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MAJOR MATTERS The Impact of Curricular Positioning on Black, Latino, Asian, And Anglo Occupational Positioning and Outcome Dr. Richard N. Pitt, Jr. Assistant.

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Presentation on theme: "MAJOR MATTERS The Impact of Curricular Positioning on Black, Latino, Asian, And Anglo Occupational Positioning and Outcome Dr. Richard N. Pitt, Jr. Assistant."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAJOR MATTERS The Impact of Curricular Positioning on Black, Latino, Asian, And Anglo Occupational Positioning and Outcome Dr. Richard N. Pitt, Jr. Assistant Professor, Sociology Assistant Dean, Graduate Education October 2, 2006

2 WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES? Earnings In 2003 WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES? Earnings In 2003 Race High School College Grad Anglo, White $28,708$50,859 African-American, Black $23,777$40,651 Latino, Hispanic $23,472$44,413 Asian, Pacific Islander $25,704$48,123

3 WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES? Highest Degree Earned? WHAT ARE THE DIFFERENCES? Highest Degree Earned? Race BSMAJD/MDPhD $51k$64k$101k$86k Anglo, White 63%26%6%5% African-American, Black 65%29%4%2% Latino, Hispanic 67%24%6%3% Asian, Pacific Islander 61%27%5%7% Average loan: $100k- 135k Average loan: $25k-43k

4 Top ten majors in which undergrad degrees tend to lead to major-related employment Accounting Architecture Civil Engineering Computer Engineering Computer Science Elementary Education Special Education Foreign Languages Nursing Microbiology Top ten majors in which undergrad degrees tend to lead to non-major-related employment Astronomy Communications Economics English Mathematics Philosophy Physics Political Science Sociology Theatre Physics

5 Just How Much Money Can I Expect To Make In Certain Majors Anyway?! Arts & Architecture$40,744 Business & Public Administration $49,359 Education$37,674 Engineering$57,260 Pre-Med and Nursing$43,400 Humanities$43,721 Math & Computer Science$51,418 Physical & Life Sciences$59,472 Social & Behavioral Sciences$49,016 Communications$40,863

6 Enginee r Clergy Likelihood of Finding Employment in a Particular Occupation Agriculture0.23 Architecture9.57 Arts0.23 Business0.15 Communication0.13 Education0.10 Engineering9.12 Family Studies0.11 Health0.02 Humanities0.14 Law0.12 Life Sciences0.28 Mathematics0.83 Physics1.20 Social Sciences0.16 Agriculture*** Architecture*** Arts3.17 Business0.55 Communication3.37 Education1.89 Engineering0.15 Family Studies3.85 Health0.47 Humanities16.03 Law*** Life Sciences0.67 Mathematics*** Physics0.32 Social Sciences2.50 ($51,000)($31,400) VS. 3 major clusters 6 major clusters

7 Curricular Positioning Engineering: 14% Business: 13% Social Sciences: 10% Education: 10% Humanities: 7% AVERAGE PAY:$50,000 with race controls AVERAGE PAY:$44,919 without race controls Occupational Positioning 16%: Management 13%: Engineering 8%: K-12 Education 8%: Medicine 6%: Sales AVERAGE PAY:$54,265 with race controls AVERAGE PAY:$49,523 without race controls $51,150

8 Business: 15% Social Sciences: 12% Education: 11% Engineering: 9% Humanities: 8% Curricular Positioning AVERAGE PAY:$43,794 with race controls AVERAGE PAY:$43,840 without race controls 19%: Management 13%: K-12 Education 10%: Medicine 9%: Engineering 5%: Sales Occupational Positioning AVERAGE PAY:$46,401 with race controls AVERAGE PAY:$48,881 without race controls $51,15 0 $45,627 $5,523 difference

9 Education: 16% Social Sciences: 16% Business: 15% Humanities: 5% Pre-Med: 5% Curricular Positioning AVERAGE PAY:$39,547 with race controls AVERAGE PAY:$42,765 without race controls 20%: Management 15%: K-12 Education 8%: Medicine 7%: Social Work 5%: Engineering Occupational Positioning AVERAGE PAY:$42,650 with race controls AVERAGE PAY:$46,232 without race controls $40,747 $51,15 0 $45,627 $10,403 difference Missing Major? ENGINEERING Missing Job? SALES

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