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It’s difficult to make money. We should save money. 挣钱不容易,我们应 节约用钱.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s difficult to make money. We should save money. 挣钱不容易,我们应 节约用钱."— Presentation transcript:




4 It’s difficult to make money. We should save money. 挣钱不容易,我们应 节约用钱.

5 1.socks __ 2.T-shirt__3.shorts__4.sweater_5.bag____6.hat_____7.pants___8.shoes__9.skirts___bg a d c f e h i


7 $ 9 $ 2 pants socks

8 $ 8 shorts $ 8 $ 8 shoes

9 $ 7 $ 6 skirt hat

10 $ 7 T-shirt $ 9 sweater $ 4 bag

11 A: How much is this T-shirt? B: It’s seven dollars. $ 2 $ 7 A: How much are these socks? B: They’re two dollars.

12   A: How much is this sweater?   B: It’s 9 dollars.   A: How much are these shoes?   B: They’re 10 dollars. $ 9 $ 10

13 one dollar two dollars

14 dollars

15 one yuan ¥1¥1¥1¥1 ¥ 100 100 yuan

16 英镑 英镑 10 pounds

17 日元 日元 10000 yen ten thousand yen

18 ColorsColors green blue brown black orange red white purple yellow

19 shoes pink shoes

20 pants blue pants

21 socks red socks

22 shorts yellow shorts

23 T-shirt a white T-shirt

24 bag a green bag

25 hat an orange hat

26 skirt a purple skirt

27 jacket a brown jacket

28 long short big small big long small short 3. 4. 2. 1.

29 long short

30 a big green cap a small red cap

31 Clerk: Can I help you ? Mary: Yes, please. I want a (1)________. Clerk: What (2)_______do you want ? Mary: Blue. Clerk: Here you are. Mary: (3)____________is it ? Clerk: 20 dollars. Mary: I’ll take it.(4) _________________. Clerk: You’re welcome. sweater color How much Thank you /Thanks

32 3b $5 $8 $6 $10 $2 $2

33 Clerk: Can I help you ? Mary: Yes, please. I want a (1)________. Clerk: What (2)_______do you want ? Mary: Blue. Clerk: Here you are. Mary: (3)____________is it ? Clerk: _____dollars. Mary: I’ll take it.(4) _________________. Clerk: You’re welcome. 3b $2 color How much Thanks / thank you. 2

34 2b (p.44)

35 请将下列句子排序。 ( ) 1. What can I do for you? ( ) 2. You’re welcome. ( ) 3. 45 yuan. ( ) 4. How much is it? ( ) 6. OK, I’ll take it. Thank you. ( ) 7. I want a shirt. ( ) 8. What color do you want? ( ) 9. White. 1 8 5 6 7 2 3 4

36 Summary New words: socks shorts sweater pants skirt T-shirt shoes New sentences:How much is this/ that…. It’s… How much are these/ those… They’re …

37 1. -How much ___ the shoes? -____ ___ $6. -____ ___ $6. 2. -How much __ the hat? -__ __ $6. -__ __ $6. are They are is It is Fill in the blanks.

38 Fill in the blanks with is or are. A: How much this green sweater? B: It 15 dollars. A: How much these black socks? B: They four dollars. A: Thank you. B: You welcome. is is are are are

39 1. The yellow sweater is $30. How much is the yellow sweater?

40 2. I have blue pants. What color pants do you have? 3. The shorts are $10. What are $10?

41 明天是你好朋友的生日,到商店去给他买一件礼物吧! 1. 将全班分为 6 组,每组 6 人, 3 个人为售货员, 其余 3 人 为顾客。顾客可到任意柜台购物。听到老师击掌后, 本组售货员和顾客角色互换, 活动继续进行。 2. 售货员吆喝用语 :Come here! Look!What nice things! 顾客砍价用语: How about …dollars? 3. 3. 买卖活动提示语 : A:Can I help you? B:I want …. A:Here you are. B:How much …? A:…dollars B:I’ll take it/them.


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