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NEW RULES OF SAVING WORKBOOK Presented by:. Workshop Goals: Know Your Risks! _____ Risk The risk in how you save _____ Risk The risk in how your funds.

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Presentation on theme: "NEW RULES OF SAVING WORKBOOK Presented by:. Workshop Goals: Know Your Risks! _____ Risk The risk in how you save _____ Risk The risk in how your funds."— Presentation transcript:


2 Workshop Goals: Know Your Risks! _____ Risk The risk in how you save _____ Risk The risk in how your funds grow _____ Risk The risk in how much of your funds you keep Questions about Risks: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

3 STRUCTURAL RISKS Questions about Structural Risks Concerns about YOUR Structural Risks __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Structural Risks are the risks in how you save for the future and who helps you save for the future.

4 MARKET RISKS Questions about Market Risks Concerns about YOUR Market Risks __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Market Risks are the risks in how your money grows and how secure your gains are within your accounts.

5 TAX RISKS Questions about Tax Risks Concerns about YOUR Tax Risks __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Tax Risks are the risks in how much of your savings you will keep and how much you will pay in taxes to the government.

6 Power of Indexing: Helps overcome ___________ Risk Tax-Free Funds in Retirement: Helps overcome ___________ Risk Death Benefit: Helps overcomes___________ Risk The 7702 Plan

7 Your Current Strategy Asset Type (i.e. IRA) Employer Match? Tax-Free Funds for Retirement? Opportunity for growth? Protection from market drops?

8 About Us

9 About Your Presenter

10 Educational Workshop Presentation Our firm is committed to educating savers about the risks and opportunities they face today. Because of our commitment to education and transparency, we believe it is important to understand who we are and who we are not. We are licensed insurance professionals. We are not CPAs or attorneys, and therefore this educational presentation is not intended to provide tax or legal advice. The information discussed in today’s class is general in nature and is intended for educational purposes only. It is recommended that you consult with a professional regarding your specific situation prior to implementing any strategies that are discussed. Should legal or tax advice be required, it is recommended that you seek the advice of an attorney or a tax consultant. While attendees are welcome to schedule individual consultations with the advisor, there is no obligation to do so. Workshop Disclaimer

11 © 2016 Stonewood Financial Solutions

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