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GLOBAL HISTORY: SPICONARDI Decline of the Mongols.

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBAL HISTORY: SPICONARDI Decline of the Mongols."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLOBAL HISTORY: SPICONARDI Decline of the Mongols

2 Pax Mongolia Pax Mongolia period of political stability from Chinggis to Kublai Khan  While they felt superior to other cultures and limited rights of the Chinese  Mongols tolerated & learned from other cultures  Allowed all religions to be practiced  Not a true golden age  Mongols made no real artistic or scientific achievements  Trade  Encouraged trade, but  Wars also disrupted and hindered trade at times

3 Causes “One can conquer the empire on horseback, but one cannot govern it on horseback.”  What does this quote imply about a cause to the Mongol decline?  __________________________________________

4 Causes Diversity  While Mongols were tolerant of other cultures and religions, it became difficult to keep such a diversity of people unified Lands too vast  Empire stretched from Korea to Danube River

5 Causes Weak Rulers/Political instability  Fights over successions to the Golden Horde Khanate  Sensing weakness, Mongols face rebellions within the empire  Chinese overthrow Mongols in 1368 & establish Ming Dynasty Black Death  Kills millions  Halts trade from the West

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