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Unit 1, Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology (Part I)

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1, Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology (Part I)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1, Chapter 1 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology (Part I)

2 You must Know Be able to define anatomy Be able to define physiology Know the various specialties of each

3 What is Anatomy? (Part I) The study of body structure. The relationships among body parts By

4 For Example… What system is this? How are the parts related?

5 Two Types of Anatomy Gross Anatomy Microscopic Anatomy Fun Fact: anatomy comes from the Greek words “ana” – part, and “tomy” – to cut; to cut apart

6 What is Physiology? Physiology = Function (how do things work) They are interconnected: Physiology is dependent on anatomy

7 Specialties of Physiology Cell physiology Systemic physiology – study of the bodies systems Pathological physiology – study of the effect of disease on cell, tissue, organ and system

8 For Example… What’s this pic about? Change in anatomy changes function – Sickle Cell Anemia!

9 Crash Course Check out the new anatomy/physiology course from Hank Green and Crash Course Click Here for Video #1

10 Levels of Organization (Part II)

11 You Must Know Identify the major levels of organization in organisms. Identify the 11 organ systems of the body and their major components. Explain the concept of homeostasis, including both positive and negative feedback.

12 Human Organization – 6 Major Levels 1.Chemical (molecular) 2.Cellular

13 Human Organization – 6 Major Levels 3.Tissue 4.Organ

14 Human Organization – 6 Major Levels 5.Organ System 6.Organism Atoms --> Molecules --> Macromolecules --> Organelles --> Cells --> Tissues --> Organs --> Organ Systems --> Organism

15 Name these 11 Body Systems

16 Homeostasis “Staying the Same” Homeostasis is a state of balance in the body. Homeostasis is a stable internal environment Every organism must maintain homeostasis for survival Homeostatic regulation is responsible for keeping internal environment within certain limits.

17 Negative Feedback: The Control of Body Temperature

18 Positive Feedback: Blood Clotting In positive feedback an initial stimulus produces a response that enhances the change in the original condition. For instance: Damage to blood vessel wall will cause release of chemicals. Chemicals will trigger blood clotting Clotting process increases release of chemicals More chemicals means accelerated clotting Accelerated clotting means more chemicals

19 Medical terminology (Part III)

20 You Must Know Understand the organization of the human body. Know what is meant by the term “anatomical position.” Know your directional terms, i.e., proximal & distal, etc. Learn the body regions and terms. Understand the planes of the body. Using the proper anatomical terms, identify the major body cavities.

21 Organization of the Body Axial Portion: head, neck, trunk Appendicular Portion: arms & legs The body also has: 1.Body Cavities 2.Membranes w/in cavities 3.Organs and complete organ systems w/in these cavities (VISCERA = Internal Organs)

22 Anatomical position

23 Proximal vs Distal Distal means away from your body, proximal means close to your body trunk (chest and abdomen) Examples: distal- fingers proximal-wrist

24 Directional Terms Some other terms…(may not be in sophia) o Superficial (the skin is superficial to the muscles) o Deep (the lungs are deep to the rib cage) o Medial (Toward the midline of the body, heart is medial to the arm) o Lateral (Away from the the midline; arms lateral to the chest) Make sure you look over Table 1.1 in your textbook

25 Check Your Understanding The wrist is ___ to the hand. The sternum is ___ to the spine. The brain is ___ to the spinal cord. The thumb is ___ to the fingers

26 BODY regions…

27 Body planes

28 Body cavities Hey, what’s dorsal, ventral, lateral mean?

29 Body cavities

30 Abdominopelvic Regions Two different schemes to divide up the large abdomen area; medical personal like the scheme on the right, anatomist like the left scheme

31 Video Clip! Click Here for "Study Maybe“ From: University of Maryland School of Medicine, Freshman Follies (5/21/12)

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