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Biotalent – Erasmus + Acivity pole 3 – Educational content Gergely Babocsay (HNHM) Zoltán Barina (HNHM) Judit Vörös (HNHM) Kick-off meeting, Sep.

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Presentation on theme: "Biotalent – Erasmus + Acivity pole 3 – Educational content Gergely Babocsay (HNHM) Zoltán Barina (HNHM) Judit Vörös (HNHM) Kick-off meeting, Sep."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biotalent – Erasmus + Acivity pole 3 – Educational content Gergely Babocsay (HNHM) Zoltán Barina (HNHM) Judit Vörös (HNHM) Kick-off meeting, 20-21 Sep 2016

2 The 80 learner hours blended programme of BIOTALENT with two main elements: – (i) an online part with two theoretical modules (40 learner hours; 90% asynchronous, 10% synchronous) – (ii) an attended/practical part (training-on-the-job) (40 learner hours).

3 The online module (i) splits into: – a generic part (biodiversity/climate change/collections/labour market) (20 hours) – a specialized part (case study): either herpetology (20 learner hours or botany as a case study (20 learner hours).

4 The attended/practical part is a module combining two activities/sessions – a scientific museum collections based training session – a field session with a split of: 90% guided (taught practical by experts in the field or in the collection) – 10% supported online (preparatory exercises for the field etc.).

5 Deliverables Story board of the pilot course description of the – aim of the course – content of the course – structure of the course – scheduling of the course

6 Learning materials Online part Content of the online platform – General part: Biodiversity, its state, relevance to society, conservation, introduction to taxonomy, methods of taxonomy, structure and use of scientific collections. Climate change, its impact on biodiversity and the consequences of biodiversity loss on the society

7 Case study I. – Introduction to botany: relevance of plants for life; 'botanical chemistry', plants in ancient and modern medicine; effect of climate change on the diversity of plants; consequences to human societies and life. Case study II. – Introduction to herpetology, ecological relevance of amphibians and reptiles, herpetofauna as indicator of environmental health, consequences of their loss on the environment and human life.

8 Learning materials Online part 30 ppt presentations 25-35 slides each, for each online parts (genaral, herpetology/botany 30 quizzies (as above) Nine videos (three for each part above) Three dictionaries (three for each part above) 30 notes (links, text files, sci-papers)

9 Learning materials Online part Additional reading, online links, pdfs etc. Evaluation of the students – Individual reports/essays – Online tests: 50 question test on the theoretical background (25 on the general topic, 25 on the chosen case study topic (either herpetology or botany)

10 Learning materials Attended module training-on-the-job Museum/Field part Mini-text book on museum collections in general and two on specific collections (pdf-s, ca.of 20 pp.each. Quizzies on museum collections Pocket field guides for Crete herps and medicinal plants (pdf, 15-20 pp.)

11 Learning materials Museum/Field part Field instruction booklet (field methods, field rules, „dress code”, health safety rules and material etc. Field notebooks Headcam recording of the field course Actual delivery of the attended part of the course: one week training on-the-job

12 Learning materials Museum/Field part Evaluation of the students – Submission of reports and collected plant material or field notes on the chosen case study topic

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