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Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Report of the APMP Developing Economies’ Committee (DEC) 22 nd APMP General Assembly New Delhi, India December 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Report of the APMP Developing Economies’ Committee (DEC) 22 nd APMP General Assembly New Delhi, India December 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Report of the APMP Developing Economies’ Committee (DEC) 22 nd APMP General Assembly New Delhi, India 15-16 December 2006

2 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Established in 2000 to help address the needs of APMP member National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) from developing economies, and to oversee and coordinate associated work programs. Currently comprises: Chairman: Dr Pian Totarong, NIMT Thailand Deputy Chair: Dr Angela Samuel, NMI, Australia Other members of APMP DEC Working Group: Mr Edgardo Juan, ITDI, Philippines Mr Sangwook Seo, KRISS Korea Dr Mushtaq Ahmad, NPSL, Pakistan APMP Secretariat: Mr Ichiro Fujima, NMIJ, Japan Website: - click on link to “Developing Economies Committee APMP Developing Economies’ Committee (DEC)

3 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Feb 06: TCQM-DEC Workshop on Metrology in Chemistry, Malaysia => Guidebook Jul 06, the Philippines:  12 th DEC Meeting => DEC text for APMP MoU  DEC Strategic Planning Workshop, Phase 2 => Input to APMP Strategic Planning Workshop  TCQS-DEC Workshop on assisting DEs’ participation in the CIPM MRA Dec 06, New Delhi:  13 th DEC Meeting  TCQS-DEC Workshop on Quality Systems APEC-funded activities: e.g., Comparisons (2004/05), APMP-SIM Workshop 2007 DEN-level comparisons: o PTB-funded APMP DEC Mass (E2) Comparison (Coordinator: VMI, Vietnam, Mentor: NMI, Australia) : Nearing completion o APMP DEC DVM Comparison (Coordinator: NPL, India) : Ongoing o APMP DEC Gauge Block Comparison (Coordinator: KIM-LIPI, Indonesia) : Ongoing o APMP DEC Pressure Comparison : Proposed Overview of Activities since 21 st APMP GA

4 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Key Outputs – 1. SP Workshop  Workplan from July 2006 ISSUEACTION STEPSTIMEFRAMEWHO WG1: DEC Projects & Donors DEC: Angela 1Identify donors12-18 monthsDEC 2Contact donors to obtain information12-18 monthsAPMP Chairman 3Donor Coordination Workshop12-18 monthsDEC 4Create database for existing projectsDelhi 06DEC 5Define term "DEC Project"Delhi 06DEC 6Develop project guidelines 1st draft: Delhi 06 Final draft: mid 07DEC 7Develop evaluation criteria for proposed projects 1st draft: Delhi 06 Final draft: mid 07DEC & EC 8Develop evaluation mechanisms on completion of projects1st draft: Sydney 07DEC & EC WG2: Coordination TCs-DENs DEC: ?? 9Survey of present DEN calibration servicesDelhi 06APMP Sec 10Prepare services/comparisons coverage matrixDiscuss at Delhi 06TCs 11Decide on new comparisons requiredDiscuss at Delhi 06TCs 12Draft DEC guidelines for TC-DEN interaction Before end of Philippines' meetingsDEC 13TCs to set up WG to develop generic test methodsDelhi 06TCs 14TC WG to be created to prepare test methodsBy Sydney 07TC WGs

5 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme APMP DEC : Workplan WG3: Training 15Appoint training coordinator Before end of Philippines' meetingsDEC: Edgardo 16Prepare list of available training courses3 monthsDEC 17Prepare list of available commercial training materialDelhi 06DEC 18Upload training links/material to APMP DEC webpagesDelhi 06DEC 19Collect information from recipients on attachment trainingDelhi 06DEC 20Develop guidelines on successful attachment training At DEC meeting in Delhi 06DEC WG4: Awareness- raising 21Appoint Coordinator for awareness activities Before end of Philippines' meetingsDEC: Sangwook 22Collect information on success stories re: awareness activities12 monthsDEC 23Presentation of KRISS experience in awareness raisingDelhi 06KRISS 24 Prepare awareness materials targeted at different levels of users18 monthsDEC 25 APMP EC to make contact with APLAC to convene a joint Workshop to benefit DENsSydney 07EC 26 DEC to make contact with APLMF to ensure training programs are complementaryBy APLMF GA 06DEC 27 Provide links from DEC webpage to existing information on economic benefits and impact assessments of metrology3 monthsDEC

6 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme APMP DEC : Workplan WG5: Metrology in Chemistry DEC: Angela 28 Revise Metrology in Chemistry (MiC)-related capabilities survey content and format to increase %age response and distributeWithin 6 monthsTCQM-DEC 29Complete databaseWithin 18 monthsTCQM-DEC 30Develop MiC Awareness Raising Workshop programWithin 6 monthsTCQM-DEC 31 Draft letters for economies' decision-makers to raise awarenessWithin 6 monthsTCQM-DEC 32Conduct Awareness Raising WorkshopsWithin 18 monthsTCQM-DEC 33Inform DENs about existing CRM and PT providersWithin 6 monthsTCQM 34Invite project proposals on CRM developmentWithin 6 monthsDEC 34(a)- Have one proposal underwayWithin 18 monthsTCQM-DEC 36Invite project proposals on PT developmentWithin 6 monthsDEC 36(a)- Have one proposal underwayWithin 18 monthsTCQM-DEC

