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Chapter 1: Science and Technology Science- the study of why natural things happen the way they do. Technology- the use of knowledge to turn resources into.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1: Science and Technology Science- the study of why natural things happen the way they do. Technology- the use of knowledge to turn resources into."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1: Science and Technology Science- the study of why natural things happen the way they do. Technology- the use of knowledge to turn resources into goods and services that society needs.

2 Technology Through the Ages: Stone Age (1,000,000 B.C. to 3000 B.C.)- Stone was used for many tools. Bone and wood were also utilized. Bronze Age (3000 B.C. to 1200 B.C.)- People learned to mix copper and tin to make bronze, a stronger metal. Iron Age (1200 B.C. to ?)- Iron smelting was discovered; it created a very strong material.

3 The Industrial Revolution: Starting about 1750, there was a boom in technology and new creations appeared at a rapid rate. During this time factories were used to make products faster and cheaper. Henry Ford was one of the first Amercians to use the factory system to assemble automobiles. Patents were also developed to protect those who invented new technologies.

4 Exponential Change: Linear change- multiplies at a steady rate ex. 2,2,2,2 Exponential change- multiplies upon itself at a rapid rate ex. 2,4,8,16,256

5 Technological Eras: Agricultural Era Idustrial Era Information Age

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