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Appleton North Boys Basketball Club 2016 – 2017 Parents Meeting Sunday September 25.

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Presentation on theme: "Appleton North Boys Basketball Club 2016 – 2017 Parents Meeting Sunday September 25."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appleton North Boys Basketball Club 2016 – 2017 Parents Meeting Sunday September 25

2 Agenda  Introductions o ANBBC Board of Directors o Head Varsity Coach – Jon Leisener  ANBBC Mission / Philosophy  Code of Conduct  Concussion Awareness  ANBBC Website / Information / Registration  Program Structure / Guidelines o Heart of the Valley League o Tournament Teams o State Teams  ANBBC Hosted Tournaments  Fundraising Opportunities o Calendar Raffle  Apparel  Extras o Online Registration and Online Payments o Uniforms  Questions  Team Break-outs

3 2016 – 2017 ANBBC Board ANBBC Board of Directors - PositionNameGrade President, Website CoordinatorGlenn Staszak6 th Vice-President, Gym CoordinatorChris Mattson4 th Secretary, HOVL CoordinatorChris Winter7 th TreasurerJerry Ramus5 th Uniform CoordinatorCraig Donaldson7 th Fundraiser CoordinatorKari Holmes8 th Half-time CoordinatorMike Mullen6 th Sponsorship CoordinatorChris Werner8 th MemberTim Zuck8 th MemberChip Hardy3 rd MemberTom Ferry3 rd MemberChris Wolslegel MemberRick Popp Varsity Boys Head CoachJon Liesener

4 A few words from our varsity coaches… Basketball Class

5 Mission / Philosophy Mission The Appleton North Boys Basketball Club is a non-profit organization providing and promoting strong character, team work, and skill development through participation in our 3 rd through 8 th grade youth program. The intended goals are to prepare our participants to play together, play tough, and play smart so they are ready for a higher level of play in high school. Philosophy Our philosophy is to give as many young athletes as possible a chance to develop their skills, learn teamwork and enjoy the game. Additional opportunities are available for those with advanced skills to continue to enhance their skills with more competitive play.

6 Player Code of Conduct 1.I understand that being part of the Appleton North Boys Basketball Club is a privilege and that I am expected to follow this Code of Conduct at all times. 2.I will treat my fellow teammates & coaches, opposing players & coaches, the officials and all of the parents and fans with respect and dignity. 3.I will demonstrate good sportsmanship at all times – showing self-control, winning without boasting, accepting defeat with a goal to improve and never use profane language, obscene gestures or taunt anyone involved with the game. 4.I will maintain a positive attitude and encourage my teammates. 5.I will strive to be the best basketball player that I can be, both in games and practices. I will listen attentively to my coaches, give a 100% effort and hustle at all times. 6.I will commit myself to the team by working hard, making practices and being on time. I will let the coach know if I am unable to make practice or a game in advance. I also understand that my school work is a priority and commit to maintaining my school work at all times. 7.I will be respectful of the buildings and event areas that I play and practice.

7 Parent Code of Conduct 1.I will attempt to relieve the pressure of competition, not increase it. 2.I will be supportive of the coach a)Expecting your child to follow the players code of conduct at all times b)Bring / pick up your child from practice on-time c)Promptly read/respond to communications from the coach / help when asked d)Help enforce building rules / respect of property while at practice and events – keep watch of siblings e)Refraining from coaching your child from the stands f)Address any issues with the coach in a private setting, never on the day of a game 3.I will demonstrate good sportsmanship by applauding good play by our team as well as the opposing team and accept the results of each game. 4.I will refrain from openly questioning a referee’s judgment – set a good example for the players. 5.I will refrain at all times from making negative or derogatory comments about players, coaches, officials or fans while at an event and or in a public place – remember that you are also responsible for extended family members & friends – we also strongly suggest to avoid these types of conversations in front of the players.

8 Parent Code of Conduct 6.I will refrain at all times from using email, Facebook or other social media to post concerns, issues or negative / dissatisfactory comments. 7.I will properly report any issues or concerns - first contact the coach and grade coordinator if the issue needs further attention contact the grade liaison so they may be properly and professionally addressed. 8.I will assist the ANBBC in providing volunteer hours at tournaments, understanding that it is vital for the success of the ANBBC to have strong volunteer support of its parents and understand this is a requirement of my child’s participation in the club. Failure to do so can result in a reduction of your child’s playing time. 9.I will properly care for my child’s uniform and return it cleaned at the designated time, understanding that failure to do so could result in a fee to replace the uniform. 10.I will assist the ANBBC in its efforts of continuous improvement by completing a year end evaluation of the program and coaches.

