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طبقه بندی علمی گیاهان به یاد او که... Once upon a time… There was a landscaper name Ollie… He was a very curious young man, and had many qu estions about.

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Presentation on theme: "طبقه بندی علمی گیاهان به یاد او که... Once upon a time… There was a landscaper name Ollie… He was a very curious young man, and had many qu estions about."— Presentation transcript:


2 طبقه بندی علمی گیاهان به یاد او که...

3 Once upon a time… There was a landscaper name Ollie… He was a very curious young man, and had many qu estions about Life.

4 Ollie had a dilemna… Ollie loved plants, but sometimes he had trouble remembering their names To be a successful landscaper, he would have to know hundreds of plant names!

5 He was the most talented gardener around… He just planted what he liked where he liked When his business was small, it was no problem Ollie loved his work

6 Ollie’s Landscaping business grew! Suddenly everyone wanted Ollie to be their gardener Suddenly he was needing thousands of plants The new customers wanted new and unusual plants

7 Ollie was making lots of money, but working many long hours…

8 He often longed for the days when his business was small… In those days he had time to relax… But nowadays it was all work, work, work … Ollie grew tired…

9 Suddenly the once happy Ollie was pulling his hair out…

10 But then something GOOD happened for Ollie! A letter arrived!

11 Ollie landed a HUGE landscape job in Florida! The job called for 10,000 pine trees to be planted a t a construction site! Ollie flew to Miami to visit the co nstruction site!

12 When he arrived in Miami he noticed there was something different…. He did not recognize a l ot of the plants that wer e growing there…. Still, he did not worry.

13 The contract called for 10,000 Short Leaf Pine trees called Pinus echinata Ollie could not locate the 10,000 Pinus echinata for the job. Instead he substituted Pinus strobus, commonly known as White Pine. After all, all pine trees were the same, right?

14 Ollie spent thousands of dollars planting the White Pines. He would make a FORTUNE on this job! He hired many extra workers to complete the task.

15 … but something went wrong… Ollie received a horrible phone call 3 months lat er….

16 … ALL of the White Pines had died!

17 It turns out that White Pine, Pinus strobus: Is not a pine that will s urvive in hot environments It is a pine that loves c ooler environments such as the mountains or the shade Common names can b e misleading It is always best to specify the exact species of a plant type

18 Ollie was forced to file bankruptcy and sell his business. He still wondered what went wrong…

19 There is a reason for scientific plant names. Common plant names can be confusing in the commercial landscape business. It is always best to specify the exact plant type you want by the scientific name. A smart gardener will learn both common and scientific plant names.

20 All scientific plant names are expressed in Latin because: It is a universal language. It insures exact identification for a specific plant type. It avoids confusion of common names which can be regional to an area of the world. i.e. Trout lily = Tiger Lily A plant named Prunus persica will translate into Peach Tree all over the world.


22 All plants have a scientific name composed of TWO Latin names known as a Genus and a specie The generic name known as the GENUS. This is the plant’s group name. All plants having the same generic name are said to belong to the same GENUS. They all have similar characteristics and are more closely related to each other than any other genus.

23 Examples of a plant GENUS Acer – all maples Pinus – all pines Ilex – all hollies Quercus – all oaks Viola – all violet types Think of the plant GENUS name as a NOUN. It’s specie name will be the ADJECTIVE that describes it!

24 The 2 nd part of a plant name is the SPECIES name The specie name is an ADJECTIVE that describes the genus. It often gives important descriptive in formation about the plant. alba means white. Quercus alba = white oak Rubrum means red. Acer rubrum = red maple

25 There can be MANY different species in a particular genus: Acer rubrum = red maple Acer saccharum = sugar maple Acer palmatum = Japanese maple Quercus palustris = Pin Oak Quercus virginiana = Live Oak Quercus nigra = Water Oak


27 Sometimes a species name gives geographical info: Examples: Pinus virginiana = Virginia Pine Taxas canadensis = Canadian Yew Tsuga caroliniana = Carolina Hemlock Heracleum persicum =Persian hogweed

28 Expressing Scientific Names Genus – always UPPER CASE for first letter: Acer species – ALWAYS lower case 1 st letter: Acer rubrum Always underline both names or put in ITALICS!

29 What is the best way to remember plant names? Write them out! Repeat them! Say them out loud! If possible, Learn the meaning of t he name

30 Plant Classification To study the billions of different organisms living on Earth, scientists have sorted and classified them based on their similarities and differences This system of classification is also called Taxonomy and features both English and Latin names for different divisions

31 Taxonomy Taxis: Arrangement -nomia: Distribution

32 Theophrastus 370-285 B.C. He was a Greek philosopher and naturalist and is often called the "Father of Botany" The first person to publish a classification of plants Classified plants based on form Herbs, shrubs, trees Annuals, perennials, biennials

33 Carolus Linnaeus 1707-1778 The first person to propose an orderly system for classifying organisms He developed the Binomial System of Naming Plants in 1753 –Bi= 2 –Nomial=name –All plants have a scientific name composed of two Latin names known as a Genus and species His system is still used The Father of Taxonomy

34 Plant Classification Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

35 Plant Kingdom Over 275,000 species All plants are included in one Kingdom (Plantae) is then broken down into Divisions based on several characteristics, including: –Whether they can circulate fluids (like rainwater) through their bodies or need to absorb them from the moisture that surro unds them –How they reproduce (by spores or different kinds of seeds) –Their size or stature.

