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QUARTER 2 INFORMATION English 11 Honors. Q2 Essential Question (COPY THIS IN YOUR NOTES):  At what point should a person or group go against injustices?

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Presentation on theme: "QUARTER 2 INFORMATION English 11 Honors. Q2 Essential Question (COPY THIS IN YOUR NOTES):  At what point should a person or group go against injustices?"— Presentation transcript:

1 QUARTER 2 INFORMATION English 11 Honors

2 Q2 Essential Question (COPY THIS IN YOUR NOTES):  At what point should a person or group go against injustices?  (As we read various texts this quarter, think about how each one relates to this question! This would be a good topic for ANNOTATION.)

3 Anchor texts 1. Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card: It is up to you to set your own reading schedule and read this text by the end of the quarter. Doing annotations & chapter summaries is recommended to keep track of the major events and stylistic elements. There will be an assessment on Chapters 1-9 during the week of November 30 th (after Thanksgiving). There will be a final assessment on the overall book after winter break (week of January 4 th ).

4 Anchor texts (continued) 2. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Expect reading quizzes at the beginning of each week (generally the day the reading is due). While we may read and analyze selected sections of the novel in class, you will be expected to read the bulk of it outside of class. You will also be given study guides/questions each week to keep track of your reading. Reading Schedule : - By Monday, 11/9: Chapters 1-7 - By Monday, 11/16: Chapters 8-14 - By Monday, 11/23: Chapters 15-19 - By Monday, 11/30: Chapters 20-25 - By Monday 12/7: Chapters 26-31 - By Monday, 12/14: Chapters 32-37 - By Monday, 1/4 (after break): 38-end

5 Quarter 2 O.G.R.  See handout

6 Omayra Sanchez article  Answer in your notes:  How does this text relate to the essential question?

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