peace, war, treasure, mercy, crime, reward.

18  Geoffrey Chaucer  The Canterbury Tales  William Shakespeare  Ushered in Modern English  Johannes Gutenberg  Invented the printing press

19  Latin was the language of learning.  Latin was used to express an idea or create a word when there was nothing available in English.  Examples: celebrate, exist, genius, nervous  Greek was the language of storytelling.  People studied Greek and passed on the stories to future generations.

20  Today’s English has nearly the same sound, style, and sentence structure as the English of the 16 th century (Shakespeare’s era).  The major change is Vocabulary:  English has expanded freely by coining, borrowing, and adapting words!

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