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HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG

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1 HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG
WBN Global Conference, Rome October 2013

2 The Talanx Group With a premium income of around EUR 27 billion in 2012 the third largest German insurance Group and among the 10 largest European insurance providers by premium income in 2012 The third largest German insurance Group and among the 12 largest European insurance providers by premium income in 2011 Industrial insurance: One of the major providers of commercial lines in Germany, excellent position in major European markets Life insurance: Belongs to the largest life insurers in Germany One of the leading bancassurance providers in Germany Reinsurance: Global player with Hannover Re as one of the leading reinsurers in the world Investments: EUR 98.9 billion* Financial strength ratings: Standard & Poor’s: A+/stable (strong) A.M. Best: A/stable (excellent) *) as at HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Page 2

3 The Talanx Group Talanx operates in five business areas:
Retail Germany Retail International Industrial Lines Reinsurance (Non-Life Reinsurance, Life and Health Reinsurance) Financial Services The Talanx Group can look back on more than one hundred years of experience, yet we are a young, dynamic company Talanx is active in about 150 countries with a workforce numbering some 22,200 employees as of year-end 2012 Talanx headquarters is based in Hannover HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Page 3

4 The name Talanx Talanx is an artificially created name composed of two elements from Greek Antiquity: Talent: A currency unit in Antiquity used to state large amounts. The talent was a coin standard used in minting and to measure the metal content of the alloy Phalanx: A self-contained combat formation, an efficiently functioning, interlocking system distinguished by power, strength and solidity as well as a high level of flexibility Needless to say, we do not in any way equate commercial activities with ancient battles. Rather, the associations with power, strength, solidity and flexibility in financial transactions prompted us to select the name. HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Page 4

5 The Talanx Group HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Page 5

6 Europe: Talanx among the 8 largest insurance providers by premium income
1 2 3 4 6 8 5 11 7 12 Allianz AXA Generali Munich Re Zurich Prudential Aviva1) Talanx CNP Swiss Re 9 10 2012 | Gross premiums (EUR billion) 1) Continuing business only 1) Continuing business only Source: Own Presentation based on 2012 annual reports HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Page 6

7 Gross premiums (EUR billion)
Our Ranking in Germany: Unchanged on Rank 3 Rank Company/Group Gross premiums (EUR billion) 2012 2011 1 Allianz 99,2 97,6 2 Munich Re 52,0 49,6 3 Talanx-Konzern 26,7 23,7 4 R+V 11,9 11,3 5 Debeka 9,3 8,8 6 VKB Versicherungskammer Bayern 6,9 6,6 7 8 HUK 5,6 5,3 Signal Iduna 5,5 9 Gothaer 4,2 4,1 10 W&W 4,0 3,8 Source: Own presentation based on annual reports HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Page 7

8 HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG
Page 8

9 Industrial Lines The Industrial Lines division is led by HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG The company is active in more than 130 countries through branches, subsidiaries and network partners HDI-Gerling Industrie supports its clients at home and abroad with bespoke solutions optimally attuned to the needs of its customers The range of products and services extends from liability, motor, accident, fire and property insurance to marine, special lines and engineering covers Decades of experience in risk assessment and risk management, since complex risks in industry and mid-sized business necessitate special protection Professional claims management worldwide In Germany HDI-Gerling Industrie offers the full range of individual customer support services from 11 locations across the country HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Page 9

10 HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung At a Glance
IFRS in EUR millions* Actual 2012 Actual 2011 Actual 2010 Gross Written Premiums 3,057 2,721 2,530 Net Underwriting Result 37 137 -88 Net Investment Income 269 191 220 Other Income/Expenses -32 -71 25 Result before goodwill impairments 274 257 157 Claims Ratio (Net) 76.5% 65.1% 84.3% Administration Expenses Ratio (Net) 13.5% 15.0% 15.4% Acquisition Cost Ratio (Net) 7.2% 7.8% Combined Ratio (Net) 97.3% 87.7% 107.5% *) Before consolidation Source: 2012 Talanx Group Annual Report HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Page 10

