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COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Automatic Identification Technology IV Contract W91QUZ-09-D June 2012 Project Progress Review (PPR) # 13.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Automatic Identification Technology IV Contract W91QUZ-09-D June 2012 Project Progress Review (PPR) # 13."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Automatic Identification Technology IV Contract W91QUZ-09-D-0044 05 June 2012 Project Progress Review (PPR) # 13

2 Slide 2COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 2COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Agenda Status of current technological substitutions and additions Status of configuration and risk management activities Status of Task Orders, Delivery Orders and purchase card orders Actions under warranty and maintenance; Significant trends (quantities by CLIN, component reliability safety issues, problems, and recommended solutions); Minutes from the previous PPR; Activities determined to be of importance to the Government, such as unanticipated problems, and high visibility issues identified by the Government; Status of significant program events; Customer feedback; Agencies and organizations contacted and initiatives with each; Reason for delinquent Task Orders, Delivery Orders, and purchase card orders.

3 Slide 3COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 3COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Intermec AIT-IV Program Team Tom Glen Director, Federal Sales Public Sector 571-438-3153 Paul Dembeck Account Manager HHS & Civilian Agencies 301-725-1869 Don Green Account Manager Navy, /Marines 443-458-5599 Dave Jones Account Manager US Air Force 757-234-6588 Pete Rouse Channel Business Mgr Federal Sector 770-335-0881 Trenita Nowlin Sr. Admin. Assistant (Contractor) 703-418-0382 Shannon Landis Program Manager AIT IV 336-227-5575 George Moss Account Manager US Army 703-608-7894 Lars Hohmann Account Manager Civilian Agencies 410-480-5436 Marco Nielson Dr- Services, Enterprise Mobile 815.2776900 Dennis Morgan Project Manager Hardware Orders 425-265-2181 Sean Langham Mgr, SE Team 703-628-3181 Larry Huseby Director, Bus. Development 425-356-1828 Dave Boppell Systems Engineer – Navy & MC 484-497-6171 Darin Delaney Systems Engineer – Army 281-651-0455 Sam Matchey Systems Engineer – Civilian Agencies 763-425-6367 Dave Stone Systems Engineer – USPS, DLA, USAF 540-343-7129 Paul Marks Project Manager 704-945-8073 Professional Services Shannon Landis Program Manager Technical Engr. Services 386-313-1286 Ken Taylor Project Manager 770-428-3870 Professional Services Ron Teeters Project Manager 440-944-7044 Professional Services

4 Slide 4COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 4COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Intermec’s Primary POCs for AIT IV NameEmail Area of Responsibility Phone Shannon AIT IV Program Manager 336-380-5575 Dennis Hardware Program Manager 425-265-2181 Tom Contract T&Cs and Contracts 571-438-3153 Shannon TES Program Manager 336-380-5575

5 Slide 5COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 5COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Current Technological Substitutions & Additions Submitted CCP/CMC Status Total CCPs24Withdrawn/cancelled3 Total CMC1Submitted Pending 1 Total Submitted25Intermec Internal Review 0 PM JAIT Courtesy Review1 Rejected1 Accepted18

6 Slide 6COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 6COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Current Technological Substitutions & Additions Submitted CCP/CMC Status No.DescriptionCLINs EffectedStatusSubmittedMod No.Date AIN 001CLIN List UpdateMultiAwardedRev 1 01/2/10P00003 12/15/09 AIN 002PN Update CK3 Stylus0001EA, 0001FA 1001EA, 1001FAAwarded05/18/10P00008 06/07/10 AIN 003Aruba 36000015CA, 1015CAAwarded11/10/10P00004 01/21/10 AIN 004Smalls Arms Room WSW 0023DA-DE; 1023DA-DE; 0031HA- HF;1031 HA-HF Withdrawn11/13/10 - AIN 005ADD BT HHT & BT CAC Reader0001BA, 0001DARejected01/19/10 - AIN 006ADD BT HHT & BT CAC Reader 0001AA,0001CA, 0001EA, 0001FA; 1001AA; 1001CA; 1001EA; 10001FA AwardedRev 3 - 6/03/10P00007 06/07/10 AIN 007Update PN for CK3 Handle0001EC, 0001FC; 1001EC; 1001FCAwarded05/18/10P00008 06/01/10 AIN 008Add Non BT Config # to HHTs 0001AA, 0001CA, 0001EA, 0001FA; 1001AA, 1001CA, 1001EA, 1001FA Awarded Resubmitted 2/12/2011 P00010 02/17/11 AIN 009 Remove PW Supply SR610005 AA; 1005AA;Awarded 8/4/2010 Revised 10-20-2010 P00010 02/17/11 AIN 010 PN Change for Seagull SW/CLIN 0031 DA 0031DA; 1031DAAwarded17-Aug-10P00010 02/17/11 AIN 011Update PN DM75000005BA;1005BAAwarded2-Nov-10P00010 02/17/11

