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Welcome to the RUW Library By : Dr. Sarita Jain Sr. Library Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the RUW Library By : Dr. Sarita Jain Sr. Library Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the RUW Library By : Dr. Sarita Jain Sr. Library Manager

2 The Mission The mission of RUW Library is to provide: user-focused, quality services and collections in support of all RUW academic programs, faculty research and the information needs of the RUW community. Library aims to provide access to information in all formats and offers services that will assist students to become information literate, critical thinkers and lifelong learners. To achieve this Library: Develops its collections in support of all RUW academic programs; Provides an easy access to information in all formats - print and electronic; Nurture information literacy skills.

3 Get Connected The RUW library is located in Building B, on the ground floor. Four areas for study and reference are: Quiet Zone – For individual study Reading & Discussion Zone – For group study Research Zone – 8 individual cabins for research work Multi Media Room – Audio video set up for viewing DVD

4 Library Quiet Zone

5 Reading Cum Discussion room

6 Research Room

7 Multi Media Room

8 Library Collection Caters to the need of more than 650 UG & PG students, around 40 faculty members and over 36 administrative staff. Books: More than 8,300 printed books 120,000 e books from Springer Hundreds of DVDs E databases Hundreds of bound back files of journals. Students Research Projects Faculty Publications

9 Journals: Subscribes 45 journals ( Printed and Online): Art & Design14 Business & Financial Studies11 Information Technology 3 Law 11 Centre for General Studies. 6 1,361 eJournals from Springer Link 5 Journals from Scientific Research Directorate - Bahrain

10 E databases: ProQuest Academic Research Library (ARL): Academic journal articles and research database ProQuest ABI/INFORM Complete: specialized database for Business & Management. ProQuest ebrary : E book database Turnitin: Anti plagiarism software SPSS Springer Link ( free link to 120,000 e books & 1380 Journals Arabic version of Nature Magazine -

11 Library Services Serves its readers with comfortable and welcoming environment for study and research Has 29 computers with 24x7 wi fi connectivity for Internet and database surfing; Provides ready access to current collections of books, journals and subscribed databases Current Awareness Services Arranges training sessions and other presentations to introduce the library and its resources Circulation Services

12 Library services

13 Categories of books: Recommended Reading; Reserved (Textbook); Lend books; Multi Media / CD’s/ VCD’s.

14 Categories of books: For Borrowing : Recommended Reading Reserved (Textbook) Lend books Multi Media / CD’s/ VCD’s Not for Borrowing Reference books Academic Journals (loose and bound bound) Research Works Faculty Publications Magazines & Newspapers

15 Loan Policy for Students

16 Due Reminders…. First Reminder -Two days prior to due date Second Reminder – On due date Third Reminder – First overdue date

17 How to access Library Two ways to access Library Catalogue  From RUW homepage  From the internet by logging on to



20 Electronic Databases & E Books PROQUEST ABI INFORM COMPLETE (for Business with over 4000+ titles) ACADEMIC RESEARCH LIBRARY (General Reference on academic subjects, from business and political science to literature and Psychology with over 3850 titles) Log on to: Username : 8INV1N3T4Y Password : welcome

21 Electronic Databases & E Books EBRARY ( Ebooks or electronic versions of printed books with over 13,00,000 titles on varied subjects) Log on to: Username : Need to register Password : Need to register Springer Database (Free link to 120,000 e books and 1380 journals) Log on to http://link.springer.com Arabic ‘Nature’ edition: / /

22 Anti Plagiarism Software Turtnitin: Anti Plagiarism software - Turnitin is an Internet-based plagiarism- detection service. –To check the originality report of the paper / submissions by comparing it with the worlds largest comparison database. You need get registered with Turnitin. For this contact library.




26 Workshop Schedule: ProQuest 4 th Oct, 2016 (Tuesday) 27 th Nov, 2016 (Sunday) 23 rd Feb, 2017 (Thursday) 7 th Mar, 2017 (Tuesday) Ebrary 16 th Oct, 2016 (Sunday) 29 th Nov,2016 (Tuesday) 21 st Feb, 2017 (Tuesday) 5 th Mar, 2017 (Sunday)

27 Workshop Schedule AY- 2016/17 Turnitin (Anti Plagiarism Software) 25 th Oct, 2016 (Tuesday) 1 st Dec, 2016 (Thursday) 7 th Feb, 2017 (Tuesday) 2 nd Mar, 2017 (Thursday) Library Open Day Dec, 2016 Mar, 2017

28 Library Regulations

29 We look forward to your kind cooperation and assure you our best services and cooperation ……….

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