9 Coaching Expectations 1.Attend mandatory coaches meetings and clinics as communicated. 2.Organize a parents meeting at the beginning of the season – including a review of Player’s, Parent’s and Coach’s Code of Conduct. 3.Provide timely communications to parents regarding practices and games. 4.Be organized – have written practice plans, delegate responsibilities to assistant coaches and parents appropriately, work with grade coordinator as needed for tournaments, rosters, uniforms, equipment, etc. 5.Work with the Coordinator and other Coaches to run similar offensive and defensive schemes/plays within the grade – use guidance from the varsity head coaches and staff to assist. 6.Focus on Fundamentals – develop a strong foundation in the fundamental basketball skills – dribbling, shooting, passing, rebounding and defending – wins and losses come and go, but this is the time to make them excellent players as they get older. 7.Understand the rules – read them before you begin your league or tournament. 8.Be everyone’s coach – all players deserve your coaching at practice and in games – if you coach your own child treat them as an equal to the entire team. 9.Assist the ANBBC in its efforts of continuous improvement by completing a year end evaluation of the program.

10 Coaching Code of Conduct 1.Complete a successful background check. 2.Demonstrate good sportsmanship – players will learn from your example, control your emotions, avoid actions, language and gestures that may be interpreted as inappropriate. 3.Create a positive / instructional / challenging atmosphere a)Make it fun for the players while pushing them to become a better player / person b)Keep it age appropriate for the level of coaching intensity c)Never ridicule or yell at player for making mistakes or losing a game d)Communicate with players in practice and games about their play – this is critical to help the player grow and develop e)Be patient – help them learn from their mistakes with positive reinforcement of the proper behavior f)Do not single out players for criticism in front of their peers 4.Follow ANBBC guidelines for playing time. 5.Coaches enforcement of Player’s and Parents Code of Conduct a)Coaches are expected to enforce with sound judgment and appropriate actions b)Communicate infractions of the Player Code of Conduct to the player, the parents and inform the Grade Liaison of the issue c)Communicate infraction of the Parents Code of Conduct to the parents and grade liaison d)Player issues regarding Player Code of Conduct #5 must be communicated to the player & parents with expectations on areas improvement and then given ample opportunity to demonstrate a change in behavior/attitude – heads up communication regarding these situations should be sent to the grade coordinator and grade liaison 6.Be open and understanding to listening to parents concerns or issues.

11 Concussion Awareness Parents Understand what a concussion is and how it may be caused Recognize the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of concussions Responsible to seek medical treatment if a suspected concussion is reported Understand that my child cannot return to practice/play until providing written clearance from an appropriate health care provider to his/her coach Players Understand what a concussion is and how it may be caused Understand the importance of reporting a suspected concussion to my coaches and my parents/guardian Understand that I must be removed from practice/play if a concussion is suspected. I understand that I must provide written clearance from an appropriate health care provider to my coach before returning to practice/play I understand the possible consequence of returning to practice/play too soon and that my brain needs time to heal

12 Program Guidelines (Revised 9/8/2016) Practice Schedule Teams will practice two to three times per week from 1 – 1 ½ hours long based on gym availability and grade level. Game Schedule Season runs (approximately) from October through March – exact end date depends on grade and team schedule. Team composition 3 rd and 4 th Grade Teams will vary throughout the season Play evenly split teams at HOVL & tournaments No A/B teams 5 th and 6 th Grade Teams will vary throughout the season Head coach has the discretion to vary from the following guidelines, but changes to team must be approved by ANBBC board. Play evenly split teams at HOVL & tournaments until February 1 st Prior to February 1 st, Head Coach will schedule a select number of tournaments with evenly split teams that will include all players After February 1 st the Head Coach has the discretion to take players to different tournaments based on level of play 7 th & 8 th Grade Head coach has the discretion to take players to different tournaments based on level of play from the start of the season

