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Urbanization. Urban Opportunities  Urbanization – growth of cities  Immigrants moved to the cities because they were the cheapest and most convenient.

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Presentation on theme: "Urbanization. Urban Opportunities  Urbanization – growth of cities  Immigrants moved to the cities because they were the cheapest and most convenient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Urbanization

2 Urban Opportunities  Urbanization – growth of cities  Immigrants moved to the cities because they were the cheapest and most convenient places to live  By 1910 cities were made up more than half of immigrants in the 18 most major cities

3 Americanization Movement  Designed to assimilate people of wide-ranging cultures into the dominant culture  Sponsored by the government and concerned citizens.  Language and cultural barriers

4 Migration from Country to City  Farms to cities farms did not require as much labor.  AA moved north and west to escape southern white violence  Segregation and discrimination were common in even Northern cities.  AA and I often competed for jobs causing even further racial tension

5 Housing  Two housing options:  House on the outskirts of the city  Rent rooms in boarding houses/apartment buildings in the center of the city  Row houses allowed dozens of single families to work in the city.  Two or three immigrant families would share these single family homes  Tenements multi-family homes


7 Transportation  Cities struggled to repair old transit systems and build new ones to deal with the expanding populations  Mass transit – Move large numbers of people along fixed routes  Street cars - San Francisco in 1873  Electric Subway -Boston in 1897

8 Water  Faced a problem of safe drinking water  Cities had to build public waterworks to deal with the increasing demand for safe and clean water  Necessity for cleaner water to help control cholera and typhoid fever

9 Sanitation  Cities needed to find new ways to keep the streets clean  Sewage flowed through open gutters  People dumped their garbage on the streets  Factories spewed smoke into the air

10 Crime  Pickpockets and thieves flourished as populations increased.  Crime skyrocketed  New York City  First full-time salaried police force

11 Fire  The lack of water supply left cities at the mercies of fires Houses made of wood Houses made of wood + Candles and kerosene + Candles and kerosene ------------------------------ ------------------------------ FIRE FIRE  In San Francisco, after their earthquakes deadly fires would also break out  Cincinnati, Ohio was the first to establish a salaried fire department in the 1850s  Safer building materials were introduced


13 Reform Movements  The Social Gospel Movement preached salvation through helping the poor  Established settlement houses - these houses were community centers in slum neighborhoods  Helped people in the area suffering from poverty, hunger or the inability to understand the new land they lived in  Run largely by middle-class, college-educated women  Jane Addams was a woman who was very important to this social movement to help the poor and downtrodden  Co-founded Chicago’s Hull House

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