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CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY OR ROBBER BARONS?. GOALS HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW Eirion- “I want to have an A leaving this class. I want to be on top of my game. I.

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Presentation on theme: "CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY OR ROBBER BARONS?. GOALS HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW Eirion- “I want to have an A leaving this class. I want to be on top of my game. I."— Presentation transcript:


2 GOALS HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW Eirion- “I want to have an A leaving this class. I want to be on top of my game. I want to pass U.S History” Alexandria- “My goals for this Unit is to understand the work the best way I can. Pass my test and quizzes by working hard. Make an effort to not give up on myself. Xan’Taveus- “I want to learn things I never knew” Angel- “My goal is to make all A’s so I can be in honor classes” Jaylin- “My goal is not only for the first Unit but the rest of the year. I want an A” Fredrick- “I would like to achieve over 90% mastery” Mariah- “My goal for the first Unit is to achieve atleast an 80% or higher on all assessments Jalin Douglas- “To pass this class with an A+ or a B+” Zotoria- “I want to be successful, ask questions, and be more into the learning environment” Darieanna- “My goal is to understand and have fun while working” Calondria- “Make sure all my homework/classwork is finished”

3 LABOR UNION Trust/Monopolies- Having complete control of a product or service Labor Unions are organizations that protect the rights of the workers Collective Bargaining- negotiating for better working conditions Business Owners didn’t like Unions because it prevented competition Labor Unions went on strikes often

4 SKILLS WE ARE DEVELOPING TODAY Close Reading Corroboration Sourcing Central Idea



7 EMMA GOLDMAN Read Sourcing: What position do you think she will take on the strike? When was this written? How does that make you feel about the reliability of the document? Circle powerful phrases that lets you know her position on the strike Do you think that Emma is being bias?

8 HENRY FRICK Who wrote this? What is his perspective? How might his description and his language differ from Goldman’s? Date July 8—one week after the crisis—how might this effect what Frick will say? Is there any evidence that he’s trying to sound reasonable and logical? Why might he want to sound reasonable?

9 WRITING OUT THE CENTRAL IDEA The central idea sentence covers the main or critical details in the text.

10 WRITING OUT THE CENTRAL IDEA To accurately determine the central idea, use two steps: (1) Who or what is the text about (a word or phrase) = TOPIC (2) What is the writer saying about the topic.

11 CORROBORATION 1.How are Goldman and Frick’s claims about the Homestead strike different? 2.Whose claim is more believable? Why? 3.Why did the Homestead Strike turn violent? 4.What other materials would you want to look at in order to try to figure out what happened at Homestead? 5.Are strikes/riots effective ways to resist power?


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