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UCL Engineering Change the world. UCL Engineering is …

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Presentation on theme: "UCL Engineering Change the world. UCL Engineering is …"— Presentation transcript:

1 UCL Engineering Change the world

2 UCL Engineering is …

3 Biochemical Engineering Extraordinary advances in the life sciences have great potential to improve our quality of life through better medicines and a cleaner environment. Biochemical Engineering provides the foundations for translating such exciting new discoveries into products and processes for improved health and wealth creation. It also offers rewarding careers for those with the necessary skills.

4 Chemical Engineering Chemical engineers develop processes to change raw materials into useful everyday products. They serve the world’s needs, making everything from fuels and pharmaceuticals through to cosmetics and synthetic fibres. What’s more, they do it sustainably, safely, and cost-effectively, while avoiding damage to the planet. Situated in the heart of London, UCL’s Chemical Engineering Department is one of the top research and teaching departments in the UK, achieving world class standing.

5 Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering Working with local communities, natural resources and structures from microscopic to interplanetary scales, engineers here improve our surroundings and the way we fit into them. UCL’s work in this area is highly rated, with 55% of what we produce rated as world-leading or internationally excellent in the last independent Research Assessment Exercise conducted in the UK. We are particularly noted for the multidisciplinary nature of our research, and our unique labs.

6 Mechanical Engineering The practical and experimental skills of mechanical engineers are what build planes, formula one cars, ships, power stations and help doctors cure people. Our freedom of movement and comfortable lifestyles come from their work. UCL Mechanical Engineering is a research led department that is a dynamic and vibrant place to study and carry out research, whether you are a prospective student, researcher or industrial collaborator.

7 Medical Physics & Bioengineering Identifying new technologies and methods for diagnosing, treating and managing diseases is vital to human wellbeing, and UCL Medical Physics & Bioengineering is in the forefront of research in this area. Our work includes medical imaging, physiological monitoring, and the development of implanted devices, and in many of our specialities we are world-leading. \We put our research into practice through our close links to several major teaching hospitals in London, including University College London and Great Ormond Street Hospitals.

8 Electronic & Electric Engineering Electronic and electrical engineers use some of the fundamental forces of nature to bring the world communications and information. Work by engineers in this field has brought us processing power faster than human thought, communications all over our planet and beyond, and revealed ever more about the world around us. The department has been at the front of new technology since it was founded by the Father of Electronics, Prof Sir Ambrose Fleming..Today EEE has internationally recognised research strengths in communications, opto-electronics, radar and sensors.

9 Security & Crime Science We are the first university department in the world devoted specifically to reducing crime and other risks to personal and national security. We do this through teaching, research, and by providing information on crime reduction and security enhancement. Our mission is to change policy and practice in the areas of crime and security. We bring together politicians, scientists, designers and front-line practitioners to examine patterns in crime and security threats, and to find practical methods to disrupt these patterns.

10 Management Science & Innovation This department focuses on theoretical and empirical analyses of managerial, organisational, and operational dynamics in innovation-intensive organisations. Our research covers topics such as technology management and commercialisation, innovation, creation and growth of technology-intensive organisations, and entrepreneurship. Interdisciplinary in nature, and we collaborate intensely with other UCL departments, and we are also heavily engaged with the end users of our research, in industry, consulting and finance.

11 Computer Science UCL Computer Science is a global leader in research in experimental computer science. In the most recent independent Research Assessment Exercise, 80% of our work was rated world-leading or internationally excellent. Our specialities include virtual environment work, network and systems research, and human-computer interactions. In the UCL tradition, we are multidisciplinary – sharing ideas and resources from other departments and the wider world to incorporate into our novel research.

12 What do we do? At PAMELA, the Pedestrian Accessibility Movement Environment laboratory, engineers look at how the environment affects people moving through it. Here they film a crowd boarding a model tube train to see how platforms, train access and scheduling could be designed better.

13 What do we do? Wireless data access has some problems – networks can interfere with each other or be blocked by objects. To test ways of making them work better, we try experimental router designs in specially designed rooms that block out all outside signals.

14 What do we do? Molten salts are an excellent reaction medium – hot, liquid and ionically conducting. This technology is the foundation for research into safer ways to reprocess nuclear fuel, carried out by our Chemical Engineering Department.

15 What do engineering students do? We have a strong student branch of Engineers Without Borders, who go to other countries and use their engineering skills to help communities there. UCL Engineering sponsors this to help them with the costs.

16 What do engineering students do? Our Mechanical Engineering students designed a hi-tech solar powered car from scratch, and enter it in the international World Solar Challenge: racing across the width of Australia powered only by sunlight.

17 What do engineering students do? Our computer science students learn programming using robots.

18 Find out more about UCL Engineering @UCLEngineering Sign up to our mailing list

19 Now go change the world.

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