7 Slide 7COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 7COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Current Technological Substitutions & Additions Submitted CCP/CMC Status, continued No.DescriptionCLINs EffectedStatusSubmittedMod No.Date AIN 012Update PN on SD Card 0001AA, 0001BA, 0001CA, 0001CJ, 0001DA, 0023AA, 0023AB, 0023CA, 0023CB, 1001AA, 1001BA, 1001CA, 1001DA, 1023AA, 1023AB, 1023CA, 1023CB Awarded 10/15/2010 Revised 1/08/2010 P000113/22/2011 AIN 013 Change the price and distribution method 0031KAAwarded 2/12/2011 Revised and Resubmitted 8/16/2011 P0001501/04/2012 AIN 014 Add portable printer adapter cable 0009AA; 1009AAAwarded 5/24/2011 Revised and Resubmitted 7/21/2011 P00013 12/13/2012 AIN 015 Add substitute NEMA enclosure 0015BAWithdrawn 5/24/2011 Revised and Resubmitted 7/20/2011 -- 01/09/2012 AIN 016 Update to description and incorporate a change in CN3 Snap-On CAC Reader 0023AA, 1023AAAwarded 9/27/2011 Resubmitted 11/30/2011 P000194/11/2012 AIN 017SR61 scan engine change0005AAAwarded08/11/2011P0001501/04/2012

8 Slide 8COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 8COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Current Technological Substitutions & Additions Submitted CCP/CMC Status, continued No.DescriptionCLINs EffectedStatusSubmitted Mod No. Mod Date AIN 018 Snap-on CAC module upgrade CLINs: 0001AA, 1001AA, 0001BA, 1001BA, 0001CA, 1001CA, 0001DA, 1001DA, 0001EA, 1001EA, 0001FA, 1001FA, 0001CJ, 0023BA, 1023BA, 0023CB, 1023CB Awarded 9/27/2011 Updated 01/23/2012 P00018 2/27/12 AIN 019 Power Supply Substitution CLINs: 0001AA, 1001AA, 0001AE, 1001AE, 0001BA, 1001BA, 0001BE, 1001BE, 0001CA, 1001CA, 0001DA, 1001DA, 0001DE, 1001DE, 0001EA, 1001EA, 0001EE, 10001EE, 0001FA, 1001FA, 0001FE, 1001FE, 0001CJ, 0023AA, 1023AA, 0023BA, 1023BA, 0023CA, 1023CA, 0023CB, 1023CB Awarded 9/27/2011 P000172/6/2012 AIN 020 CK61 Price Reduction CLIN 0005AAAwarded 12/13/2011P000161/4/2012 AIN 021 Controller Replacement CLIN 0015CA, and CLIN 1015CASubmitted 4/30/2012 AIN 022 SR61 Part number change 0005AA and 1005AAWithdrawn 1/25/2012-- AIN 023 Access Point Replacement CLIN 0015AA, 1015AA, 0015BA, 1015BA and transit case CLINs 0023AA, 1023AA, 0023BA, and 1023BA Awarded 1/31/2012P000194/11/2012 AIN 024 ‘a’ Radio Activation CLINs 0001EA and 0001FA Courtesy Review 03/23/2012