13 Program Guidelines Playing Time Playing time – the club policies on specific grade level playing time is intended to be used as a guide. Exact playing time will be determined by the Head Coach for each grade level. ANBBC will not dictate playing minutes as coaches must be given the flexibility to teach. Specific questions about playing time should be directed to the Head Coach at your grade level. A 24 hour waiting period should be observed if playing time is to be questioned. Coaches may reduce a players playing time for failure to follow the Players Code of Conduct. 3 rd & 4 th Grade: Playing time will be as close to equal as possible. Every player will have some playing time each half. However, practice attendance, attitude, teamwork, and effort will be considered. 5 th & 6 th Grade: Playing time will not be equal and will be determined by skill, attitude, attendance, teamwork, and effort. Every player will have some playing time each half. Coaches will coach to move team into Championship bracket play. 7 th & 8 th Grade: Playing time will not be equal and will be determined by skill, attitude, attendance, teamwork, and effort. Every player will play in each game. Coaches will coach to win.

14 Heart of the Valley League ANBBC is part of the Heart of the Valley League (HOVL) with several surrounding communities Goals for Heart of the Valley League Teach fundamentals to build & improve skills Experience competition / build teamwork Have fun!!! Participants Boys 3 rd grade thru 6 th grade Structure of HOV League – 3 weekends November 5, November 12, December 3 Will play 3 games each date Location / Times TBD – coaches will provide schedule once it is received Some teams may not compete each week

15 Tournament Teams Minimum number of sponsored tournaments each player will be scheduled to play per grade level **dependent on having appropriate number of volunteer coaches** 3 rd grade: 3 tournaments 4 th grade: 4 tournaments 5 th – 8 th grades: 5 tournaments

16 State Teams No playing time minimums 3 rd Grade: Players from this grade will NOT participate in a state level tournament. 4 th – 8 th Grade: Coaches have the discretion to play in an end of year state level tournament. In the case where the team participates in the state level tournament, the lead coach will undergo a formal process to select a team to represent ANBBC.

17 ANBBC Hosted Tournaments THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT HELPED LAST YEAR!!! 3 rd & 4 th grades – December 17 5 th & 6 th grades – December 18 7 th & 8 th grades – February 4-5 Utilize courts at Appleton North High School More planning up front will help overall structure & time commitment of ANBBC More details to follow along with coordinator planning meeting in early November

18 Apparel / Shoes The club has worked with LIDS to provide an online store with shoes, socks, and apparel to order An Apparel & Shoes tab has been be added to the ANBBC Website with all the information for ordering Appleton North Socks – order before Sept. 30 Dick’s Sporting Goods October 8 & 9 – receive 20% off for in store purchases An email with additional info and coupon will be sent out to all members

19 Extras Parent Social – all grades 3-12 Monday, November 21 st Location and time TBD Youth Appreciation Night Date TBD Free admission for club players to Appleton North Varsity Boys Home Games

20 Calendar Raffle Calendar sales begin the week of October 17 th and end on Monday Nov. 29 Drawings will occur at all boys/girls home games for an opportunity to win $$$ Winners to be listed on website with payouts to be sent out weekly Each player required to sell 5 calendars ($20 each) You can request additional calendars through your head coach Prizes: Top seller in each grade will receive $20 Dick’s gift certificate Any player selling 10 or more calendars will be entered into a raffle for grand prizes Grades 3-6: Top 4 sellers overall get to sit with boy’s varsity team for a home game

21 Funding Initiatives 2015 – 2016 Purchased Shot Doctor machine for high school Assisted with paying for high school assistant coaches 2016 - 2017 “Back the Backboards” Senior Basketball Scholarship Initiative 8 th Grade Non-Parent Coach Uniforms

22 New Uniforms for this Season!! Grades 5-8 Please take care of the uniforms and stress this with your son Do NOT alter or iron any parts of the uniform If you experience any issue with your uniform please contact your head coach Return to coaches right after last game

23 Program Improvements Website Club info Basketball opportunities Online registration and payment Event calendar, etc. Coach Screening Summer Clinic 10K Shot Club Fall Sunday Open Gyms New Uniforms

24 Volunteering Get involved with ANBBC!! Estimated to take roughly 300-400 hours to properly coordinate the two weekend tournaments We are looking for each family to volunteer 4 hours each year We need tournament and concession coordinators!

25 Questions ?

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