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Spotlight on Psychology Workshop Welcome. Timetable for the afternoon TimeSession 2pm-2.10pmWelcome and Introduction to the session 2.10pm-2.30pmPsychology.

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Presentation on theme: "Spotlight on Psychology Workshop Welcome. Timetable for the afternoon TimeSession 2pm-2.10pmWelcome and Introduction to the session 2.10pm-2.30pmPsychology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spotlight on Psychology Workshop Welcome

2 Timetable for the afternoon TimeSession 2pm-2.10pmWelcome and Introduction to the session 2.10pm-2.30pmPsychology Quiz 2.30pm-3pmGoldsmiths, University of London Lucy Jenks, Progression and Outreach Manager Elliot and Hope, Student Ambassadors 3pm-3.30pmNewham College, University centre Sharon Charabi, Lecturer in Psychology and Curriculum Manager 3.30pm-3.45pmBreak 3.45pm-4.15pmBirkbeck, University of London Clare Press, Lecturer in Psychology 4.15pm-4.45pmPanel session 4.45pm-5pmRound up and evaluation

3 Introductions What is the most common question/s you get asked from learners about applying for Psychology HE?


5 QUESTION 1 What is the average number of applications per place for Psychology in HE?

6 QUESTION 2 What is the male / female student ratio for HE Psychology?

7 QUESTION 3 What percentage of Psychology Graduates become chartered psychologists?

8 QUESTION 4 What are the common subject requirements for HE Psychology?

9 QUESTION 5 Name 3 jobs directly related to Psychology

10 QUESTION 6 Approximately how many Psychology graduates are employed 6 months after graduating?

11 QUESTION 7 What are the 2 most common student misconceptions about the subject?

12 QUESTION 8 The number of Psychology applications has risen in the last 10 years – by how much?

13 QUESTION 9 Name 3 subjects related to Psychology which a student may alternatively opt for.

14 QUESTION 10 How many subjects receive more applications than Psychology? Name them.

15 ANSWER 1 What is the average number of applications per place in Psychology at HE? 14 applications per place

16 ANSWER 2 What is the male / female student ratio for HE Psychology? There are three times more women than men studying Psychology

17 ANSWER 3 What percentage of Psychology Graduates become chartered psychologists? 15-20%

18 ANSWER 4 What are the common subject requirements for HE Psychology Usually GCSE A-C in Maths, English and Science, as well as an A Level (or equivalent) Science subject

19 ANSWER 5 Name 3 jobs directly related to Psychology Clinical Psychologist Counselling Psychologist Educational Psychologist Forensic Psychologist Further Education Teacher Occupational Psychologist Sport and Exercise Psychologist

20 ANSWER 6 Approximately how many Psychology graduates are employed 6 months after graduating? Two thirds of psychology students are in employment in the UK 6 months after graduating

21 ANSWER 7 What are the 2 most common student misconceptions about the subject? Students often mistake it with psychiatry Many are unaware that it is a SCIENCE subject which utilises MATHS skills

22 ANSWER 8 The number of Psychology applications has risen in the last 10 years – by how much? They have risen by 40,000 in the last decade

23 ANSWER 9 Name 3 subjects related to Psychology which a student may alternatively opt for. Anthropology Behavioural Science Cognitive Sciences Education Health Sciences Neuroscience Sociology

24 QUESTION 10 How many subjects receive more applications than Psychology? Name them. Only 4! Medicine, Nursing, Law, Design.

25 Sources John Cooter and Joel Rickard Ken Reynolds Brain Heap

26 Advising your learners With so much choice it’s important for learners to think about what kind of course and area within Psychology would best suit them…research is key! Not only this, but also what HE qualification and mode of study is most suitable. And finally, how can learners stand out when making an application and how can they choose the right option?

27 Goldsmiths, University of London

28 Newham College, University Centre

29 Break

30 Birkbeck, University of London

31 Panel Session

32 Focusing specifically on Access and BTEC learners Topics of conversation: Common errors applicants make How can they get relevant work experience before applying? Transition from level 3 upwards The interview process HE in FE Graduate job market

33 Discussion Groups In your group discuss: 1.Thinking about your own work context, from your own experience … a)What are the main factors that influence your learners the most when making a decision about higher education? b)What are the key factors to consider when supporting learners who want to go on to study Psychology at HE? 2.What are the key factors to consider when supporting BTEC and Access learners make informed choices and successful application to HE? Then come up with 3 questions per group that you would like to present to the panel to answer.


35 Coming up…NNCO activities Collaborative Student Ambassador Scheme Online personal statement checking service (September 2016) Plus… 10 th May, 12pm-5pm: Linking London’s NNCO one year on: Working collaboratively to support learner progression to HE 23rd June, 10am - 5pm: Linking London NNCO Conference: The learner Journey, supporting college learners progress to HE

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