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Entry Assignment Have you ever had someone say something very insulting to you? How did you react?

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Presentation on theme: "Entry Assignment Have you ever had someone say something very insulting to you? How did you react?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Entry Assignment Have you ever had someone say something very insulting to you? How did you react?

2 The Jackson Era Social Studies

3 What Defined Jackson’s Presidency? I.The Spoils System II.Increased Voting III.Tariff Issue (Nullification Act) IV.Indian Removal Act V.The National Bank VI.Followers called themselves Democrats. (Oldest Party)

4 The President of the Common Man Poor, both parents died before he was 15. American Success story and many people supported him (farmers, laborers, etc.

5 Military History American Revolution at age 13. (Considered first President to be a Prisoner of War) Hero from the Battle of New Orleans (Old Hickory) Fought several Indian Tribes including Creek and Seminole

6 Expanded Democracy Expanded Voting Expand the Nation “Manifest Destiny” Spoils system=Political supporters into office (ordinary people could handle a government job. Nominating conventions allowed more people to be involved in the selection of political Candidates.

7 Entry How would you feel if someone forcefully removed your family from your home? Explain

8 Indian Removal Act 1830, WHY? 1. Americans settlers wanted land to expand cotton fields. 2. Gold 3. State Governments didn’t like sharing lands with Independent Indian Nations.

9 Questions 1.How would you describe Andrew Jackson’s Temperament? 2.Why was Jackson such a popular President among American Farmers and Laborers? 3.What was the Spoils system? 4.Why was the Indiana Removal Act passed?

10 Nullification Crisis What does the word Nullify mean? Issue was States Rights (Between South Carolina and the Federal Government). South Carolina passed the Nullification Act stating it would not pay the tariffs. (Jackson passes the Force Bill). Henry Clay prevented violence by proposing a bill that would gradually lower tariff.

11 Martin Van Buren Van Buren was a good friend of Jackson and had support from him and his followers. (8 th President) Presidency was defined by Economic Depression. (1837) Believed in Laissez- Faire.

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