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2015 Imams’ Conference: Imam Bashir Ali October 3, 2015.

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1 2015 Imams’ Conference: Imam Bashir Ali October 3, 2015

2 Our Direction (Qur’an 3:104) “Let there be from you a community inviting to the goodness/prosperity; commanding universally recognized human excellence; preventing influences that void the human nature. Those, they, will be the successful.”

3 Imam W. Deen Mohammed: “…Islam is a religion that directs us to community, to develop community- under G-d of course. And to be productive…” September 11, 2008 (Published) “IWDM Last Interview Before Death”

4 “And those who have responded to their Guardian Evolver and established prayer and order their affairs (upon the principle of) mutual consultation (Shuraa Baynahum) and from what we provided them, they spend.” (Qur’an 42:38)

5 Practical Meaning:  Obligatory NOT Optional  Collective Decision Making Process Reaching a Group Consensus  Directs a Specific Course of Collective Action

6 Qur’anic Meaning:  Amruhum  Noun-Derived from the Arabic word “Amara”  Means: Command, Authority, Order, Matter, or Affair  Possessive Pronoun-”hum” means: Their

7 Qur’anic Meaning:  Shuraa  Noun-Means: Consultation  Baynahum  Preposition-”Bayna” Means: Between or Among  Possessive Pronoun- “hum” Means: Them

8 Qur’anic Meaning: “…order their affairs (upon the principle of) mutual consultation…”

9 Imam W. Deen Mohammed Tafseer: “G-d says to us, ‘Order upon the principle of Shuraa, of mutual consultation…’ This is a meeting of the minds, the mutual meeting of the best minds, discussing the matter and coming up with a consensus, a judgment they all support. Right? That’s what G-d says to do…” March 14, 2008, Boston, Massachusetts

10 In Human Nature (Creation)  Human Development Continuum  Initial-Dependent  Transitory-Independent  Maturity-Interdependent (Need for Shuraa) ▪ Family, Community, Society, Civilization, Humanity  A Natural Function of Leadership

11 In Qur’an  Obligatory Institution for Believers (Fard)  Reflects the pattern in human nature (Deen ul- Fitrah)  An entire surah named for this principle  42:38-Revealed in Mecca  3:159-Revealed in Medina

12 Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh)  Used to consult with believers on important community matters, i.e.:  Call to Prayer  Battle of Badr  Battle of Uhud  The Day of Khandaq (the Trench)  The Day of Hudaybiyyah  The Day of Ifk (i.e. the false accusation)

13 Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) Abu Huraira: “The Holy Prophet was most solicitous in consulting others in all matters of importance.”

14 Muhammad the Prophet (pbuh) On the authority of ‘Ali Ibn Abi Talib (explaining the word ‘azm, Qur’an 3:159) the Prophet replied: “…taking counsel with knowledgeable people and thereupon following them”

15 Imam W. Deen Mohammed Quotes  Cited examples of Muhammad the Prophet  Equated “Amruhum Shuraa Baynahum” with “Islamic Democracy”  Qualifications: “best minds and best characters”;“firstly, by good character and secondly by their knowledge or experience in the matter”

16 Imam W. Deen Mohammed Quotes  …“resourceful persons and forward directed persons”;…“persons who are responsible and can help the growth of Islam in our community”  …”respecting each other as equals. Equally qualified to give advice, to contribute to decision making.”  “Come to a consensus they all support”

17 Imam W. Deen Mohammed Quotes  “We are to select those persons, males and females for community achievement…we have to include females too.”  “…Serving you by responding to you as we should…”  “…A body to facilitate shuraa from the smallest issue to the biggest issue…”

18 Imam W. Deen Mohammed Quotes  NOT…“an executive body to execute judgments or orders…or to control or order the community” (National Shuraa)  “It has to be together as a collective body that we can be khalifah, not in a single person. The collective body must be the rule.”

19 Imam W. Deen Mohammed Examples  Regions/Regional Imams  Sections/Conveners  National Shuraa  Illinois Shuraa  Monitoring Teams

20 Principles  Types/Application  Informal: interpersonal, situational  Formal: organizational, community (local, regional, national, international, global)

21 Principles  Qualifications “Best Minds” (knowledge/character/disposition/ intentions)  Representation (diverse)  Election  Selection

22 Principles  Participation/Engagement: Broad- based, “Democratic”  Process: Inclusive (“Baynahum”)  Objective: Majority Consensus on a specific course of action or actions impacting the group or community

23 Purpose of Community Shuraa  To make collective decisions and agreements, by consensus, to:  Address community needs;  Develop community life; or  Respond to external circumstances (On-going Social Dynamism)

24 Limitations Within the boundaries of established principles and universal practices of the Deen of Al-Islam (i.e. Qur’an and Life Example of Muhammad the Prophet)

25 Limitations… “It is not for a believing man or believing woman, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should (thereafter) have any choice about their affair. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly strayed into error. (Qur’an 33:36)

26 Role of Shuraa Convener  Convene the shuraa participants  Facilitate the discussion  Engage the participants to insure everyone’s input in the discussion  Identify areas of consensus  NOT DICTATE but SERVE

27 Role of Shuraa Participants  Come to discussion/deliberation with the RIGHT intentions  Knowledgeable of subject matter, especially grounded in Qur’an, Sunnah of the Prophet, and Language of IWDM  Ability to reach consensus with others

28 Community Shuraa Process National Local Sections

29 In Summary… “Amruhum Shuraa Baynahum” means a process of deliberation among representatives, knowledgeable, or concerned parties to try to find common ground or “consensus” in order to determine a course of action that will affect themselves and those they represent (i.e. the larger group or community).

30 Community Examples  Local Communities/Entities  Organizational  Regional/Sections  National (Community-wide)

31 Local Models (Masaajid/Centers/Organizations)  Autonomous entities  Incorporation  Bylaws (organizational structure)  Elections (Imams/officers/boards)  Boards/Shuraa Bodies

32 Regional/Section Models  Organized Imams/Elected Conveners  Other Organizations/Efforts (addressing community needs)  Regional Leadership Teams (Intelligentsia)  Coordinated Efforts

33 Midwest Imams Midwest Sectional Convener Conference Team Leader Work Team Development Leader Communications Team Leader Treasurer / Fiscal Agent Conference Team Work Teams Communications Team Marriage & Family Life Government/ Civic Engagement Culture Business/ Economic Development Education Youth Engagement Team

34 National/Community-wide Models  Organized Imams (Section Conveners)  National Organizations/Teams  Occasional Coordinated Efforts with Community Leaders (Community Leadership Summits, etc.)

35 Leadership is a Critical and Natural Function of Community Life  Role of the “Servant Leader”  Follow the Qur’an and example of the Prophet  Serve the interests of the Community, at the will of the Community  Use tools of enlightened discussion, debate, and persuasion to convince peers or constituents of his/her/their position  Does NOT DICTATE  Guides the Community through Shuraa

36 Accountable Representation  Leaders/representatives of Community must:  Be democratically authorized (not self- appointed),  Expectation to report-back,  Submit to questions from the Community,  Held accountable to Qur’anic and Community standards

37 Current Imams’ Shuraa Byproducts  Community Announcements (i.e. Ramadan and Eid)  Community Website  Occasional Position Statements  Community Leadership Summits  Annual Reports to the Community  First Annual Imams’ Conference

38 Reoccurring Issues  Community Representation  International Opportunities  Inquiries from White House for Community Position Statements  Need for News Media Position Statements

39 Shukran, Peace and Blessings!

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