7 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Arising from Action identified at DEC Planning Workshop, May 05 : To assist DEN participation in the CIPM MRA  TCQS-DEC Workshop Aims:  Promote the benefits and importance of participation in the CIPM MRA to developing economy NMIs;  Present the concepts, principles, and processes involved in participating in the CIPM MRA and share lessons learned from other NMIs;  Identify challenges facing DENs in participating in the CIPM MRA and help to develop realistic measures for addressing these. TCQS-DEC Workshop Objectives

8 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme 1.Importance and benefits of participation in the CIPM MRA to developing economy NMIs, e.g., trade and exports : APMP Chair, Keith Jones 2.Technical expert panel presentations on:  QS Development, peer review/accreditation of NMIs : TCQS Chair, Ajchara Charoensook  Participation in international and regional comparisons : TCQM Deputy Chair, Dr Della Sin  Calibration & Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) : TCT Chair, Dr Mark Ballico 3.DEN presentations highlighting challenges in participating in CIPM MRA : Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka,Thailand, Vietnam 4.Workshop sub-group discussions on issues identified 5.Summary of outcomes and next steps TCQS-DEC Workshop Program

9 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme  Development of staff : -Training - technical, MU, QS development (attachment & online) : TC Chairs, Developed APMP NMIs, DEC/EC -Access to information & participation in international mtgs : DEC/TC Chairs  Comparisons for DEs : -Directed at DEs : DENs, TC Chairs -Protocols to help DEs: DENs, TC Chairs, Comparison pilots  Reducing costs : -Assessments : DEC/EC/TC Chairs (linkage with APLAC/ILAC) -Calibrations : Developed APMP NMIs  Ensuring infrastructure adequacy (equipment, buildings, industry services) : DENs  Increasing govt awareness  funding & case studies : DEC/EC  Increasing industry & general public awareness  case studies : DENs/DEC  Strengthening national measurement system and linkages : DENs, DEC/EC (TCQM)  Creating CIPM MRA “Roadmap” (for intending & recent signatories) : DEC/EC/TC Chairs DEN Challenges Identified

10 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Key Outputs -2. TCQS Workshop Overall, DENs convinced of importance and benefits but need help in participating Actions for APMP i.e., DEC, EC, TC Chairs, AND DENs:  Develop case studies, particularly from DEs  Develop NMI/MSTQ Guide (c.f., TCQM Guide)  Create presentation for government decision makers  Develop APMP CIPM MRA Guide/“roadmap” which:  identifies basic requirements to sign  highlights experiences/advice of more developed NMIs e.g., accreditation vs peer assessment, consequences such as competition from other NMIs, case studies of benefits  Encourage mentoring between APMP NMIs  Encourage Workshops (TCQS-DEC Workshop, Delhi; Sydney??)  Use APMP-APLAC MoU to benefit DENs  Forward DEC proposals to BIPM/JCRB to EC for review and action

11 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme DEC Proposals to BIPM/JCRB  Incorporate APMP inputs into CIPM MRA Guide/“roadmap”  Incorporate APMP inputs into JCDCMAS presentation (and video?) covering whole MSTQ to be used by DEs in making case to govt decision-makers  Encourage CC meetings in Asia Pacific, particularly DEs  Develop inter-RMO/JCRB Case Studies for DEs re: benefits  Initiate joint RMO activities for DENs  Assist in approach to donors  Include Agenda Item on “DE Issues” in Directors’ and CIPM meetings  Include coordination of activities with OIML PWGDC in CIPM-OIML meeting agendas – set up CIPM equivalent WG?  Address reduction of assessment costs in CIPM-ILAC and RMO/RAB meeting agendas  Identify real benefits to DENs from MRA participation in different categories  Develop NMI/MSTQ Guide (through JCDCMAS?)

12 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Key Outputs – 3. 13 th DEC Meeting, 13 th December, New Delhi  Nomination of new DEC Chair: Dr Vikram Kumar, NPL, India  Minor amendments to and confirmation of draft MoU text for ratification by 22 nd APMP GA  Proposed re-constitution of DEC Committee  Presentation on UNIDO activities in Asia Pacific  Discussion re: proposed DEC Technical Assistance Workshop  Discussion on draft criteria for evaluating DEC projects

13 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme APMP DEC Technical Assistance Workshop Aims: To bring together representatives of donor, technical assistance delivery and recipient organizations in order to:  Share experiences;  Identify lessons to be learnt from previous and current activities;  Develop mechanisms to improve future delivery of sustainable and coherent technical assistance, and  Raise awareness among donor agencies and help improve coordination and effectiveness of future projects.

14 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme APMP DEC Technical Assistance Workshop - Considerations  DENs wishing to participate to provide Country Action Plans  Involve APLMF to bring in legal and industrial metrology issues?  Present case studies  Feed outputs into BIPM-coordinated “Technical Cooperation Workshop”  Overall DEC plan to be provided as the framework for future TA activities  Involve government regulators?  Prioritise awareness raising to ensure sustainable development

15 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Thank You

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