11 Most of the DAX 30 Companies trust HDI-Gerling
…has business relations with 90% of all DAX companies …and 100% of all DAX industrial companies …leads the liability insurance consortium with 68% of all DAX industrial companies 1) light green = selected fleets only, dark green = all fleets (German market only) 2) HDI-Gerling leads one of the two Daimler global property programmes 3) see Fresenius SE 4) inception date 01 January 2013 Lead Participation No business relation HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG As of: October 2012 Source: HG-I/H-Z-I-UE Page 11

12 High Market Penetration in Target Sectors among EURO STOXX 50 Companies
Proportion of non-clients Proportion of clients Total 38 50 Non-target Sectors (e.g. Financial Services) Target Sectors Companies listed in Euro Stoxx 50 Germany France Spain Italy Netherlands Others Country No. of Target Clients 10 15 4 2 3 Country-specific Market Penetration [%] 10% 0% 25% 13% 90% 87% 100% 75% HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG As of: February 2013 Source: HG-I/H-Z-I-GG Page 12

13 Corporate & Industrial Lines Segment Global Presence
HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Foreign Branch Offices Subsidiaries Associated Companies HDI-Gerling Verzekeringen NV (Netherlands) Branch Office Denmark HDI Versicherung AG (Austria) Branch Office Czech Republic Branch Office Slovak Republic Branch Office Hungary HDI Seguros S.A.(Spain) HDI-Gerling Assurances SA (Belgium) HDI-Gerling Assurances SA Luxembourg HDI-Gerling Welt Service AG PietroVietnam Insurance Holdings (31,8% stake) Magma HDI India (Joint Venture, 26,0% stake) France Switzerland UK Italy Greece Japan Hong Kong Australia Ireland Canada Singapore Bahrain Norway (Ocean Hull) HDI-Gerling America Insurance Co. (USA) HDI-Gerling de México Seguros S.A. HDI-Gerling Insurance of South Africa Ltd. Servicing Offices in Talanx Companies: HDI Seguros S.A. (Brazil) TUiR WARTA S.A. (Poland) HDI Sigorta A.Ş. (Turkey) HDI Seguros S.A. (Chile) HDI Strakhuvannya (Ukraine) HDI Seguros S.A. (Argentina) HDI Seguros S.A.(Uruguay) HDI Strakhovanie (Russia) International Insurance Company of Hannover Ltd. (Sweden) HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG As of: Mai 2013 Source: HG-I/H-Z-I-GG Page 13

14 HDI-Gerling Global Network Global Service Capabilities in over 130 Countries
Service capabilities in 38 countries through own branch offices, subsidiaries or associated companies In addition, network/fronting partners in over 100 countries Central underwriting control Delegated claims handling authorities "Servicing Offices" are reinsuring risks to "Producing Office" Web-based IT systems for efficient handling of reinsurance transactions and reliable access to claims information, premium flow etc. RM von CC: Zu klären ist ob „ mehr als 140 oder mehr als 130 sind.“ Talanx Primary Insurer: 39 countries Network Partner No presence HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Page 14

15 Approach of Handling International Programmes with HDI-Gerling Units
Fronting Web (Internet) Policy Instructions Claims Information HG-WS PO defines scope of coverage and premium PO forwards premium and basic policy information via Fronting Web PO forwards the detailed scope of coverage as “Coverage Summary” via SO issues Local Policy SO reinsures Local Policy via HG-WS to PO SO sets up Claims SO reinsures Claims via HG-WS to PO Producing Office Servicing HG-WS prepares monthly statements of account for PO and SOs based on Fronting Web data extraction HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Page 15

16 HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG ...
… has been committed to Industrial Business for over 100 years … has expertise in all lines of industrial insurance … is able and willing to lead programs … has a strong presence throughout Europe … and is capable of issuing policies and servicing claims in more than 130 countries through its worldwide network and partners HDI-Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG Page 16

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