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Facilitate Globe Briefing on reaction on asylum situation Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitate Globe Briefing on reaction on asylum situation Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitate Globe Briefing on reaction on asylum situation Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

2 Title 1.European Union’s position and Germany’s position on how to react to development of refugees 2.Brain drain, totally devastated afghan intelligence (afghan policy) 3.Legal background and the actions to be taken (recommendations) Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

3 1.1 European Union’s position Common European Asylum Syste  Aim: „bringing more harmonisation to standards of protection by further aligning the EU States' asylum legislation“  Revised Asylum Procedures Directive: quicker, fairer, better asylum procedures. Better protection of minors  Application is inadmissible if asylum-seeker has protection in a first country of asylum or safe third country  Revised Reception Conditions Directive conditions and fundamental rights  Revised Qualification Directive clarify grounds for asylum decisions  ‘subsidiary protection’ for those who are not refugees but who can not be send back to their countrys due to concrete danger in a armed conflict  Revised Dublin Regulation asylum application had to be made in EU country where person arrived first  Revised EURODAC Regulation EU database of fingerprints of asylum seekers Problems:  Still a patchwork in asylum standards in the 28 EU countries  improper implementation of the Directive  different interpretations of „safe country“ - but: Afghanistan isn't on one of them  Switzerland, even not in the EU, allows demands for humanitarian visas in embassys Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

4 Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

5 1.2 Germany’s official position greater European coordination in addressing the migrant crisis is needed contributes a lot of money into the upcomin g “crisis” Some politicians would like to close the boarder in order to prevent further refugees Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

6 1.2 German Society one part of the German society is scarred by the seemingly huge number of refugees coming to their country bureaucrats are overwhelmed by a backlog of registration claims and deep divisions Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

7 2. Official afghan policy concerning the brain drain "Don't go. Stay with me. There might be no return!" Repatriations Ministry : slick social-media campaign to get its message out using images and guilt powerful political figures are contributing to the government's effort Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

8 3.1 Legal actions Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015 24th october 2015: Coming into force of the “Asylverfahrensbeschleunigungsgesetz” containing a set of new laws:  accelerating the asylum proceedings for asylum seekers from secure countries of origin:  accommodation in special new built facilities; deportation directly from those facilities  introduction of a refugee identity card including a DBMS, which simplifies the information exchange between different departments  incentives giving a wrong idea of the asylum proceedings in Germany should be disposed (f.e. payment in kind instead of payment in cash)

9 1.3 How to react - problems Ethically, Germany should let the „Ortskräfte“ in Germany has the duty to care for their helpers in order to deterrent refugees and asylum seeker, a lot of European countries try to lower their standards the countries in Europe have drastically different positions on how to deal with refugees Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

10 3.2 position of European countries concerning the “Ortskräfteverfahren” Denmark: accepted asylum for all 195 afghan translators who worked for the danish troops. UK Ex-Gratia-Procedure : Direct employees of the british government in Afghanistan who worked 12 month uninterrupted in Helmand have an admission to applicate for visa. This is independent from eventual individual dangers. In extreme examples, afghan employees could apply even if the conditions are not fullfiled. One person was already admitted in this way. Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

11 1.3 recommendations for Germany / German legal background Last year, the Bundesregierung created a procedure concerning the admission of Afghan Ortskräfte (and their family members) which are individually in danger because of their activities for German authorities in Afghanistan  individual exam for every Ortskraft; if the exam proves specific or latent danger the person receives a permission to be admitted in Germany  Every person has to hand in documents at the German embassy in Kabul (like a birth certificate) in order to apply for a visa Criteria for proving the person is in danger: Catalogue of criteria with explanations which is Restricted (the Deutscher Bundestag has it) What is being evaluated? – The presentation of the concerning person – The state of facts in Afghanistan Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

12 1.3 How to react - problems Ethically, Germany should let the „Ortskräfte“ in Germany has the duty to care for their helpers in order to deterrent refugees and asylum seeker, a lot of European countries try to lower their standards the countries in Europe have drastically different positions on how to deal with refugees Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

13 sources ch/20120928-weis-visum-humanitaer-f.pdf information/docs/2_eu_safe_countries_of_origin_en.pdf information/docs/2_eu_safe_countries_of_origin_en.pdf Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

14 sources hn/scheinheilige-moralrepublik-deutschland- verraet-seine-helfer-in- afghanistan_id_2540018.html hn/scheinheilige-moralrepublik-deutschland- verraet-seine-helfer-in- afghanistan_id_2540018.html Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

15 sources 10.11.15 10.11.15 european-union 10.11.15 european-union 10.11.15 asylum/405058/ -10.11.2015, 19:18 asylum/405058/ -10.11.2015, 19:33 p.22 Back Office UNAMA Training Audience Regensburg 11/11/2015

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