36 Phylum Plants are divided in this category based on: –whether or not the plant bears or produces seeds –Vascular or Non-Vascular plants

37 Class Plants are divided into two types of classes Angiospermae (angiosperms)- plants which produce flowers Gymnospermae (gymnosperms)- plants which don’t produce f lowers Subclass –Dicotyledonae (dicotyledons/dicots)– plants with two seed leaves –Monocotyledonae (monocotyledons/monocot)- plants with one seed leaf

38 Order –A group of related plant families –Names of orders end in ales

39 Family –Many botanical features in common Vegetative and Reproductive Structures used. –Related plants with similar flower parts are grouped together –The Rose Family, Rosaceae, consists of plums, apples, strawberries because they all have similar flower structures. –The names of families end in –aceae –Over3,500 species

40 Genus –This is the part of the plant name that is most familiar, th e normal name that you give a plant- Papaver (Poppy). –This is the plants group name –All plants having the same generic name are said to belong to the same Genus and have similar characteristi cs and are closely related. –The name of the Genus should be written with a capital l etter. –Over 500 species

41 Examples of plant Genus Genus –Acer- all maples –Pinus- all pines –Ilex- all hollies –Quercus- all oaks –Begonia- all begonias –Rhododendron- all azaleas –Juniperus- all junipers –Viola- all violet types ** Think of the plant Genus name as a noun!

42 specie –This is the highest level that defines an individual plant. –Often, the name will describe some aspect of the plant. The colo r of the flowers, size or shape of the leaves, or it may be named after the place where it was found. –Together the Genus and species name refer to only one plant, a nd they are used to identify that particular plant. –The specie name is an adjective that describes the genus. *Alba means white: Quercus alba= white oak *Rubrum means red: Acer rubrum= red maple –The name of the species should be written after the Genus nam e, in small letters, with no capital letter.

43 Examples of specie and Genus Acer rubrum= Red maple Acer saccharum= Sugar maple Acer palmatum= Japanese maple Quercus palustris= Pin oak Quercus virginiana= Live oak Specific names give geographical infor mation: Pinus virginia- Virginia Pine Taxes canadensis= Canadian Yew Tsuga caroliniana= Carolina Hemlock

44 Example of Classification Common Name: Corn Plant CategoryScientific Name KingdomPlantae PhylumSpermatophyta ClassAngiospermae Sub-ClassMonocotyledonae FamilyGramine GenusZea SpecieMays

45 Scientific names are use d to: Avoid confusion concerning the names of plants. Scientific names of plants are expressed in Latin beca use it is a international language and was used by ear ly scholars to express plant names.

46 Latin names of plants ar e italicized: Because it is conventional to italicize words and phrases that are expressed in a different language. Example - The most commonly known cultivars of Acer rubrum ( red maple) are “ Red Sunset” and “Autumn Flame,” which a re the most reliable for brilliant reds and a l ong-lasting display of foliage.

47 The generic name of the pl ant is: Placed first and begins with a large lette r. Examples: Acer-(maple), Papaver-(pop py), Pinus-(pine)

48 A genus can be defined as: A group of plants that have more in common wit h each other than they have with the members of any other genus.

49 Plant nomenclature and taxonomy Taxonomy is the science of naming of leaving or ganisms and their correct integration into the existing system of nomenclature. The exact naming (taxonomy) and an understan ding of the species relationship to other speci es is an essential basis for pharmacognostic work. Only taxonomy allows the correct identification of a botanical drug, and consequently is the bas is for further pharmacological, phytochemic al, analytical, and clinical study. By Dr. Youssef Ibrahim Ph.D.

50 Plant nomenclature and taxonomy Morphological and microscopical cha racter of the plant organs plays a n important role in identifying a bo tanical drug. Based on the analysis of character, p lants are classified into the followi ng levels or categories: Kingdom Phylum: (plural=phyla) Class Order Family Genus: (plural=genera) Species Each formal grouping at any given lev el is a taxon (pl.,taxa) By Dr. Youssef Ibrahim Ph.D.

51 Plant nomenclature and taxonomy Closely related species grouped togethe r in a common genus Related genera can be grouped in a mor e inclusive group called family Families are grouped into order Orders are grouped into classes classes are grouped into phyla Biologists group phyla can be assigned i nto six Kingdoms 1-Archaebacteria (unicellular prokaryotic cells with out nuclei) 2-Eubacteria (bacteria) 3-Protista (protozoa) 4-Fungi (Yeast) 5-Planta (Complex multicellular organisms, carry ou t photosynthesis) 6-Animalia (multicellular organisms that eat other organi sms for nutrition) By Dr. Youssef Ibrahim Ph.D.

52 A species can be define d as: A group of plants that are alike in almost every feature and consistently produce like plants. Example-Betus lutea is yellow birch (lutea mea ns “yellow”)

53 منابع , access date: 09.23.2016.

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