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Lasse Pajunen Nokia Research Center Nokia Corporation Anna Ruokonen Institute of Software Systems Tampere University of Technology ICWS 2007 Modeling and.

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Presentation on theme: "Lasse Pajunen Nokia Research Center Nokia Corporation Anna Ruokonen Institute of Software Systems Tampere University of Technology ICWS 2007 Modeling and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lasse Pajunen Nokia Research Center Nokia Corporation Anna Ruokonen Institute of Software Systems Tampere University of Technology ICWS 2007 Modeling and Generating Mobile Business Processes

2 Introduction 2  We propose rules to guide modeling of mobile business processes  Import existing WSDL decriptions into UML models  Generate executable BPEL descriptions With appropriate WSDL definitions  Introduce our implementation of the approach

3 Introduction 3  Short message services (SMS) are developing very rapidly  Modern mobile devices can have support for Web services  Some mobile devices have proper Web browsers

4 Introduction 4  A process definition is a representation of a business process in a form which supports automated manipulation  Discovering and communication of Web services is based on WSDL descriptions

5 Introduction 5  Several languages have been developed for service coordination and orchestration  BPEL  XPDL  We propose UML2-based rules for designing mobile processes with mapping to executable BPEL descriptions  Model-driven development (MDD)  extension to an existing IBM’s UML2 CASEtool

6 Introduction 6  The first step is to locate existing WSDLs and to translate them into UML model  Based on operations defined in the imported WSDLs, a selection of process actions are generated  Finally, the mobile process model is translated into executable BPEL code

7 Introduction 7

8 Model-based mobile process development 8  Import existing WSDL descriptions  Create template for the mobile process model  Define the mobile process model  Export WSDL descriptions  Export BPEL decription.

9 Group messaging process 9

10 10  Starting from WSDLs  The process development is started by specifying the locations of the existing WSDLs and importing them into the process model as UML class model representation  Stereotyped as wsdl  Starting from an empty model  Yhe user can create automatically an exemplification template of the process model

11 Group messaging process 11

12 UML-based process model 12

13 Process definition 13

14 Process definition 14

15 Workflow definitions 15

16 Process flow metamodel 16

17 Implementation and evaluation 17  Rational Software Modeller (RSM)  IBM’s UML2 case tool supporting software development cycle  Based on Eclipse platform  We have extended RSM with MobileProcess plugin to implement our approach

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