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Steering Discussion January 30, 2014 Supported by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment Training and Administration’s (DOLETA) Trade Adjustment Assistance.

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Presentation on theme: "Steering Discussion January 30, 2014 Supported by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment Training and Administration’s (DOLETA) Trade Adjustment Assistance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Steering Discussion January 30, 2014 Supported by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment Training and Administration’s (DOLETA) Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant Program (TAACCCT) Welcome to the

2 The Super Bowl winner will be… 1.= Denver Broncos 2.= Seattle Seahawks

3 I represent… 1.= Higher Ed – 4 yr 2.= Higher Ed – 2yr 3.= Business & Industry 4. = NE DOL/DED 5. = NE DOE 6. = Other

4 My community college region is… 1.= Central 2.= Metropolitan 3.= Mid-Plains 4.= Northeast 5.= Southeast 6.= Western 7.= other

5 The best sources for new employees… 1.= Word of mouth 2.= Staffing agencies 3.= Online job boards / newspaper ads 4.= Company recruiting functions 5.= External search firms 6.= Company web sites 7.= Community colleges 8.= Other

6 When hiring, employers most look for… 1.= Technical skills 2.= Reliability / Dependability 3.= Good decision- making/problem-solving 4.= Ability to work in a team 5.= Intelligence 6.= Work experience in the field 7.= Advanced Education 8.= Other

7 1.= Strongly Agree 2.= Agree 3.= No Opinion 4.= Disagree 5.= Strongly Disagree The lack of skilled labor is the biggest challenge to Nebraska manufacturers…

8 1.= Strongly Agree 2.= Agree 3.= No Opinion 4.= Disagree 5.= Strongly Disagree There is a need for employees trained in general manufacturing…

9 My knowledge of Project IMPACT… 1.= No knowledge 2.= Little knowledge (heard of it) 3.= Read about it or attended a presentation 4.= I’m working with the project team

10 Top sources for new employees 10 Manufacturers Need New Workforce Strategies

11 Total Project – Grant Funded - $5,629,194 – Leveraged Funds - $1,768,693 Project Period: October 1, 2012 – September 30, 2016 ─ Year 1 through 3: Program Development ─ Year 4: Data gathering, reporting, evaluation ONLY Grant Overview

12 Purpose of the Grant To serve TAA-eligible workers, unemployed, and under-employed workers. All traditional and non-traditional adult student populations are eligible. To increase attainment of industry recognized certifications, credentials, diplomas and degrees through the use of innovative and effective methods of curriculum development and delivery. To provide higher-skilled, higher-earnings employment outcomes. To accelerate the progress of the adult learner to program completion.

13 Features of Project IMPACT Develop Diversified Manufacturing Technology AAS degree program with certifications, certificates, diploma options ─ Aligned with 10 industry recognized credentials ─ Contextualized basic skills remediation (UNL) Innovative online learning opportunities with Second Life and augmented 3D (consortium & UNL) ─ Virtual manufacturing facilities ─ Simulations / game design ─ Workshops / seminars

14 Features of Project IMPACT Improved retention and completion by 5% ─ Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, & Other characteristics (KSAO) assessments ─ KSAO mobile lab ─ Enhanced coaching services Articulate at least 25% of courses across consortium ─ Develop common core Certificate – First time pilot effort Two pathways to different baccalaureate

15 Diversified Manufacturing Program Stackable; certificates, diplomas, degrees Portable; industry recognized credentials Flexible; ‘on-off ramps’ to and from employment and higher education Sustainable; adaptable to traditional audiences

16 Curriculum Roadmap

17 Consortium 5 Nebraska community colleges (CCC*, MCC, NECC, SCC, WNCC) University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) 4-year, $5.6M grant * Lead institution UNL Role Develop and validate novel assessments and interventions to improve TAA retention and program completion 5% o Articulated pathways o Advanced KSAO assessments o Enhanced coaching and mentorship o Contextualized ABE integration o Online interactive VR simulations * Self-selected or randomized experimental groups (withholding strategies) Objectives Develop and deliver education and career training programs to TAA eligible workers and others with barriers to re-employment o Outsourced manufacturing sectors o Older workers with undocumented or outdated KSAs; ABE deficiencies Establish diversified manufacturing technology curriculum o Stackable; certificates, diplomas, degrees o Portable; industry recognized credentials o Flexible; ‘on-off ramps’ to and from employment and higher education o Sustainable; adaptable to traditional audiences Outcomes 838 participants enrolled in program 590 participants completing initial program of study o 447 participants employed o 143 participants enrolled in further study Contact(s): K. Grosskopf, Ph.D., Overview

18 Synergy - how can we help you be better? – Business with manufacturing-related advisory relations – Manufacturing advisory committees What are the training needs for manufacturing? – How does business existing training needs? – How does business use digital resources for training? What are the biggest challenges to hiring employees? Best ways to communicate are…? Steering Discussion Topics

19 Questions/ Comments? Dan Davidchik Project Manager Phone: (402) 562-1408 Email: Michelle Setlik Grants Compliance Officer Phone: (308) 398-7341 Email: Sue Baer Administrative Assistant Phone: (402) 562-1425 Email: Contact Information

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