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The 8 Different Biomes Kaitlyn Crosby nd hour.

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Presentation on theme: "The 8 Different Biomes Kaitlyn Crosby nd hour."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 8 Different Biomes Kaitlyn Crosby2-28-122 nd hour

2 Biomes Biome is when an environment has specific plants, animals, and temperatures.

3 Tundra The Tundra is located at the South and North pole. The climate is very cold. The types of animals it has is Penguins' and Polar Bears. The types of plants is would have would be moss or fungi.

4 Taiga Taiga is located just below the tundra. It’s cold. The types of animal that can be found there are caribou and wolves. The types of plants you’ll see are the ever greens.

5 Temperate & Deciduous Forest It can be found on the east coast of the U.S. It’s cold in the winter but humid in the summer. You could find bears or bunny’s there. The types of you’ll see are A LOT of bushes and tree’s.

6 Grasslands It’s located in Africa. The types of plants you can find there are bushes and, of course, bushes. Types of animal you can find are elephants and Giraffes. It’s going to be warm there too.

7 Rainforest The climate is humid all year round. It’s found around South America. Types of plants you’ll find are wild flowers and big tree’s. Animals you’ll see are toucans and monkeys.

8 Desert Can be located in AZ and NM. The types of plans you’ll see are Cacti and dead bushes/trees. The types of animals you’ll find are Coyotes and Mountain Lions. Its VERY hot and dry.

9 Salt Water It surrounds bodies of land. Oceans or Seas Animals in it would be Sharks or Whales. Plants in it would be seaweeds.

10 Fresh Water Would be the lakes, rivers, ponds, and swamps. The types of animals you’ll find are alligators and frogs. The types of plants you’ll find are lillypads and cattails.

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