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Accessibility of Audio and Video workshop 27 May 2015, 11:00-13:15.

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Presentation on theme: "Accessibility of Audio and Video workshop 27 May 2015, 11:00-13:15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accessibility of Audio and Video workshop 27 May 2015, 11:00-13:15

2 3.1 How to make your audio information accessible ● Give your audio a text equivalent. This is text which shares the same information as the video, without important content being lost. Transcripts and captions are examples of a text equivalent. ● If possible, provide the option of word highlight in the text equivalent. ● Provide volume controls. ● Provide visual equivalents to audio alerts. ● Provide alternatives for time-based ● Avoid automatic playing of audio or video. ● Provide keyboard-accessible fast forward, rewind and pause functions. ● Give the user the possibility of inserting bookmarks.

3 4.1 How to make your video media accessible ● Give video either a text equivalent or captions. Aim not only to provide captions of the words spoken, but also a brief description of what is taking place. ● Ensure the text equivalent/script or captions are synchronised with the video. Captions are an alternative way of showing what people can hear. Scripts contain all the information that the video gives. ● Ensure the user can control the video: adjust volume, pause the video. Provide fast forward, rewind and pause functions. ● Ensure the video can be played in different media ● Ensure the video can be downloaded. ● Ensure the text equivalent/script or captions are synchronised with the video. Captions are an alternative way of showing what people can hear. Scripts contain all the information that the video gives.

4 Benefits Audio and video accessibilities benefit: Deaf and hard of hearing Blind and low vision Foreign language speakers Remedial readers/dyslexic Noisy environments

5 Video accessibilities ● Subtitles / Closed captions ● Transcripts ● Audio description – Example of film with audio description: ● Schindler’s list -

6 Video tutorials ● How to make captions in Youtube - ● Translating subtitles with Amara - ● Amara website - ● Windows Movie Maker – free video editor – tutorial -

7 Audio accessibilities ● Transcripts ● Automatic speech recognition ● Sign language ● CART – communication Access Realtime Translation – Univ. Washington video - ● Audacity – audio free editor – – Lynda tutorial -

8 SoundCloud and audioBoom SoundCloud web service – https://soundcloud.com ● Tutorial - audiBoom web service – https://audioboom.com ● Tutorial -

9 Contact Us This project has been funded with support from the European Union. This presentation reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education DAISY Consortium European Schoolnet Global Initiative of Inclusive ICTs International Association of Universities United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Ida Brandão – MoE Portugal Email:

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