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Welcome to the 2016 Championship Branch Prediction Contest Program Trevor Mudge Seoul, South Korea June 18 th, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the 2016 Championship Branch Prediction Contest Program Trevor Mudge Seoul, South Korea June 18 th, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the 2016 Championship Branch Prediction Contest Program Trevor Mudge Seoul, South Korea June 18 th, 2016

2 Thanks To:  The people at Samsung Austin – James Dundas – Maximilien Breughe – Fuzhou Zou – Sandeep Gupta – Juhwan Kim – Jerry Zuraski  The program committee who read all the submissions Murali Annavaram University of Southern California Stuart Biles ARM research Ronald Dreslinski University of Michigan Lieven Eeckhout University of Ghent Nam Sung Kim University of Illinois at Urbana Pierre Michaud Inria/Isria Moin Qureshi Georgia Institute of Technology Dave Roberts AMD Research Sergio Schüler Oracle Rami Sheikh Qualcomm Research Jared Stark Intel Research Labs  The contestants CSE Retreat 2

3 Predictor Size Defined 3 Contests  8KB limit on the predictor size—3 contestants  64KB limit on the predictor size—3 contestants  Unlimited predictor size—2 contestants  Why such a small turnout?  BP seems to have moved to the patent and trade secret world  Nearly 100 downloads of the contest kit CSE Retreat 3

4 What’s New This Time?  Far more traces than ever  440 evaluation traces  223 training  They were selected to have the same entropy metric—Max will discuss more in the next talk CSE Retreat 4

5 Schedule 2:00-2:15 PM (15m) Introduction and Welcome - Trevor Mudge 2:15-2:30 PM (15m) Discussion of trace selection - Max Breughe, Samsung 2:30-2:50 PM (20m) TAGE-SC-L Branch Predictors Again - Andre Seznec, INRIA/ IRISA 2:50-3:10 PM (20m) Exploring branch predictability limits with the MTAGE+ SC predictor - Andre Seznec INRIA/IRISA 3:10-3:30 PM (20m) Multiperspective Perceptron Predictor - Daniel Jimenez, Texas AM 3:30-4:00 PM (30m) Break 4:00-4:20 PM (20m) Multiperspective Perceptron Predictor with TAGE - Daniel Jimenez, Texas AM 4:20-4:40 PM (20m) Dynamically Sizing the TAGE Branch Predictor - Stephen Pruett, U Texas 4:40-5:00 PM (20m) Announcement of results and awards - James Dundas 5:00 Adjourn to celebrate! CSE Retreat 5

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