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#sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Elastic Database, going to the infinity * Emanuele –

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Presentation on theme: "#sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Elastic Database, going to the infinity * Emanuele –"— Presentation transcript:

1 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Elastic Database, going to the infinity * Emanuele Zanchettin @_thinkIT_ –

2 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Organizers

3 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Gold Sponsors

4 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Bronze Sponsors

5 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Speaker info – Emanuele Zanchettin  15+ years of experience  data architect and consultant about SQLServer and Azure SQL Database  analyst and software developer using.NET  coordinator of resources and IT projects  Staff of 1nn0va – an Official Microsoft Community  Speaker about SQLServer and Azure SQL Database technologies  CEO and co-founder thinkIT Certified company ISO 9001:2008 (Quality) and ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 (IT Services)  –

6 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 About you Had a busy day, sleeping time.. ??? Are you awake?  Try to raise your hand  Try to clap your hands How many people are using … (raise your hand)  SQL Server?  Azure SQL Database?  SS Management Studio?  MS Visual Studio?

7 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Agenda Scalability Service evolution Elastic scale Prices Performance sharing Elastic database pool Have fun with Elastic Scale & pool

8 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Data partitioning - Scalability Scale-out Horizontal partitioning Vertical Partitioning Scale-up Idval Idval Idval Database bigger dbmore dbs Elastic scale (ex. app multi-tenant)

9 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Conclusions Scale-up  All right Vertical Partitioning  External foreign keys, between databases, not permitted  You can not have transactions between databases Even using Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MDTC client side)  Scale-out or horizontal partitioning  Embedded in Azure  Schema design   Developing and troubleshooting are little bit hard   Elastic Scale … was Federation …  Scale in-out / up-down..

10 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 The choice, conscious

11 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Other conclusions  Service evolution t f (x) start 6 months ago 2 days ago tomorrow? today

12 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Evolution from Federation to Elastic Scale The Azure SQL Database Federations feature is being retired along with the Web/Business editions in September 2015 (Cit.)

13 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Shard Map  Two types of Shard Map  Range: intervals contiguous elements  List: list of values Four types of keys  INT  BIGINT  GUID  VARBINARY

14 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Split/Merge scenario Some comands –CreateShard –DeleteShard –CreateRangeMapping –CreatePointMapping –DeleteMapping –UpdateMapping –MarkMappingOffline –MarkMappingOnline KeyShard Location 1Database_A 3Database_B 4Database_C 6Database_B... Key RangeShard Location [1, 50)Database_A [50, 100)Database_B [100, 200)Database_C [400, 600)Database_C...

15 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Premium Easy to understand Vertical: Scale-up or scale-down Horizontal: Scale-out or scale-in Basic Standard Basic Premium Standard Scale out/in Scale up/down

16 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Price How much “single database”

17 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Performance sharing Next step Example 20 * S3 (100 DTU) € 2.529,60/mo Example 4 * S3 (100 DTU) € 505,92/mo Example 1 * S3 (100 DTU) € 126,48/mo

18 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Elastic database pool  “This is a preview feature“  Evolution of elastic database management  “Container” of eDTU  Resource Sharing  Predictable budget  Scalable  Not ideal for every scenarios   Use it only if you need it

19 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Elastic database pool Easy to understand Vertical: Scale-up or scale-down (DTU) Horizontal: Scale-out or scale-in (db nums) Scale db nums out/in Scale DTU pool up/down

20 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 How much “elastic database” Price

21 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Comparison Simple database  20 x S3 100DTU  Up to 2000DTU  Up to 5TB (250GB/each)  € 2.529,60 Elastic database  1 X STD 100eDTU  Up to 100DTU  Up to 100GB (250GB/each)  € 189,53 You SAVE 20x DTU 13x expense LIMITS (  )

22 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 DEMO Have fun with Elastic Scale & Elastic DB

23 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Links  Azure SQL Database Elastic Scale Ch9 Database-Elastic-Scale Database-Elastic-Scale  SQL Database Service Level Agreement (SLA)  SQL Database pricing  Guidelines and Limitations (Windows Azure SQL Database)

24 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Links  Elastic database pool for SQL databases database-elastic-pool/ database-elastic-pool-guidance/

25 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 Answer depends on your... wallet

26 #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495 February 27, 2016 THANKS! #sqlsatPordenone #sqlsat495

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