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INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I.ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY a. Anatomy 1. the structure and morphology of body parts, their forms and organization b.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I.ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY a. Anatomy 1. the structure and morphology of body parts, their forms and organization b."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I.ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY a. Anatomy 1. the structure and morphology of body parts, their forms and organization b. Physiology 1. the function of body parts, what they do and how they do it

2 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY REVIEW 1.What are the differences between anatomy and physiology? 2.Why is it difficult to separate the topics of anatomy and physiology? 3.What are the functions of the following structures? a. Tongue b. Ear c. Achilles Tendon

3 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II. LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION a. Scientist recognize that all materials, including those that comprise the human body are composed of chemicals. b. Levels 1. ATOMS a. the tiny particles of chemicals 2. MOLECULES a. formed by larger particles of bound atoms

4 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 3. MACROMOLECULES a. small molecules combined to form larger molecules 4. ORGANELLE a. macromolecules in cells that carry on specific activities 5. CELL a. the basic unit of structure and function in humans 6. TISSUE a. cells organized into layers or masses that have common functions

5 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 7. ORGANS a. groups of different tissue with specialized functions 8. ORGAN SYSTEM a. groups of organs that function closely together 9. ORGANISM a. interacting organ systems (human)

6 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY REVIEW 4. How does the human body illustrate levels of organization? 5. What is an organism? 6. How do body parts at different levels of organization vary in complexity? 7. Why is Chemistry a prerequisite for this course?

7 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY III. CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE a. Movementf. Excretion b. Reproductiong. Nutrition c. Sensitivity d. Growth e. Respiration 1. metabolism a. chemical events that release and utilize energy

8 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY REVIEW 8. Describe each Characteristics of Life in 5 words or less. 9. Which physical and chemical events constitute metabolism?

9 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY IV. MAINTENANCE OF LIFE a. Life depends upon the following environmental factors: 1. WATER (chemical substance) a. most abundant source in the body (70%) b. required for metabolism c. provides the environment for metabolism d. transports substances within organisms e. regulates body temperature

10 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2. FOOD (Chemical substances) a. substances that provide organisms with necessary chemicals (nutrients) and water 1. nutrients supply energy and raw materials for building new living matter 3. OXYGEN (chemical substances) a. gas that makes up about 1/5 th of the air b. helps release energy from food necessary for metabolism

11 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 4. HEAT (a form of energy) a. a product of metabolic reactions b. partly controls the rate at which metabolism occurs 1. the more heat, the more rapid reactions occur c. Temperature is a measure of the amount of heat present

12 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 5. PRESSURE (a force) a. application of force on an object or substance 1. Atmospheric pressure (14.7 psi) a. force acting on the human body due to the weight of the air 1. plays an important role in breathing 2. Hydrostatic pressure a. pressure exerted by liquid due to the weight of H 2 O b. blood pressure (120/80 mmHg)

13 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY REVIEW 10. Which requirements of organisms does the external environment provide? 11. What is the relationship between oxygen use and heat production?

14 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY V. HOMEOSTASIS 1. The body’s maintenance of a stable internal environment a. Homeostatic Mechanism 1. a number of self-regulating control systems in the body 2. 3 common components a. Receptors 1. provide information about specific conditions (stimuli) in the internal environment

15 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY b. A Control Center 1. includes a set point, tells what a particular value should be (ie. Body temperature 98.6 ᵒ F) c. Effectors 1. muscles or glands which cause responses that alter conditions in the internal environment 2. Negative Feedback a. a mechanism in which build up of a product causes suppression of its synthesis

16 INTRO TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY REVIEW 12. Why is homeostasis so important to survive? 13. Describe 3 homeostatic mechanisms. 14. Give an example of a negative feedback mechanism.

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