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Other Groups that Demand their Civil Rights Chicanos 1.Who were the Chicanos? 2.Why did they call themselves Chicanos? 3.Who was César Chávez? (Blue box)

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Presentation on theme: "Other Groups that Demand their Civil Rights Chicanos 1.Who were the Chicanos? 2.Why did they call themselves Chicanos? 3.Who was César Chávez? (Blue box)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Other Groups that Demand their Civil Rights Chicanos 1.Who were the Chicanos? 2.Why did they call themselves Chicanos? 3.Who was César Chávez? (Blue box) 4.Which group did he help and how did he help them? 5.What program did Chicanos want in the schools? LATINOS pg. 516-518 (VA SOL title- I know you want to be called Spanish) Puerto Ricans 1.What problems did Puerto Ricans have when they arrived? 2.How did they solve their problems? 3.Who was the first Latino Supreme Court Justice? (that is her picture) Cubans 1.Why did Cubans leave their country in 1959? 2.What did they bring to the United States? 3.What have they gained?

2 Other Groups that Demand their Civil Rights Native Americans pg. 518-519 1.Describe the living conditions on Native American Reservations? 2.What was the effect of alcohol abuse on the Native Americans? 3.In 1968, AIM is formed in Minneapolis. What is AIM and its goal? 4.What did AIM work to improve? 1.__________________________________ 2.__________________________________ 3.__________________________________ 4.__________________________________ 5.What did AIM hope the government would improve? Asian Americans pg. 519 1.Where did Asian immigrants come from before 1960? 2.Where did they come from after 1960? 3.What caused this change? 4.What is the JACL and who formed it? 5.What did the JACL want the US government to do?

3 Other Groups that Demand their Civil Rights Chicanos 1.Who were the Chicanos? Mexican Americans 1.Why did they call themselves Chicanos? They were proud of their culture and background 1.Who was César Chávez? (Blue box) Chicano who started a movement to help migrant farm workers make a better living. He started the National farm workers of America union. He led strikes against the weathy farmers and led a national boycott against grapes 1.Which group did he help and how did he help them ? Migrant farm workers so they could make a better living. He led strikes against the weathy farmers who hired these workers and led a national boycott against grapes 2.What program did Chicanos want in the schools? Bilingual Education LATINOS pg. 516-518 (VA SOL title- I know you want to be called Spanish) Puerto Ricans 1.What problems did Puerto Ricans have when they arrived? Prejudice against them was strong and they could only get low paying jobs 1.How did they solve their problems? They got an education. They formed organizations that helped them gain their rights. They set up labor union and owned businesses. They worked to increase the number of Puerto Rican teachers, police officers,and firefighters. 2.Who was the first Latino Supreme Court Justice? (that is her picture) Sonya Sotomayor Cubans 1.Why did Cubans leave their country in 1959? Fidel Casto and the Cuban Revolution- they did not want to live in a communist state 1.What did they bring to the United States? New Businesses especially in banking and trade 1.What have they gained? Political power

4 Other Groups that Demand their Civil Rights Native Americans pg. 518-519 1.Describe the living conditions on Native American Reservations? Not enough food, Poverty, alcoholism 1.What was the effect of alcohol abuse on the Native Americans? Low life expectancy 1.In 1968, AIM is formed in Minneapolis. What is AIM and its goal? American Indian Movement Improve Native American lives 1.What did AIM work to improve? 1.Schools __ 2.__ Health care programs_ ___ 3._Educate and preserve traditions ___ 4.__Focus on Land Rights__ 2.What did AIM hope the government would improve? 3. Living conditions on the Reservations Government protection of Land rights Asian Americans pg. 519 1.Where did Asian immigrants come from before 1960? China, Japan, and the Phillipines 1.Where did they come from after 1960? Korea, India, Vietnam, Pakistan, and the Middle East 1.What caused this change? Change in the immigration laws because of wars and certain US industries needed skilled workers 1.What is the JACL and who formed it? Japanese American Citizen League Nisei formed it 1.What did the JACL want the US government to do? Reparations for Nisei put in internment camps during WWII. Stop stereotyping.

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