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 DSRIP in Action Update  Upcoming Events  Waiver Updates.

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2  DSRIP in Action Update  Upcoming Events  Waiver Updates

3  Regional Healthcare Partnership along with Castro County Healthcare-Plains Memorial Hospital in Dimmitt, TX hosted a DSRIP in Action event on Wednesday, June 29, 2016.  25 were in attendance from 14 Regional Partner provider locations represented at the event.


5  The Patient Navigation project provides navigation services to non-urgent/non-emergent patients that utilize the ED.  The program currently has 218 patients receiving navigation services and 157 clinic appointments have been scheduled.  65% of the patients enrolled in the Navigation program are Medicaid or Uninsured.

6  In addition to Janet’s roll as the patient navigator, Janet and a group of 12 other hospital employees are reaching patients and families with a volunteer program they have created “Hands of Hope”.  The program oversees numerous outreach programs that have been established within the hospital. The programs include: ◦ A hospital pantry ◦ Crisis pantry ◦ Texas Ramp Project ◦ Medical Equipment Loan Program ◦ Community Garden ◦ Annual Thanksgiving dinner

7  Hosted by Olowa Johnson and her team @ Covenant Health System  Thursday, August 11 th beginning @ 10 am  Tentative Agenda  10:00am-10:15am Welcome and Introduction  10:15am-11:00am Project Highlight (Behavioral Health and Sepsis)  11:00am-11:30am Forum Discussion  11:30am-12:30pm Networking Lunch (lunch provided) & Wrap Up  12:30pm- 1:30pm Tour of Facility

8 DSRIP in Action August 11: Covenant Health System- Lubbock, TX November 8: Swisher Memorial Healthcare System, Tulia, TX Project Highlight August 15: D.M. Cogdell Memorial Hospital, Snyder, TX December 5: TTUHSC, Lubbock, TX Monthly Status Update Call August 22 @ 2pm – Outlook Invite to follow Statewide Learning Collaborative August 30-31 st – AT&T Executive Education & Conference Center RHP 12 Regional Learning Collaborative Sept. 28 : University Medical Center, Lubbock, TX

9 Bobbye Hrncirik

10  July 29 - April reporting DY4 DSRIP payments processed for all providers and DY5 DSRIP payments processed – Two separate transactions  August 5 – HHSC Complete NMI Reporting Review – We only had 1 NMI request out of 149 metrics reported. 99.99% approval rate

11  Current CAT 1, 2 & 3reviews are underway & summary information will be shared at the end of the month.  Cat 3 Baseline Review is complete. All changes to reported baselines are reflected in the CAT3 Summary Workbook posted online. ◦ We also sent an email with the CAT3 summary workbook attached last week. Please take a moment to review for accuracy

12  DY6 goals for IOS - Survey outcomes using goal setting scenario 2 or scenario 3 will be set as a 12.5% gap closure towards the best possible score, in line with other IOS outcomes.  HHSC has also received approval from CMS to revise the goal setting methodology in DY5 for IOS - Survey outcomes using goal setting scenario 2 or goal setting scenario 3 to a 10% gap closure towards the best possible score, rather than an improvement equal to 10% of the total available point value. This will result in lower DY5 goals.

13 Performing ProviderCAT-3 Metric Central Plains Center127374005.3.1 Central Plains Center127374005.3.2 Central Plains Center127374005.3.3 Covenant Medical Center139461107.3.3 Helen Farabee Center127373205.3.1 Helen Farabee Center127373205.3.2 Muleshoe Area Medical Center130877708.3.1 Texas Panhandle Centers127378105.3.1 Texas Panhandle Centers127378105.3.100 Texas Panhandle Centers127378105.3.2 Texas Panhandle Centers127378105.3.200 Texas Panhandle Centers127378105.3.3 Texas Panhandle Centers127378105.3.4 West Texas Centers130725806.3.1 West Texas Centers130725806.3.2 West Texas Centers130725806.3.3


15  HHSC has updated the Cat-3 Summary Workbook & Goal Calculator to reflect the new IOS-Survey goals. This updated summary was posted on Friday, July 22 nd on HHSC’s website on the Tools & Guidelines page. HHSC’s website

16  The Interim Correction forms are due back to HHSC Friday July 29, 2016.  If everything is correct on the Cat-3 Summary Workbook there is nothing you need to do.

17  July 22, 2016 5:00pm – We submitted the completed DY6 DSRIP Participation Templates to HHSC.  August 26, 2016 - HHSC will begin providing approval of requested MLIU reporting exceptions, required QPI/MLIU changes, and submitted next steps or request additional information.  September 9, 2016 5:00pm - Anchors submit responses to HHSC requests for additional information, and Category 3 stretch activity selections and alternate achievement requests.  September 30, 2016 - HHSC will approve or deny the additional information submitted in response to HHSC comments.  October 1, 2016 - Approved DY6 projects are effective

18  Anticipated effective date: September 30,2016  Rule packet #2 pertains to requirements for the DSRIP program for DY6. The rules in this packet closely mirror the DY6 PFM language  These rules will be published as proposed in the July 29 issue of the Texas Register  There will be a 30-day public comment period  Public Hearing on rules is scheduled for August 26, 2016, at 9:00am in Austin. This hearing will be webcast too.

19  Registration is now open and will close on August 8, 2016  As in previous years, all performing providers in our region have 1 designated in person slot allocated for their organization.  We are still waiting to hear from HHSC regarding additional slots.  For those of you unable to attend in person the summit will be broadcast on the internet


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