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19 novembre 2016 Formation Telecom: Radio. Telecom type sum-up (early 2016) 70 bases in total:  31% Vsat => 22 bases in 9 countries (32% in 2013…) 

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Presentation on theme: "19 novembre 2016 Formation Telecom: Radio. Telecom type sum-up (early 2016) 70 bases in total:  31% Vsat => 22 bases in 9 countries (32% in 2013…) "— Presentation transcript:

1 19 novembre 2016 Formation Telecom: Radio

2 Telecom type sum-up (early 2016) 70 bases in total:  31% Vsat => 22 bases in 9 countries (32% in 2013…)  36% DSL or Fiber optic => 25 bases including 11 capitales (33% in 2013… 14 capitales)  27% Radio internet(Wifi/Wimax/WLL) => 16 bases including 9 capitales (20% in 2013…Radio becomes better than DSL…)  50% Radio HF/VHF => 10 missions (mainly africa)  6% 3G keys => 3 bases (8% in 2013, but explode for backup use…)  0% still with BGAN => 0 bases… (7% in 2013)

3 19 novembre 20163 Electromagnetic wave  Photon  Caracteristics of a wave: Amplitude Frequency (Hz) Lenght (m) Speed (light speed) :

4 19 novembre 20164 Radio Frequencies 18 MHz Band: 18068 - 18100CW 18100 - 18109Digimode, CW 18109 - 18111IBP 18111 - 18168Phone, CW

5 19 novembre 20165 Waves transmission trough antennas The perfect antenna has the same physical length than the frequency we want to use (reception or transmission). In this case almost all the power of the transceiver is tranmited into electromagnetic wave. Electromagnetic wave Transmission Electromagnetic wave Tranmission If the antenna is not well choose of if there is to many obstacles, the power of the transmission is dangerously reflected into the transceiver. Reflected power

6 19 novembre 20166 Radio material Managing the relfected power The only feed back you have : SWR meter GOOD PERFECT DANGEROUS !

7 19 novembre 20167 Storm Lightning protection Lightnings can go up to 300 000 volts And radio antennas are a important target. So we need to protect the radio antennas

8 November 19, 20168 To optimize the Radio transmission Technicaly speaking :  NEVER TOUCH THE radio ANTENNA WHILE TRANSMITING !  Position your radio antennas as hight as possible (6 meters) except for NVIS, far from any obstacle.  Take great care of the connections (grease and silicone).  Take great care of the cables (respect lenght, do not bend).  Respect the earth connection.

9 19 novembre 2016 HF radios

10 19 novembre 201610 Connecting HF Radios (ACF Doc…) : Do not forget the earth connection (half the antenna ! Double the performance... (see annexe)

11 19 novembre 201611 Connecting HF Radios (ACF Doc…) : Do not forget the earth connection (half the antenna ! Double the performance... (see annexe)

12 19 novembre 201612 To optimize the HF transmission Antenna position TopviewSideview

13 19 novembre 2016 VHF radios

14 19 novembre 201614 VHF material GP340 16 channels 136 – 174 MHz 5 watts (Tx) 8 to 14 hours autonomy Computer programming 265 euros GM340 6 channels 136 – 174 MHz 25 Watts (Tx) Computer programming About 300 euros Antenna: As high as possible

15 19 novembre 201615 VHF repeater Duplex TX:155 725 KHz RX: 155 775 Khz Duplex TX: 155 775 Khz RX: 155 725 KHz Duplex TX: 155 775 Khz RX: 155 725 KHz In duplex mode : one frequency to transmit, another one to receive. Simplex TX-RX:155 250 KHz Simplex TX-RX:155 250 KHz In simplex mode : the same frequency to tranmit and to receive.  VHF contact is similar to visual contact  VHF reapeater can overcome the obstacles.

16 19 novembre 201616  If the coverage is not sufficient (< green zone for ex), => IMPROVE THE COVERAGE VHF RADIOTESTS Material Power Altitude Range VHF Handset VHF MobileVHF BaseVHF Repeater 5 watts25 Watts About 2 metersAbout 3 metersAbout 6 metersAbout 20 meters -++++++

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