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Annotated Portfolio Celita Gulley. Table of Contents  8 ½ x 11 Poster  Textbook Page Reproduction  Redesigned Brochure  Progress Report Template 

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1 Annotated Portfolio Celita Gulley

2 Table of Contents  8 ½ x 11 Poster  Textbook Page Reproduction  Redesigned Brochure  Progress Report Template  Bar Chart/Table  Contact Information 2

3 8 ½ x 11 Poster Project Description The requirements for this project were to design an 8 ½ x 11 poster to advertise the new arrival of the client’s company and to provide details of location. The layout of text, graphics and design I was free to choose, based on information provided by the client. The main principles of design- alignment, contrast, proximity, and repetition- were emphasize alert the public of the bowling alley’s existence. I centered the graphic at the top of the poster and superimposed the name and address to provide instant information for the reader that is easy to find. I incorporated contrasting colors behind the league information and within the text that will draw the readers eye to critical and time sensitive information. Repetition was encouraged throughout the poster with the use of similar colors and graphics that creates a persistent poster. 3

4 Textbook Page Reproduction Project Description The requirements for this project were to make updates to a current design of two pages in a textbook. The objective of the design was to attain the readers interest. While the design and graphic was redone, the content and text remained untouched. I amalgamated the color selections within the design and the textboxes and Bookman Old Style 11 was used in the body of the text on both pages. The pages show repetition of the design elements on the left side of the page as well as the color scheme. Bullet points give contrast to the pages by separating statistical information. Justification of text is consistent throughout, and with all the elements combined it gives a homogeneous flow. 4

5 Project Description The specifications for this project were to redo the design of the clients very outdated brochure. The requirements included rhetorical appeal for 3 different selected audiences; current customers, neighboring farmer’s markets, and schools. I was free to choose all graphic and design/layout elements based on information provided by the client. A total redesign was applied to both sides of the brochure. Photos from clipart were added to both sides of the brochure and provided colorful aspects and repetition. The information were appropriately contrasted by sectioning and shading to provide additional clarity to the facts. For the current customers that are familiar with the farmer’s market, new events that take place year round were separated and time sensitive information was bolded. For the neighboring farmer’s market audience, the address, phone number, and hours of operation were aligned strategically to allow for easier access of this information. To address the school audience, the particular events for the schools were placed in a textbox and critical information for prior arrangements relating to tours was bolded and underlined for further emphasis. Brochure Redesign 5 Outside Design Inside Design

6 Project Description The specifications for this project were to design a general template for DeVry University students to record the progress of their comprehension of the Terminal Course Objectives within any given course. The design incorporates contrast and alignment by alternating pastel blue shaded rows to subtly separate the information given without overpowering the document. The top row of the table displays the information that is requested, and the cells where the information is to be inserted emphasizes repetition by reiterating this request. A header with the business name and a footer with the page number maintains order and consistency. Progress Report Template 6

7 Project Description The specifications for this projects were to create bar charts and tables that offered a visual depiction of reported written information. The pastel blue bar chart was a design in concurrence with the Terminal Course Objective Progress Report Template that visually displays the percentage the student’s comprehension. The technical writing salary table depicts salary comparisons in three different geographical locations. The salary table was designed to give visuals of the geographical locations by using photos from clipart that shows familiar landmarks. Underneath is information that is further contrasted by region and the cells shaded different colors to draw the reader to a specific group of information. The technical writing salary bar chart gives a visual comparison to the textual information given in the technical writing salary table. Bar charts are better with comparison of multiple sources of information whereas tables are best utilized when the information can be glanced at and does not need further in depth correlation. Bar Charts & Tables 7

8 Contact Information Celita Gulley 15321 Plymouth Place Cleveland, Ohio 44112 (216) 249-3767 {Home} (216) 333-3020 {Cell} 8

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