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GATE Parent Meeting Sakamoto School October 25, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "GATE Parent Meeting Sakamoto School October 25, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 GATE Parent Meeting Sakamoto School October 25, 2016

2 Welcome and Introductions Who we are: Mrs. Enna, Principal Ms. Marshall, GATE Representative Mari Beal, Parent GATE Coordinator Parents of Gifted and Talented children attending Sakamoto School

3 Outcomes Learn about what is offered to GATE students at the district level, at Sakamoto, and in the classroom G.A.T.E. = opportunities to volunteer and provide enrichment activities Learn about resources in the community related to educating and raising Gifted children Network with other parents and learn how to stay connected

4 Educational Services GATE screening for all 3 rd graders, 4 th and 5 th who have not been tested. Offer training to teachers in differentiated instruction Connect with parents and families Meet with and support teacher reps

5 GATE at the School Site All sites: Teacher representative holds a meeting for parents Opportunities for students vary Afterschool Classes/workshops Field trips Guest speakers Funding comes from parent donations and school funds

6 GATE in the Classroom is… Students being challenged at their level Guided Reading Groups, lit circles, Math small groups, performance tasks Students working in small groups with like peers Project-based and inquiry-based learning Differentiated assignments

7 Growth Mindset “If I try hard, I can accomplish my goals,” vs. “I’m smart and this is easy.” Students take risks and persevere.

8 Resources

9 Sakamoto GATE classes Hour of Code – December Expressive Art Workshop – January Cornish Game Hen Dissection – January

10 Parent Coordinated Events After school workshops

11 Thank you for coming! GATE Parent Handbooks are available on the district website:

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