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ADTSEA Newcomer’s Meeting Welcome to the ADTSEA Newcomer’s Meeting July 17, 2016 Portland, OR.

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Presentation on theme: "ADTSEA Newcomer’s Meeting Welcome to the ADTSEA Newcomer’s Meeting July 17, 2016 Portland, OR."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADTSEA Newcomer’s Meeting Welcome to the ADTSEA Newcomer’s Meeting July 17, 2016 Portland, OR

2 Topics Who is ADTSEA? Mission, Vision and Goals ADTSEA Membership ADTSEA Executive Committee ADTSEA Board of Directors ADTSEA Division Chairs

3 Topics, con’t ADTSEA Regions ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum ADTSEA Online Curriculum and National Standards ADTSEA Website and eNewsletter ADTSEA Listserv ADTSEA Chronicle 2017 ADTSEA Conference–Sacramento, CA

4 Who is ADTSEA? The American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA) is the professional association which represents traffic safety educators throughout the United States and abroad.

5 ADTSEA Mission The American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA) strives to develop and promote a level of excellence among driver education professionals in the delivery of instruction to the novice driver.

6 ADTSEA Vision To be the recognized leader in traffic safety education strategies and to be included as an integral part of the nation’s highway safety plan.

7 Goals Program Development Professional Learning Opportunities Professional Associates Professional Partnerships

8 Membership ADTSEA is a membership driven organization comprised of 4 Main Categories: Individual Corporate Institutional State Association If you are not a member, please support ADTSEA by joining.

9 Corporate Members AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety AAMVA AAA Traffic Safety Borden Perlman Salisbury & Kelly COUNTRY Financial Doron Precision Systems, Inc. Drivers Ed Solutions, LLC ECA-SSI Simulator Systems Int’l. Elegant E-Learning, Inc Highway Safety Services, LLC Michelin, North America Moneo Drive Motorcycle Safety Foundation NASMSA National Road Safety Foundation, Inc. National Safety Council Nebraska Walt Brinker - Roadside Survival State Farm Insurance Companies U-Haul International, Inc.

10 Why Join ADTSEA? To support the association which serves my best interests of the driver education professional in ways that ONLY a national organization can. To show pride in being a safety educator. To confirm my belief that traffic safety education needs a unified voice with which to speak to the nation. Because a stronger national association strengthens and complements my state association. To improve the status and stature of my profession. To demonstrate my belief that professional standards should be developed by the profession. To demonstrate my belief that education is a lifelong pursuit and that a national professional association has a role to play. For an opportunity to participate in programs, committees and ad hoc groups as a contribution to the profession and an opportunity for service.

11 Executive Committee Jan Meeker – PresidentReginald Flythe – President Elect Cathy Broderick – Past-PresidentGary Scott - Secretary / Treasurer Mark Lee - Board RepresentativeBarbara Brody - NSSP Liaison David Reich - Corporate RepTom Prefling - Corporate Allen Robinson - CEOBrett Robinson - Executive Director

12 Board of Directors North East Nancy Andrus, VT South East Harold Fleming, NC John Potts, NC North Central Mark Lee, MN Debra Twenhafel, IL South Central Richard Wilson, KS Romona Cook TX North West William Warner, OR Michael Shephard, WA South West Fred Nagao, HI Don Coloma, HI

13 Division Chairs Administration & Supervision Nina Saint, TX Bishop Forum Jan Meeker, HI Higher Education Robin Bordner, MI Research Harold Fleming, NC Secondary Allyn Workman, MO Program Chair Cathy Broderick, VT

14 ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum The “Driver Education Classroom and In-Car Curriculum” was developed to provide current information and techniques on teaching novice drivers the basics of motor vehicle operation.

15 ADTSEA Online Course

16 Curriculum Standards ADTSEA developed in 2006 and revised in 2015 to reflect the National Driver Education Standards. Identifies classroom and in-car content that should be included in the driver education course. Based off 45-hour classroom of 22.5 sessions of 120-minute training segments. 12 Classroom Standards Based off 10 hours in-car and 12 hours observation of 20 sessions of 30 minute training segments. 5 In-car standards Segment II Standards

17 National Standards ADTSEA assisted in the development of the Administrative Standards in 2009 and the revised National Driver Education Standards in 2016. Provides Standards within 5 key areas: Program Administration Education / Training Instructor Qualifications Coordination with Driver Licensing Parent/Guardian Involvement

18 ADTSEA Regions

19 Website and eNewsletter ADTSEA Web Site is Monthly eNewsletter– Emailed to Members Only

20 Listserv The ADTSEA listserv is hosted by Southern Illinois University and administered by Dale Ritzel. Listserv is an easy and efficient way to contact your fellow ADTSEA members with questions and concerns relating to Driver Education and Traffic Safety.

21 The Chronicle The Chronicle for Driver Education Professionals Online (The Chronicle) is an electronic publication of the American Driver and Traffic Safety Education Association (ADTSEA). John Palmer, PhD (St. Cloud State University) and Dale O. Ritzel, PhD (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) serve as coeditors.

22 ADTSEA 2017 Conference Sacramento, California July 16 - 19, 2017 Hilton Sacramento Arden West

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