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Lecture 17 Reasons for the process of decolonization in the postwar years.

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1 Lecture 17 Reasons for the process of decolonization in the postwar years

2 Important Instructions  I will be back for tutorials in the afternoon  In the meantime, please read lecture 17 and complete an outline for the following question  How do you account for the process of decolonization In the postwar years?   A01 and A02 please proceed to Auditorium for your tutorials in the afternoon with your outlines

3 Learning Outcomes 1. Understand the importance of WWII and Internationalist politics in the decolonisation process of Southeast Asia 2. Understand the importance of the Japanese Occupation in the decolonization process 3. Understand the unique conditions in each country that influenced the process of decolonization

4 1) Introduction  Post war decade a process of decolonisation began  What is decolonisation?  2 important factors led to this process 1)International politics and the Cold War 2)Japanese Occupation and… 3)Unique conditions of each country

5 2) Effects of WWII A01 and A02, who has emerged the strongest after WWII?

6  France and Britain greatly weakened from WWII  Financial, industrial, infrastructural and colonial establishments weakened  Power vacuum  Rise of American hegemony

7  U.S. emerged as a superpower  Possessed more gold reserves  Location of half of world’s manufacturing and 1/3 of the world’s manufactured good  Militarily the strongest

8 3) Internationalist pressure forcing the pace of colonisation HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! Now that I am the undisputed leader of the world, I can decide who should decolonise and who shall remain colonised!!!

9 Hey Uncle Sam, Can we the French maintain our colonies? We the Dutch want to keep our colonies too Uncle Sam

10  American view of European affairs  Americans allowed French to maintain Indochina but disapproved of Holland’s colonization of Indonesia Yes to you!!!And NO to you Dutch!!!

11  Americans saw recolonisation of Indochina by the French as necessary for Europe Strong France = Strong Defense of Europe  Recolonisation of Indonesia otherwise meant draining of Holland further.

12  American view of Asian Affairs  French needed in Indochina to contain communism in Asia  Sukarno’s anti-communist stand had won American approval

13  Therefore, the pace of decolonisation depended greatly on internationalist pressure applied by the U.S. and its policy towards Europe and Asia.  U.S. had hasten the decolonization process in Indonesia but not in Indochina

14 4) Effects of the Japanese Occupation  Southeast Asians acquiring administrative experience  Formation of new political organization  Promotion of anti-colonial sentiments  Strengthening SEA nationalism  Weakening of old monopoly on weapons.

15 5) Unique Conditions in Each Country  Burma  Vietnam  Malaya

16 6) Conclusion  It was a mixture of international politics and indigneous reasons that led to the process of decolonisation  Need to consider all these aspects to come to a holistic overview of the reasons behind the decolonisation process

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