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The web, reloaded..  I. What is Web 2.0?  II. Technologies and examples of applications  III. Building Web 2.0 applications.

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Presentation on theme: "The web, reloaded..  I. What is Web 2.0?  II. Technologies and examples of applications  III. Building Web 2.0 applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 the web, reloaded.

2  I. What is Web 2.0?  II. Technologies and examples of applications  III. Building Web 2.0 applications

3 - Origins - What justify this name? - Comparison with Web 1.0 - The Web as a platform - Principles of Web 2.0

4  Bursting of bubble   In 2005: 9.5 million citations in Google

5  New version?  New technology?  Revolution?  An hidden web?

6  DoubleClick  Ofoto  Akamai   Britannica Online  Personal websites  CMS  Taxonomy  Google AdSense  Flickr  BitTorrent  Napster  Wikipedia  Blogging  Wikis  Folksonomy


8 Web 1.0 was about company, web 2.0 is about people.

9 Data is the next Intel inside.

10 People as an actor.

11 Software above the level of a single device.

12 Enhance user interface.


14  XML: eXtensible Markup Language  Portable  Standard of communication  Tree representation

15  XHTML: eXtensible HyperText Markup Language  XML + HTML  Fast to analyze by computers  Useful for mobile phones

16 Style1.css Style2.css

17  Script language  Client-side  Good integration in recent web browsers  Many drawbacks

18  AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript And XML

19  Rich Internet Application  Client-side  Time-oriented language  Plug-in needed




23 Presentation of a framework : Google Web Toolkit

24  A Java to JavaScript compiler  A web-specific graphical Java API

25  Don’t care about subtle incompatibilities between web browsers and platform  Avoid JavaScript errors  Reuse your components easily  Simple API

26   HTML file   MyApplication  My First GWT demo. 

27  public class MyApplication implements EntryPoint {  public void onModuleLoad() {  final Button button = new Button("Click me");  final Label label = new Label();   button.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {  public void onClick(Widget sender) {  if (label.getText().equals(""))  label.setText("Hello World!");  else  label.setText("");  }  });  RootPanel.get("slot1").add(button);  RootPanel.get("slot2").add(label);  }




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