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Vocab. PowerPoint #2 By: Egypt Harris. Apparition (n.) a ghost or ghostly figure; an unexplained or unusual appearance. I see apparitions a lot when I’m.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab. PowerPoint #2 By: Egypt Harris. Apparition (n.) a ghost or ghostly figure; an unexplained or unusual appearance. I see apparitions a lot when I’m."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocab. PowerPoint #2 By: Egypt Harris

2 Apparition (n.) a ghost or ghostly figure; an unexplained or unusual appearance. I see apparitions a lot when I’m by myself after scary movie. Synonyms: phantom, specter

3 Cower (v.) to crouch or shrink away from in fear or shame Synonyms: cringe, flinch Antonyms: stand up to

4 Facetious (adj.) humorous, not meant seriously Synonyms: comical, witty, tongue-in-cheek Antonyms: serious, humorless

5 Proximity (n.) nearness, closeness Antonyms: distance, remoteness

6 Sequel (n.) that which follows, a result; a literary work or film continuing the story of one written or made earlier. syn.: follow up, continuation Ant.: prelude, overture, curtain-raiser

7 Anguish (n.) great mental suffering, distress, or pain; (v.) to be deeply tormented by pain or sorrow

8 Bask (v.) to be in, or exposed oneself to, pleasant warmth, to take pleasure in or derive enjoyment from

9 Flaunt (v.) to wave or flutter showily; to display in a conceited, offensive way

10 Premonition (n.) forewarning or foreboding of a future event

11 Rehabilitation (v.) to make over in good form; to restore to good condition or to a former position.

12 Scapegoat (n.) a person or thing carrying the blame for others.

13 Exotic (adj.) foreign; charmingly unfamiliar or strikingly unusual.

14 Haggard (adj.) thin, pale, and careworn as a result of worry or suffering; wild-looking.

15 Predatory (adj.) preying on, plundering, or piratical

16 Stance (n.) a way of holding the body; an attitude or position on an issue.

17 Attire (n.) clothes, apparel, garb; (v.) to dress, adorn or bedeck.

18 Crony (n.) a very close friend, pal, chum, buddy

19 Cryptic (adj.) puzzling, mystifying, or enigmatic

20 Scavenger (n.) a person who collects or removes usable items from waste materials; an animal that feeds on refuse or dead bodies.

21 Unflagging (v.) tireless, continuing with vigor

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