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English I Honors September 26, 2016 Bell work: Study for today’s Mythology Section 4 Vocabulary Quiz (last one!!!) Agenda: Take Mythology Section 4 Vocab.

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Presentation on theme: "English I Honors September 26, 2016 Bell work: Study for today’s Mythology Section 4 Vocabulary Quiz (last one!!!) Agenda: Take Mythology Section 4 Vocab."— Presentation transcript:

1 English I Honors September 26, 2016 Bell work: Study for today’s Mythology Section 4 Vocabulary Quiz (last one!!!) Agenda: Take Mythology Section 4 Vocab. Quiz Collection 1 – Finding Common Ground Finish writing rough draft Include counterclaim Add parenthetical citations (review new MLA format) Add Works Cited page (review new MLA format) Peer editing of rough draft (see Peer Editing sheet behind graphic organizer); two people must peer edit your paper Reminders:TKAM Quiz Four (Ch. 17-21) on Wednesday! This Friday, Sept. 30 th is the last day for make-ups and retakes for the first 9 weeks!

2 Basic Style for Citations of Electronic Sources (Including Online Databases) Author and/or editor names (if available) Article name in quotation marks. Title of the website, project, or book in italics. Any version numbers available, including editions (ed.), revisions, posting dates, volumes (vol.), or issue numbers (no.). Publisher information, including the publisher name and publishing date. Take note of any page numbers (p. or pp.) or paragraph numbers (par. or pars.). Date you accessed the material (Date Accessed). URL (without the https://) DOI or permalink. Remember to cite containers after your regular citation. Examples of containers are collections of short stories or poems, a television series, or even a website. A container is anything that is a part of a larger body of works.

3 Parenthetical Citation for Online Source/Website If online source has an author, include the author’s last name only after the citation enclosed by parenthesis (Smith). Always place the period outside of the parenthesis. If online source does not have an author include article name, last name of interviewed person, website name, or film name. ALWAYS introduce direct quotes! Mr. Smith, the history teacher, explained by saying, “This is just outrageous and something must be done” (Smith).

4 Parenthetical Citations and Works Cited - MLA A Page on a Web Site "Athlete's Foot - Topic Overview." WebMD, 25 Sept. 2014, treatments/tc/athletes-foot-topic- overview. Lundman, Susan. "How to Make Vegetarian Chili." eHow, make- vegetarian-chili.html. Accessed 6 July 2015.

5 English I Honors September 27, 2016 Bell work: Study for today’s Mythology Section 4 Vocabulary Quiz (last one!!!) Agenda: Take Mythology Section 4 Vocab. Quiz Collection 1 – Finding Common Ground Finish writing rough draft Include counterclaim Add parenthetical citations (review new MLA format) Add Works Cited page (review new MLA format) Peer editing of rough draft (see Peer Editing sheet behind graphic organizer); two people must peer edit your paper Reminders:TKAM Quiz Four (Ch. 17-21) on Thursday! This Friday, Sept. 30 th is the last day for make-ups and retakes for the first 9 weeks!

6 English I Honors September 28, 2016 Bell work: Take out your copy of TKAM for quick review of Ch. 17-21 Agenda: Take TKAM Quiz Four (Ch. 17-21) Collection 1 – Finding Common Ground Begin writing final draft Reminders: Final draft to be submitted to on Monday, Oct. 3 rdTKAM Part Two Test (Ch. 12-31) on Wednesday, Oct. 5 th ! Reading & Writing Club on Friday! Bring TKAM!

7 English I Honors September 29, 2016 Bell work: Take out your copy of TKAM for quick review of Ch. 17-21 Agenda: Take TKAM Quiz Four (Ch. 17-21) Collection 1 – Finding Common Ground Begin writing final draft Reminders: Final draft to be submitted to on Tuesday, Oct. 4 thTKAM Part Two Test (Ch. 12-31) on Thursday, Oct. 6 th ! Reading & Writing Club on Friday! Bring TKAM! This Friday, Sept. 30 th is the last day for make-ups and retakes for the first 9 weeks!

8 English I Honors September 30, 2016 Bell work: Get ready for RWC - TKAM Agenda: RWC Read for 35 mins. Complete log in 5 mins. Discussion with a partner about readingReminders: Final draft of argumentative essay to be submitted to on Mon./Tues., Oct. 3 rd /Oct. 4 th TKAM Part Two Test (Ch. 12-31) on Wed./Thur., Oct. 5 th /Oct. 6 th ! TODAY is the last day for make-ups and retakes for the first 9 weeks!

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