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Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service Club Officer’s Training March 26, 2011 Club Inventory / S.W.O.T Analysis Nick Bore, Past President RC Nairobi.

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Presentation on theme: "Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service Club Officer’s Training March 26, 2011 Club Inventory / S.W.O.T Analysis Nick Bore, Past President RC Nairobi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service Club Officer’s Training March 26, 2011 Club Inventory / S.W.O.T Analysis Nick Bore, Past President RC Nairobi - Langata

2 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service The Object of Rotary The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:  FIRST The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;  SECOND High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society;  THIRD The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business, and community life;  FOURTH The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.

3 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service Effective Rotary Clubs

4 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service Club Inventory / S.W.O.T Take Stock, Know and Understand your Club and its Members.  Identify your Strengths - Build on them  Identify Your Weaknesses – Overcome them  Identify The Opportunities around you – Capitalize on them  Identify the Threats – Protect Yourself from them Know where you are, Decide where you want to be and Make Strategies to make it happen.

5 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service Avenues of Service Our Commitment to Service Above Self is channeled through the Avenues of Service, which form the foundation of Club Activity:-  Club Service  Vocational Service.  Community Service  International Service.  New Generations Service

6 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service Club Service Club Service focuses on strengthening fellowship and ensuring the effective functioning of the club.  Administration: Meeting Place and Time, Cost to Members, Interesting Speakers and Program. Is Club Structure effective - refer to CLP.  Membership: Diversity in Classifications, Age, Gender, Ethnicity. Develop plans on Retention and Recruitment.  Training: The more you Know about Rotary the more you will love Rotary.  Leadership Development. A Rotarian must aspire to Leader. >=<  Keep Members Interested. Remember the First Object of Rotary  Continue Having Fun  Do you have a Club Leadership Plan. Develop Leaders Beyond the Club.  Introduce a new Member – Each Rotarian Reach one, Keep One  Effective Clubs Sustain and Grow Membership  Develop a Strategic Plan

7 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service Vocational Service Vocational Service involves Club Members serving others through their Professions and aspiring to High Ethical Standards.  Rotarians, as business leaders, share skills and expertise through their vocations and inspire others in the process.  Offers an opportunity for clubs and districts to use their professional skills in service projects.  Look at your Membership diversity. Some clubs run regular Medical Camps, Mentoring, Legal aid etc. >=<  Second Object of Rotary  What Skills do your Members have  In October, Vocational Service Month, consider focusing on Projects related to this avenue.  What does your community need, Look to Fill classifications  What do Members enjoy doing

8 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service Community Service Community Service is the opportunity Clubs have to Implement Projects and activities that Improve Life in the Local Community.  Rotarians give back to the places they live in.  Projects are as varied as the Clubs that carry them out, but all address the needs of a particular group.  When clubs complete Effective Service Projects, they improve the Community, bring people together, and reflect well on Rotary.  When Rotary is viewed as a positive force in the community, its Membership Strengthens and Grows, adding to the organization’s ability to serve worldwide. >=<  Third Object of Rotary  Effective Clubs Implement Successful Service Projects  What does your community need.  What does your club do best.  What do Members enjoy doing.

9 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service International Service International Service encompasses Efforts to Expand Rotary’s Humanitarian Reach around the world and to Promote World Understanding and Peace. Includes everything from Contributing to PolioPlus to activities that members do to advance international understanding, goodwill and peace by fostering acquaintance with people of other countries, their cultures, customs, accomplishments, aspirations, and problems, through cooperation in all club activities and projects designed to help people in other lands. >=<  Fourth Object of Rotary  Is your Club participating in any of the RI Programs, WCS, Project Safari, Rotarian Action groups, Rotary Friendship Exchange  In February, World Understanding Month consider starting a WCS project. Promote projects on Project LINK  Support the Rotary Foundation.  Do you have a link with a Club Overseas. Visit

10 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service New Generations Service  New Generations Service recognizes the positive change implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities such as RYLA, Rotaract and Interact club service projects and creating international understanding with Rotary Youth Exchange  It is the responsibility of each Rotarian to prepare the New Generations — all young people up to the age of 30 — by improving their life skills to ensure a better future, while recognizing the diversity of their needs. >=<  September is New Generations Month – Emphasize Youth Support activities  Is your Club participating in or supporting any of the RI Structured Programs for New Generations – Interact, Rotaract, RYLA, Rotary Youth Exchange  Consider projects that support the fundamental needs of the New Generations: health, human values, education, and self-development

11 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service If you forget everything else  Survey Members opinions and attitudes. Seek ways to Strengthen the Club.  Assess Project Effectiveness, Community Image. Understand their expectations  Is every Member involved in a project or Function.  Be sure Meeting Location and Cost of Rotary are within Members reach.  Meeting - Speakers and Program relevance, excitement. Keep the Fun. Know what works and what doesn’t  Demographic diversity; age, gender, ethnicity. Don’t Ignore. Club to reflect community.  Classification Diversity. Bring those skills you don’t have and your community needs  Have a Club Leadership/succession Plan.  Develop Leaders beyond the Club.  Support the Rotary Foundation  Rotary Can only grow if you introduce new Members.

12 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service Club Inventory / S.W.O.T. Take Stock, Know and Understand your Club and its Members.  Identify your Strengths - Build on them  Identify Your Weaknesses – Overcome them  Identify The Opportunities around you – Capitalize on them  Identify the Threats – Protect Yourself from them >=<  Celebrate and Build on the Strengths  Don’t obsess the Weaknesses >=<  Set Goals to move the Club where Members want to be  Develop Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Realistic and Time bound strategies to meet these Goals.  Develop Your Clubs Strategic Plan

13 Rotary eLearning Center- Community Service

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