9 Slide 9COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 9COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Current Technological Substitutions & Additions CCPDescriptionReasonStatus AIN xxx DPM scanner change to SR61 HD scanner The Intermec scanner is a newer technology that offers better performance than the unit currently on the contract Anticipated June 2012 AIN xxxCK71 Handheld Scanner The CK71 delivers superior performance with the new Intermec imaging engines, motion tolerance and barcode read range and on-board diagnostics. Anticipated June 2012 Planned CCP

10 Slide 10COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 10COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Configuration & Risk Management Product Baseline updated and submitted to the COR 03/21/2012

11 Slide 11COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 11COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Task, Delivery & Purchase Card Orders As of 23 May 2012 Agency Delivery Orders Dollar ValueCC OrdersDollar ValueTotals Army31$ 4,187,66028$ 108,360 $ 4,296,020 Air Force28 $ 2,627,07927 $ 123,822 $ 2,750,901 Navy20 $ 1,462,24441 $ 88,942 $ 1,551,186 Marines0 $ 04 $ 6,856 Federal /Others 26$ 1,960,06427 $ 113,765$ 2,073,829 Hdwr Total105 $10,237,047127 $ 441,745 $10,678,792

12 Slide 12COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 12COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Task, Delivery & Purchase Card Orders, Cont As of 31 January 2012 Total of Delivery Orders & Task Orders: $11,376,375 23 July 2009 (contract start) through 23 May 2012 Do Completion Date Customer Name Agency Service DescriptionNet Value B3023/25/10USAMMCMedical Technical Engineering Service $147,688 B30111/21/10USAMMCMedical Technical Engineering Service $208,311 BH032/28/11ANADArmy Technical Engineering Service $341,584 TES Total$697,583

13 Slide 13COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 13COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Actions Under Warranty & Maintenance between July 2009 (contract start) and May 23, 2012 Items leaving warranty:0 Items sent in for warranty repair: 150 Items sent in for maintenance Monthly maintenance: 0 Per incident: 0

14 Slide 14COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 14COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Significant Trends (Quantities by CLIN, component reliability safety issues, problems, and recommended solutions) Nothing to report at this time

15 Slide 15COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 15COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Minutes from the previous PPR Available on Intermec AIT website Issues Identified: MESR- Database upgrade as been completed and reports are can be run on demand on the website. IUID Registry – Intermec has uploaded revised information into the registry and received confirmation that the information was accepted in the system. There are still approximately 200 units that have been fielded but need to be relabeled with correct IUID marks. Intermec is working to determine the best way to get these units back, remarked with the correct IUID mark and then update the registry.

16 Slide 16COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 16COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Activities Determined Important to Government Such as unanticipated problems, and high visibility issues identified by the Government; Juniper OAC Intermec published the Whitepaper Intermec FIPS-140-2 Validated WLAN/802.11 Solution March 2012 which supports Intermec’s position that an organization should not be precluded from including the Intermec FIPS solution in any new deployments despite the fact that the Odyssey Access client is listed on the APL legacy tab. The OAC functionality used in Intermec’s current solution is the supplicant functionality of the OAC, not the xSec functionality and sSupplicants are not listed on the APL at this time, as they are facilitating communication not encryption. ‘a’ radio activation on CK3 The 802.11a band will provide an alternative frequency to select at installations where interference makes use of the 2.4GHz bands unreliable. The 802.11a 5GHz band is less likely to be congested while the 2.4GHz frequency range is more prone to interference. Intermec is working with the Program office to determine if a CCP is required for activation of the ‘a’ radio, which is already resident but disabled on the CK3.

17 Slide 17COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 17COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Significant Program Events Intermec Roadshows Intermec is hosting Technical Interchange Meetings at various locations each month highlighting our products and technologies available on the AIT contract. Strategic Military Drawdown May 1-3 Army Sustainment Show May 8-10

18 Slide 18COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 18COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Customer Feedback Nothing to report at this time

19 Slide 19COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 19COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Agencies & Organizations Contacted & Initiatives Nothing to report

20 Slide 20COMPANY CONFIDENTIALSlide 20COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL Delinquent Task, Delivery, & Purchase Card Orders Nothing to report


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