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Organic Compounds (Cont.) Proteins and Nucleic Acids 05_02Polymers_A.swf 05_05Disaccharides_A.swf 05_07Polysaccharides_A.swf 05_11Fats_A.swf.

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Presentation on theme: "Organic Compounds (Cont.) Proteins and Nucleic Acids 05_02Polymers_A.swf 05_05Disaccharides_A.swf 05_07Polysaccharides_A.swf 05_11Fats_A.swf."— Presentation transcript:

1 Organic Compounds (Cont.) Proteins and Nucleic Acids 05_02Polymers_A.swf 05_05Disaccharides_A.swf 05_07Polysaccharides_A.swf 05_11Fats_A.swf

2 Organic Compounds (Cont.) Proteins and Nucleic Acids I.Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA, ATP) DNA: ____________________

3 Organic Compounds (Cont.) Proteins and Nucleic Acids I.Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA, ATP) DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid

4 Organic Compounds (Cont.) Proteins and Nucleic Acids I.Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA, ATP) DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid RNA: ____________________

5 Organic Compounds (Cont.) Proteins and Nucleic Acids I.Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA, ATP) DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid RNA: Ribonucleic Acid

6 Organic Compounds (Cont.) Proteins and Nucleic Acids I.Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA, ATP) DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid RNA: Ribonucleic Acid II. DNA vs. RNA DNA is usually the primary ________material RNA plays a variety of roles in translating ______ to _____________.

7 Organic Compounds (Cont.) Proteins and Nucleic Acids I.Nucleic Acids (DNA, RNA, ATP) DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid RNA: Ribonucleic Acid II. DNA vs. RNA DNA is usually the primary genetic material RNA plays a variety of roles in translating DNA to protein.

8 III. Nucleotide Structure (3 major parts) *Contains SPONCH DNAVsRNA 1. __________ 2. __________ 2. ________ 3. __________

9 III. Nucleotide Structure (3 major parts) DNAVsRNA 1. Phosphate 2. Deoxyribose (Sugar) 2. Ribose 3. Nitrogenous Bases (4) 3. No Thymine Adenine (A)“ Guanine (G)“ Cytosine (C)“ Thymine (T)Uracil (U)

10 DNA is a polymer (long chain) of nucleotides (Phosphate, Sugar Base)

11 DNA looks like a twisted ladder – is referred to as a: “double helix”

12 IV. Proteins Contain SPONCH – Sulfur only sometimes Most proteins end in “in” (seratonin, hemoglobin, tubulin, actin, myosin………) Major types of Proteins: ___________

13 IV. Proteins Contain SPONCH – Sulfur only sometimes Most proteins end in “in” (seratonin, hemoglobin, tubulin, actin, myosin………) Major types of Proteins: Antibodies Enzymes Muscles Hormones Pigment

14 V. Protein Structure Functional Groups (found in _______ ______) Amino Group (NH 2 ) Carboxyl Group (_______) R-Group (_______between amino acids)

15 V. Protein Structure Functional Groups (found in amino acids) Amino Group (NH 2 ) Carboxyl Group (COOH) R-Group (Varies between amino acids)

16 Amino Acids are the subunits of proteins!

17 Many times amino acids are abbreviated with three letters! Threonine (Thr) Amino Acids can be polar,

18 acidic, basic,

19 or nonpolar A.A. are dissolved in water in living things:

20 VI. Protein Levels Level 1: ___________ Structure

21 VI. Protein Levels Level 1: primary Structure Sequence (order) of ______ ______.

22 VI. Protein Levels Level 1: primary Structure Sequence (order) of amino acids.

23 VI. Protein Levels Level 1: Primary Structure Sequence (order) of amino acids. Peptide bond Chain of amino acids – Called a polypeptide.

24 Polymer of Amino Acids AKA: Polypeptide Peptide Bond ____________ Single _______ ____

25 Polymer of Amino Acids AKA: Polypeptide Peptide Bond dipeptide Single amino acid

26 Amino Acid Subunits

27 Level 2: ____________ Structure

28 Level 2: Secondary Structure Hydrogens (H) of one amino acid bond with Oxygens (O) of an adjacent amino acid.

29 Level 2: Secondary Structure Hydrogens (H) of one amino acid bond with Oxygens (O) of an adjacent amino acid. Results in two shapes: alpha helix (helical) and the beta pleated sheet (zig-zag pattern).

30 Level 2: Secondary Structure Hydrogens (H) of one amino acid bond with Oxygens (O) of an adjacent amino acid. Results in two shapes: alpha helix (helical) and the beta pleated sheet (zig-zag pattern).


32 Level 3: ________ Structure

33 Level 3: Tertiary Structure “R” groups of amino acids interact and form bonds. Causes “bunching” of the alpha helix and beta pleated sheet.

34 Level 3: Tertiary Structure “R” groups of amino acids interact and form bonds. Causes “bunching” of the alpha helix and beta pleated sheet. **All proteins reach at least this level!!


36 Level 4: ____________Structure

37 Level 4: Quaternary Structure

38 Composed of more than one ___________chain bonded together – results in “globular” proteins.

39 Level 4: Quaternary Structure Composed of more than one polypeptide chain bonded together – results in “globular” proteins. Each protein (i.e. hemoglobin) has a very specific shape due to specific bonding between ________ _______.

40 Level 4: Quaternary Structure Composed of more than one polypeptide chain bonded together – results in “globular” proteins. Each protein (i.e. hemoglobin) has a very specific shape due to specific bonding between amino acids.

41 Quaternary Level Proteins



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