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Do Now Clear your desk of everything besides for The Odyssey and your notes 1.

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2 Do Now Clear your desk of everything besides for The Odyssey and your notes 1

3 2 Directions When answering a question respond by stating “What is/Who is ________” Your answer will be incorrect if this is not said. Do not argue with the judge or you’ll be disqualified Do not answer the questions in relation to the movie, but answer them according to the facts in the epic poem We will rotate by groups clockwise. I will draw a name from the index cards in order to determine which group will choose first. 2

4 200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100200300400500100 Characters Definitions & Random Info Who said What EventsPlaces

5 100 Who is the protagonist in The Odyssey ?

6 Odysseus 100

7 200 Who is the character that holds Odysseus “captive” for seven years?

8 Calypso (Kalypo) 200

9 300 Who is the Cyclops that is blinded by Odysseus?

10 Polyphemus 300

11 400 What is the monsters name that “spews it [the water] up and sucks it down again, a whirling maelstrom” three times a day?

12 Charybdis (Kharybdis) 400

13 500 Who is Odysseus’ mother?

14 Antikleia 500

15 100 Who is credited with designing the wooden horse for the Trojan war?

16 Odysseus 100

17 200 What is an epic poem?

18 Long story told in elevated language--usually poetry-- which relates the great deeds of a larger-than-life hero who embodies the values of a particular society 200

19 300 What was the title for the men who were the historians and entertainers as well as the mythmakers during Homer’s time?

20 300 Rhapsodes, bards, or minstrels

21 400 What are the six characteristics of an epic hero?

22 affects the consequences of a nation possesses supernatural powers and abilities born of mysterious consequences/origins destined for a long, arduous task or adventure has followers but often must work alone embodies the virtues—and vices—of his nation/society 400

23 500 Who told Odysseus to travel to the Land of the Dead?

24 500 Circe (Kirke)

25 100 Who said, “My name is Nohbdy: mother, father, and friends, everyone calls me Nohbdy”?

26 Odysseus 100

27 200 Who said, “Can I be less desirable than she is? Less interesting? Less beautiful? Can mortals compare with goddesses in grace and form”?

28 200 Calypso (Kalypo)

29 300 Who said “Avoid those kine, hold fast to your intent, and hard seafaring brings you all to Ithaka. But if you raid the beeves, I see destruction for ship and crew”?

30 Teiresias 300

31 400 Who said “No, hug to the cliff of Skylla, take your ship through on a racing stroke. Better to mourn six men than lose them all, and the ship too”?

32 Circe (Kirke) 400

33 500 Who said “Telemakhos, the stranger you welcomed in your hall has not disgraced you. I did not miss, neither did I take all day stringing the bow. My hand and eye are sound, not so contemptible as the young men say”?

34 Odysseus 500

35 100 What character tells Calypso to release Odysseus?

36 Hermes 100

37 Place the following events is order sequentially: a) Odysseus travels to the Land of the Dead to hear his prophecy b) Odysseus shoots an arrow through twelve ax-helve sockets c) Odysseus and his men stab the Cyclops in the eye d) Odysseus lands on Aeolus Island where the west wind is bagged 200

38 c) Odysseus and his men stab the Cyclops in the eye d) Odysseus lands on Aeolus Island where the west wind is bagged a) Odysseus travels to the Land of the Dead to hear his prophecy b) Odysseus shoots an arrow through twelve ax-helve sockets

39 300 How is Odysseus able to defeat Circe (Kirke)? Be specific.

40 Odysseus eats the moly plant given by Hermes before he drinks her poisoned wine. Odysseus must sleep with Circe (Kirke) in order for his men to be turned into humans once more. 300

41 400 What is the symbolic item that prevents Odysseus from moving his bed from his bedchamber in Ithaca?

42 400 the Olive Tree

43 500 During Odysseus’ travels after the Trojan War, what are all the lands/areas that Odysseus’ men to not die at?

44 500 The Land of the Lotus Eaters Aeolus Island Circe’s (Kirke’s) Island The Land of the Dead The Sirens

45 100 What land do we as the reader first see Odysseus on?

46 100 Calypso’s (Kalypso’s) island

47 200 What land is King Alcinous (Alkinoos) from?

48 Phaeacia (Phaiakia) 200

49 300 What is the island that is home to Helio’s cattle?

50 300 Thrinakia

51 400 What is the present day location of the Cyclops?

52 Sicily 400

53 500 What is the island that Circe (Kirke) lives on?

54 500 Aeaea

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